Zprávy HCJB 11.3.2008

 Křesťanští Turci žijí ve strachu z diskriminace
   Křesťané v Turecku žijí ve stínu nepřátelského odporu tvrdých nacionalistů. Reportáž Laurence Lee na internetových stránkách televize Al Džazíra přináší informaci, že v Turecku je asi 120 000 křesťanů. Podle zákona smějí volně vyznávat svou víru, ale mnozí z nich jsou ve skutečnosti diskriminováni a pronásledováni. Pastor Orhan Picaklar v reportáži Al Džazíra uvádí, že pro svou činnost musí čelit hněvu místních zastánců tvrdé line. Města jako Samsun u Černého Moře, kde Picaklar působí jsou tradičně nacionalistiská, religiózní a plná rozhněvaných mladých mužů neochotných změnit svůj způsob života.“ Picaklar byl nedávno unesen mladými členy radikální skupiny, kteří jej žádali, aby ukončil svou činnost. „Na náš kostel házeli kamení, pokoušeli se unést mého syna, mne unesli a naše fotografie dali na YouTube,“ řekl Picaklar pro Al Džazíra. „Mluvili s našimi přáteli, nadřízenými i příbuznými všech, kdo chodí do kostele, aby je od nás odcizili. Říkali jim, že v kostele máme prostitutky, označují nás za podvratné živly.“ Přestože má policejní ochranu, obává se Picaklar dál o svůj život a také ví, že jeho telefon je odposloucháván. Zdroj: Assist News Service
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Mission Network News
In post-communist Russia, young people are plagued with an influx of Western vices that are uncensored and readily available to young people who have little or no moral guidance. “The reality is that the young people have really different values now,” said Book of Hope’s Irina Litvinova.

As a result the ministry is changing its approach. “We want to decrease a little the number of books distributed, but we do want to increase the quality and effectiveness of our distribution.” The Book of Hope is the Gospel text harmonized, translated and published in different languages, and distributed with government permission in public and private schools.

Revamping a ministry approach takes time and requires careful prayer and strategizing. “That’s why we’re going into this deep research project,” Litvinova said. “We want to really measure how effective we are and what we can do to reach this new generation.”

Book of Hope is conducting three-year research project called the “Spiritual State of the World’s Children” that studies the next generation in the ministry’s first 15 outreach fields. The data generated will be shared with other ministries to multiply its impact.

* HCJB Global Voice reaches across Russia with a variety of radio ministries. The mission began sending gospel broadcasts across the country via shortwave in 1941, first from Quito, Ecuador, and in recent years from the U.K. In the early 1990s the ministry began “planting” local radio ministries in Russia and now works with partners nationwide. In 2000 HCJB Global Voice helped launch New Life Radio, the first Christian Russian satellite radio network. More than 63 downlinks have been placed in more than 42 cities across Russia and neighboring countries.


Source: Compass Direct News
Laotian officials arrested 15 Hmong Christian families in the Bokeo district Friday, Feb. 22, a day before a court sentenced nine area Hmong church leaders to 15 years in prison for conducting Christian ministry and meetings that had grown beyond acceptable levels for communist officials. The day before the sentencing, Laotian authorities arrived in the village of Ban Sai Jarern with six trucks in which they hauled away eight Christian families. Authorities also arrested more than seven families from Fai village three miles away. The arrested families make up a total of 58 Hmong Christians. “It seems they are rounding up all Hmong Christians from Vietnam to send them back to Vietnam,” said one Christian source who requested anonymity for security reasons. “What will happen to them is greatly feared and unknown.” The nine church leaders sentenced for conducting prominent Christian ministry and meetings had been rounded up during a police and military sweep of suspected rebels last July that left at least 13 Christians dead.


Source: Assist News Service
Christians in Turkey are living under a shadow of fear as the result of a violent backlash by nationalist hardliners. According to a story by Laurence Lee on the Al Jazeera website, there are about 120,000 practicing Christians in the country. While they are legally free to practice their religion, many say they suffer discrimination and persecution. Al Jazeera reported that Orhan Picaklar, a Christian pastor, said he has faced the wrath of the hardliners as a result of his ministry. In towns such as Samsun in the Black Sea region where Picaklar works, the residents are traditionally nationalistic, religious and “filled with angry young men who don’t want to be told to change their way of life.” Picaklar was recently kidnapped by young members of a radical group who demanded that he stop teaching. “Our church was stoned, they tried to kidnap my son, they did kidnap me and they put our pictures on YouTube,” Picaklar told Al Jazeera. “They spoke to all our friends, bosses and relatives of everyone who come to our church so as to distance them from us. They say we have prostitutes in the church, and they blame us for being subversive elements.” Despite police protection, Al Jazeera reported that Picaklar still fears for his life and says his telephone conversations are being tapped.


Source: Compass Direct News
Islamic protesters in Indonesia have halted worship at a church on Sumatra island and at another church on Java island even as several other churches remain closed after suffering attacks last year. The congregation of Love Evangelical Bethel Church near Pekanbaru in Sumatra’s Riau province ceased Sunday services after about 60 demonstrators from four local mosques on Friday, Feb. 15, demanded its closure. The demonstrators said the church did not have a permit for expansion. The congregation is the only church in the village which has 14 mosques, none of which have permits, said Rev. Alex Ritonga. His church is registered with local Religious Affairs authorities, but it has no expansion permit as area people had told him they had no objections to any add-ons. In Banten province on Java island a mob of Islamic youths on Friday, Feb. 8, marched on a Christian social services house that also served as the place of worship for the Indonesia Pentecostal Church Kalibaru in Melayu village in Tangerang’s Teluk Naga district and sealed it. Other churches forced to close last year remain shuttered.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to establish more than 26 local Christian radio stations across Indonesia since 2004. Broadcasts from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra also encourage listeners nationwide. In addition, HCJB Global Hands has helped with relief efforts since the Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake/tsunami and subsequent quakes that devastated parts of Indonesia.


Source: Christian Newswire
A study released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds that at least one in four teens in the U.S. has a sexually transmitted disease (STD). “Current public health policies are clearly failing to reduce the spread of STDs among young women,” said Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America. “Pushing kids to be sexually active, withholding medical screenings to deny parents information about their teens, and encouraging young women to skip screenings for STDs are irresponsible policies that have put teens’ health at risk. Public health officials need to admit their failures that have led to kids paying the price.” Dr. Margaret Blythe, an adolescent medicine specialist at Indiana University School of Medicine, said some doctors are also reluctant to discuss STDs with teen patients or offer screenings because of confidentiality concerns, knowing parents will have to be told the results. Wright added that “parents are the best advocates for their kids, yet some doctors choose to put adolescents’ health at risk in order to keep medical information from their parents.” The study examined the national prevalence of four common STDs among adolescent girls: human papillomavirus (HPV), chlamydia, trichomoniasi and herpes simplex virus.

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