Zprávy HCJB 6.3.2008

 Sloni rozdupali domy křesťanů v Západním Bengálsku v Indii
   Stádo slonů prošlo malou vesnicí v Západním Bengálsku v Indii a úplně zničilo domy dvou křesťanů navštěvujících sbor misijní organizace Gospel for Asia (GFA). Věřící unikli z domů před sloním běsněním 29. ledna. Shari Manini a Davan Kuyam se svými rodinami jsou řádnými členy sboru Páně při GFA vedeném pastorem Mohak Etash. Sloni jejich domy včetně zařízení rozdupali, zničili také několik dalších domů ve vesnici. Ke zraněním nedošlo. Protože je blízko džungle, bývá vesnice často terčem sloních nájezdů. Protože obyvatelé nemají kam jít, musejí časté návštěvy slonů a jejich teror strpět. „Někdy sloni pošlapou naše pole právě před sklizní a všechnu úrodu, kterou jsme vypěstovali, zničí,“ řekl jiný věřící z Mohakova sboru. Mohak a další bratři dělají co mohou, aby obětem z posledního neštěstí pomohli. Mohak prosí o modlitby, aby Pán Sharimu a Damanovi brzy pomohl k novým domům. Zdroj: Assist News Service
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Assist News Service
A herd of elephants barreled through a small village in West Bengal, India, completely destroying the homes of two Christians who attend a church related to the missionary ministry Gospel for Asia (GFA). The believers fled their homes as they heard the elephants crashing toward their huts on January 29. Shari Manini and Daman Kuvam and their families both regularly worship the Lord at the church where GFA native missionary Mohak Etash serves as pastor. The elephants completely crushed their homes and belongings during the rampage, along with several other houses in the village. No casualties were reported. Located near a dense forest, the village is often damaged by elephants. Residents have nowhere else to go, so they are forced to endure the frequent terror of the elephant visits. “Sometimes the elephants trample through our fields just before harvest time, destroying the food we have worked to produce,” said another believer from Mohak's church. Mohak and others from the church are doing everything they can to aid the victims of this recent incident. Mohak requests prayer that the Lord would provide Shari and Daman with new homes soon.

* Radio programs in 17 languages air to Asia and Southeast Asia from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. Most of the programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Source: Church of the Brethren News
A delegation from the Church of the Brethren was invited to visit North Korea (DPRK) in January to visit four farm enterprises that have received support from the church in an opportunity rarely extended to people from the United States. The delegation followed up on support the Church of the Brethren has offered to the cluster of farm cooperatives located two hours south of Pyongyang, the capital city. The Brethren began helping these North Korean farmers boost agricultural production and equip their country to avert periodic famine by partnering with them beginning in 2004. Since then the productivity of the farms has virtually doubled, catching the attention of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, who this past December visited one of the communities and publicly commended its use of advanced farming techniques. He promised to make a return visit to the community this fall. Beyond cooperation in agriculture, Brethren delegation members were intent on reconciliation, taking whatever steps appropriate to help ease 60 years of estrangement between the U.S. and North Korea. The news release about the trip stated, “The Church of the Brethren has earned credibility and leverage within the DPRK that it is challenged to exercise well.”


Source: Assist News Service
Herman P. Aschmann, translator of three versions of the New Testament for the Totonac Indians in the highlands of Mexico, died on Monday, Feb.18, his 94th birthday, in Longmont, Colorado. Dr. Dale W. Kietzman, president of Latin American Indian Ministries, and the former U.S. director of Wycliffe Bible Translators, praised the legacy Aschmann has left among the Totonac people. “Herman Aschmann first went to the Totonacs in the nineteen-forties,” he said. “In his lifetime, he translated three different New Testaments in three different Totonac languages and they’ve all been published and distributed now to the people for whom he translated. He was one of the great unsung heroes of Bible translation in that part of the world.” Aschmann’s son Dan said warmly, “As the result of his work in translation and investing his life in a few brilliant Totonac Indian men, there are now over 50 self-sufficient, reproducing Totonac churches in the mountains and coastal region of eastern Mexico.” His son continued, “He was known as a steady plodder who, through unbearable difficulties, continued to work at Bible translation into his 90's. He finally quit only when he could no longer see well due to macular degeneration.”


Source: Compass Direct News
Almost eight months have passed since Dr. Rebekka Zakaria, Eti Pangesti and Ratna Bangun walked free from a prison in Indramayu, West Java, having served two years of a three-year sentence for allegedly using deceit to “Christianize” Muslim children. Zakaria told Compass that all three women have settled back into the village of Harguelis and resumed their normal lives to some degree. But the influence of Islamic radicals is all too evident, restricting freedom of worship for Christians throughout the province. Zakaria’s church has been unable to secure a church permit, as religious groups must have 90 adult members with identification cards to apply, and Zakaria’s church has only 75 including children. Many of Zakaria’s neighbors have welcomed her back with tears. “Some of them apologized that they couldn’t testify for us during the trial – they were afraid of what might happen to them,” she explained. Islamic radicals had showed up in force at the school teachers’ hearings, waving banners, shouting death threats and warning the judges that blood would be shed if they did not issue a guilty verdict.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to establish more than 18 local Christian radio stations across Indonesia since 2004. Broadcasts from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra also encourage listeners nationwide. In addition, HCJB Global Hands has helped with relief efforts since the Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake/tsunami and subsequent quakes that devastated parts of Indonesia.


Sources: Religion News Service, Assist News Service
A recent poll of teens and their parents overwhelmingly confirms that parents have the most influence on their children’s religious activity. A survey commissioned by the American Bible Society and conducted by Weekly Reader Research found that almost 80 percent of America’s 30.2 million 12-18 year olds think the Bible is important and 87 percent of parents think the Bible is important. However, the results show that parents still have work to do. Of the 47 percent of teens who think the Bible is very important, only 11 percent read the Bible daily. Ten percent of America’s 12-18 year-olds participate in daily Bible reading, a higher level then reported in a June 2006 survey done by the Bible Society. In that measurement, six percent of teens said they read the Bible daily. A third of teens attend weekly worship services and more than 80 percent believe their prayers are answered some or all the time. Children mirror their parents’ behavior. Parents who attend church weekly tend to have teens who worship weekly, while 78 percent of parents who never attend worship services have teens who never attend. The same correlation applies to Bible reading and prayer habits.

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