Zprávy HCJB 4.3.2008

 Vietnamská tajná policie krutě umučila křesťana z Centrální Vysočiny
   Vietnamská tajná policie mučila a zabila příslušníka horského kmene Degar, který byl v roce 2004 uvězněn za údajné šíření evangelia v oblasti Centrální Vysočiny a za účast v hnutí na obranu lidských práv. 25. února to oznámila skupina, která sledovala jeho případ. Tato Montangnard Foundation Incorporated (MFI), která reprezentuje převážně křesťanské obyvatelstvo Dagarů z Centrální Vysočiny oznámila, že 41letý Kpa Kloh zemřel 10. února následkem „opakujícího se mučení vietnamskou tajnou policií“ ve vězení v provincii Phu Yen. Zanechal po sobě manželku R’mah a šest dětí. Mučili ho opakovaně, naposledy 9. února, ale také loni 10. prosince, oznamuje MFI. „Bili ho do hlavy obušky, dokud mu nezačala téct krev z uší, nosu a úst a neupadl do bezvědomí.“ Policie byla zjevně naštvaná, že neumřel už dřív – mučili ho od samého zatčení v říjnu 2004 za „kázání dobré zprávy o Pánu Ježíši Kristu a za jeho zapojení do velikonočního (prodemokratického) hnutí v dubnu 2004,“ dodává MFI. Zdroj: BosNewsLife
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Evangelical News
CURE International celebrates its 10th hospital in as many years, with the opening of its specialty hospital in Ethiopia this spring. The Christian non-profit also announced ambitious plans to open three additional hospitals in Egypt, Niger and Bethlehem, Palestine by the end of 2009. Founded 12 years ago by orthopedic surgeon and entrepreneur Dr. Scott Harrison, CURE has grown to become the largest provider of specialty surgical care in the developing world. CURE began in 1986 after Dr. Harrison and his wife, Sally, traveled to Malawi on a medical mission and saw they could fill a huge need by serving poor children in countries suffering from a lack of skilled medical care. “My wife and I saw first-hand the devastating need for specialized children's medical care in Africa,” said Harrison, president and CEO of CURE International. “Since then, we've learned there are more than 125 million physically disabled children in the world today that – with some treatment – can look forward to a bright future.” Since its inception, CURE has treated more than 650,000 patients and performed 45,000 surgeries worldwide. Today, CURE sees 130,000 patients and performs 10,000 surgeries annually.


Source: Christian Newswire
Missions on the Edge (MOTE) partnering with Rancho Bernardo Community Presbyterian Church in San Diego, California, delivered 1200 warm blankets to be distributed among American Christian inmates in Tijuana, Tecate, and Ensenada Mexican prisons. The blankets, accompanied with a New Testament Bible, are designated for Christian church members within the prison. However, to receive a blanket, the inmate must agree to use it as a tool to reach out to a non-believer and give it away. Pastor David Walden, known as “Chappy Dave,” president of MOTE and lead pastor of Iglesia Cristiano Americano Church in La Mesa Prison located in Tijuana says, “To give something as valuable as a new warm blanket in these prisons where they have absolutely nothing is a big deal.” The inmates distributing the blankets will be learning and acting upon the biblical truth that it is better to give than to receive; and they will be reaching out to 1200 inmates who desperately need Jesus. “It is our prayer that these blankets will double the church attendance in these three prisons and that thousands of souls will be won for Christ,” says Chappy Dave.

* The World Radio Network, a cooperating ministry of HCJB Global, has 23 outlets, most of them Spanish-language stations and repeaters along the U.S.-Mexico border.


Source: BosNewsLife
Vietnamese security police tortured and killed a Degar Montagnard Christian who was jailed for allegedly preaching the Gospel in Vietnam's Central Highlands and participating in democracy rallies in 2004, an advocacy group representing him said Monday, February 25. The Montagnard Foundation Incorporated (MFI), which represents, predominantly Christian, Degar Montagnards living in the Central Highlands, said 41-year- old Kpa Kloh died February 10 “as a result of the severe and repeated torture by the Vietnamese security police” at the Phu Yen Province prison. He leaves behind his wife R’mah H’Ne and six children, MFI said. The latest torture session happened February 9, but he had been mistreated before, including December 10, last year, MFI alleged. “They beat him on his head with their police batons until blood came out of his ears, nose and mouth and he fell completely unconscious.” Police were apparently angered that he did not die in previous torture sessions, which began soon after he was detained in October 2004 for “preaching the Good News about our Lord Jesus Christ and attending or being involved in the [pro democracy] Easter prayer vigil in April of 2004,” MFI said.


Sources: China Aid Association, Christian Newswire
China Aid Association (CAA) has learned that at 12am in the morning of Tuesday, Feb.18, a Bible training held in the house of Christian man Xue Weimin was attacked by more than 20 policemen. Two hundred and fifty believers were present in attendance and 80 of these were taken by more than 10 police vehicles and detained. While 10 of these were later released, the other 70 are still being held under the charges of “making use of a cult to violate law enforcement.” Of the group, 20 remain in a detention center, while 50 are detained in prison (39 women and 11 men). All blankets, foods, air conditioners and furniture were confiscated from the house church by the police without the required documentation.


Sources: Christian Post, Religion Today
More than half of British people admitted they have no religious adherence according to a new U.N. report published at the end of February. The poll stands in contrast to the 2001 National Census which said nearly 72 percent of the British population is Christian. The 23-page U.N. report, published Thursday, Feb. 21, showed that two-thirds of the population claims no religious affiliation. The report by U.N. special reporter on freedom of religion or belief, Asma Jahangir, then called for the disestablishment of the Church of England because it no longer reflected “the religious demography of the country and the rising proportion of other Christian denominations.” Jahangir contends the role and privileges of the Church of England should be challenged given the new statistics on the state of religion in the United Kingdom.

* Staff members at the HCJB Global UK office in Bradford, England, are involved in program production, training and representation. They reach listeners outside the church by placing creative radio programs on local commercial stations. They also provide resources to religious broadcasters already working in the radio industry, and offer training to aspiring Christian broadcasters wanting to enter the profession. In addition, HCJB-UK operates Audiopot, an online library of creative Christian audio clips (www.audiopot.org).

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