Zprávy HCJB 10.3.2008

 Ruský soud uzavřel metodistický sbor pro chybějící formální náležitost
   Ruský místní soud rozpustil místní metodistický sbor, protože včas nepředložil výroční zprávu. Bez „zákonného statutu“ se sbor teď může scházet k modlitbám a kázání jen v prostorách poskytnutých jeho členy. Pastor Vladimír Pachomov řekl, že na pobočce Ferderálního úřadu pro registraci mu „ dokonce řekli, že ani nemá cenu obracet se na soud, protože kostel bude tak jako tak zavřen.“ Místní baptistický pastor varoval, že soud může zavřít další kostely „přesně stejným způsobem. Mnoho registrovaných společností tuto zprávu o činnosti nepodalo, protože to považovaly za formalitu.“ Metodistický sbor ji nepodal včas, protože má v Belgorodu problém s poštovní adresou. „Poslali jsme jim dopisy, dvě úřední výstrahy,“ řekl místní úředník. „Když jsem nedostali odpověď, neměli jsme jinou volbu, než je dát k soudu.“ Zdroj: Forum 18 News Service

*HCJB Global Voice pracuje po celém Rusku pomocí řady rozhlasových misií. Začalo to v roce 1941 na krátkých vlnách, nejdřív z Quito v Ekvádoru, v posledních letech v Velké Británie. Počátkem 90. let začala misie v Rusku zakládat místní rozhlasové misie a nyní spolupracuje se svými partnery po celém jeho území. V roce 2000 HCJB Global Voice pomáhal spustit provoz New Life Radio, první křesťanské satelitní rozhlasové sítě. Od té doby bylo vybudováno 63 pozemních vysílač, které přebírají toto satelitní vysílání ve 42 městech Ruska a okolních států.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Christian Newswire
Christian Freedom International , a Michigan-based humanitarian organization, is gearing up to distribute supplies in the aftermath of an accidental fire on Saturday, March 1, that destroyed more than 90 percent of the homes in a Bhutanese refugee camp in eastern Nepal.

With the help of the Nepalese government and local relief agencies, the U.N. has already mobilized to provide emergency assistance of shelter, food and clothing for the 8,000 men, women and children who lost their homes in the blaze.

Refugee representatives in Kathmandu said that the March 1 fire is among the worst ever experienced with more 1,200 homes and one school being destroyed. The fire-affected refugees have been forced to take shelter in makeshift tents made of plastic sheets attached to bamboo poles. Fire is a constant threat in Nepal’s refugee camps because of the fire-prone thatched huts.

The site is one of seven U.N.-run camps in the region that has helped accommodate more than 107,000 refugees for the past 17 years after ethnic Hindu minorities fled Bhutan to escape persecution and national laws that stripped them of their citizenship.


Source: Forum 18 News Service
A regional court in Russia has dissolved a local Methodist church because it did not file a report about its annual activities on time. Deprived of “legal personality status,” the church may now only gather for worship at premises provided by its existing members and give them religious instruction. Pastor Vladimir Pakhomov said that the Belgorod branch of the Federal Registration Service “even told me there was no point in attending court as the church would be closed in any case.” A local Baptist pastor warned that the court could close down other churches “in exactly the same way. Many registered communities don’t submit this information in time as they see it as a formality.” The Methodist church didn’t submit its report on time due to the difficulty of finding a suitable legal address in the Belgorod region. “We sent them letters, two official warnings,” a local official said. “When we got no response, we had no choice but to take them to court.”

* HCJB Global Voice reaches across Russia with a variety of radio ministries. The mission began sending gospel broadcasts across the country via shortwave in 1941, first from Quito, Ecuador, and in recent years from the U.K. In the early 1990s the ministry began “planting” local radio ministries in Russia and now works with partners nationwide. In 2000 HCJB Global Voice helped launch New Life Radio, the first Christian Russian satellite radio network. More than 63 downlinks have been placed in more than 42 cities across Russia and neighboring countries.


Source: Mission Network News
While many parts of India are experiencing increasing amounts of persecution, a team from India Partners just returned from a trip that saw none of that. India Partners’ Donna Glass led the team to the states of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. “Some of the places had never seen any Caucasian person before,” Glass said. “They had never had any of our teams ever visit. We entertained the children with puppetry and magic tricks and also told the gospel story and handed out toys that our many supporters in the U.S. had sent with us.” Just being from the West was enough to provide opportunities to share their faith. “The people are just so happy to be there,” Glass said. “It’s such an encouragement to them that you care enough to travel half way around the world and take the time and resources to come and spend time with them.” She and the team were surprised when they went to hold a village church children’s outreach. She was concerned it was being held during school. “A member of that small village congregation was actually the headmaster of that school, so he released the whole school,” Glass said. “There were about 80 children, and every one of them got a gift.”

* Radio programs in 17 languages air to Asia and Southeast Asia from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. Most of the programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Source: BosNewsLife
Time is running out for a Christian Pakistani man as authorities prepared to execute him by hanging after he was convicted of killing a child in what rights groups described as an unfair trial. Zahid Masih, a former sanitary worker in the Pakistan army, was sentenced to death by a military court in March 2006 on charges of murdering a 9-year-old Muslim boy identified as Muhammad Adnan. The court overturned a prison sentence imposed by another court a year earlier. Masih, 28, has denied the charges and reported that his previous statement of admission was made under duress while in custody after nearly a month of torture. The pending execution comes nearly seven years after he joined the army’s contingent in Multan, a city in Punjab province. His previous enforced dates with death were on Jan. 30 and Feb. 20, but both scheduled executions were postponed, apparently due to pressure from church groups and human rights organizations.


Sources: CitizenLink, LifeSiteNews.com
A new study of pornography use and attitudes among young adults revealed that most male and female students are accepting of pornography. Jason Carroll, an associate social science professor at Brigham Young University, and his colleagues studied more than 800 18- to 25-year-old students at six colleges for his work titled, “Generation XXX: Pornography Acceptance and Use Among Emerging Adults” published in the January issue of the Journal of Adolescent Research. “Pornography has clearly moved into the mainstream of American culture -- definitely among American college culture.” Carroll stated. “Nearly nine in 10 men report some level of use, 50 percent report at least weekly use, and one in four reports daily or every-other-day use. At the same time, we see high acceptance rates among young women. While the young women are not participating, half of them say this is an acceptable practice.” When asked about this shift in the acceptance of pornography, Carroll replied, “This has to do with the way pornography is portrayed and talked about in the popular media. You have a generation that’s growing up and, whether they use pornography or not, they get those messages that say this is very normal.”

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