Zprávy HCJB 17.3.2008

 Útok na etiopský kostel si vyžádal nejméně 4 mrtvé a 70 zraněných
   Křesťané, kteří se v pondělí 3. března shromáždili v místním kostele v jedné z jižních oblastí Etiopie, byli bez varování napadeni stovkami mužů s mačetami a kyji. Útočníci dovnitř naskákali okny a útočili na každého, kdo byl poblíž. Zatarasili dveře, aby nikdo nemohl utéct. Prezident Envoy Ministries David Hunt řekl, že na místě zahynuly tři osoby, na následky utrpěných zranění později zemřela čtvrtá a sedm osob zůstává v nemocnici. Zraněno bylo přes 70 lidí, z toho 40 těžce. Někteří z nich zřejmě ještě zemřou. Stovky křesťanů z oblasti uprchly a starají se o ně křesťané z jiných měst. Internetová stránka Envoy dovozuje, že násilí je reakcí nepřátel na neobyčejný růst křesťanství v Etiopii a dodává, že mnoho evangelistů a budovatelů církve je připraveno nahradit ty, kdo zahynuli. Zdroj: Assist News Service, Envoy Ministries
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Mission Network News
For the second year in a row, Bolivia has been drenched by heavy rains that are causing flooding. A year ago World Gospel Mission (WGM) reported that Bolivia was seeing the worst flooding in 25 years. This year it’s even worse.

One published news source reports that nearly 79,000 families have been affected, and the waters have claimed 63 lives. Bolivian President Evo Morales declared a state of natural calamity in February. Bolivia, the poorest country in South America, now has billions of dollars of damage since bridges, homes and entire cities are underwater. Even 30,000 square miles of the Amazon jungle is swamped.

For the second year in a row, Bolivians are watching their crops being demolished by rising waters. Homes have been destroyed, forcing people to take their tents and tarps to parks and roadsides to create temporary shelter.

As is often the case, hunger is the main concern. WGM reported that many are hungry right now, and that problem will only increase as the days go by. Clean water is also hard to find, contributing to the spread of disease.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local radio partners to plant local AM and FM stations in the Bolivian cities of Santa Cruz, Tarija and Tupiza. Four stations with eight transmitters in four cities (La Paz, Caranavi, Santa Cruz and Sucre) are also affiliated with the ALAS, the ministry’s Latin American satellite radio network that makes Spanish programs available to local stations 24 hours a day.


Source: Assist News Service, Envoy Ministries
Christians gathering at local churches in a southern region in Ethiopia on Monday, March 3, were attacked without warning by hundreds of men armed with machetes and clubs who leapt through open windows and indiscriminately began attacking everyone present. The attackers barricaded the doors to try to prevent people from escaping. David Hunt, President of Envoy Ministries, says initially three people were killed. One person later died of wounds sustained in the attack, and seven people remain in hospital. More than 70 were injured with 40 people sustaining serious injuries. The death toll is expected to rise. Hundreds fled the area and are being cared for by Christians in other towns. The Envoy website reported that the violence may have stemmed from the way the gospel has flourished in Ethiopia, and many evangelists and church planters are ready to replace those who died.


Source: Trans World Radio
Trans World Radio (TWR) has signed historic ministry partnership agreements with representatives from nine national offices who attended a Latin American Partners conference at TWR’s U.S. base of operations in Cary, N.C., on Tuesday, March 4. “This signing ceremony signified an official recognition of significant new and existing partnerships throughout the Americas,” said Jim Munger, TWR’s U.S. Hispanic ministry coordinator. “Most important, it fortified TWR’s commitment to reach each country in the region and the world for Christ.” Countries represented include Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. Representatives from Argentina, Chile and Guatemala were unable to attend the ceremony but are also expected to sign partnership agreements with TWR. The role of partner offices varies in each country but often includes program production, fundraising, airing broadcasts and listener follow-up.


Source: Christian Newswire
A volatile situation Sri Lanka Bible College, operated by at Gospel for Asia (GFA), is escalating as a local elected official and a small group of Buddhist monks are falsely accusing the school of being a front for a Sri Lankan terrorist group, the Tamil Tigers. The rebels are fighting to divide Sri Lanka along ethnic lines.

On Saturday, March 15, the elected official attacked a school security guard who was on duty about midnight. The official, who was carrying a gun, severely beat the guard and threatened to return to the campus and rape the women. Earlier in the day this man and the monks staged a protest at the school carrying banners and placards. The Sri Lankan media covered the protest.

After the midnight attack, the elected official filed a police complaint against the security guard, but the police arrested the official instead. The official told police that he was acting out of patriotic concern for his country.

The latest event follows a Sunday, March 2, incident when a group of students from the Bible college were attacked while on their way to worship at a nearby GFA-related church. The militants responsible for that attack say their ultimate goal is to close down the Bible college.


Source: BosNewsLife
A Christian bookshop employee in Egypt faced possible police interrogation after being detained on the weekend by security forces who also confiscated books, compact discs and issues of a Christian newspaper, a religious rights group reported. Shenouda Armia Bakhait was arrested on Saturday, March 15, after undercover police raided the Nile Christian Book Shop in Cairo, reported Advocates for the Persecuted, a U.S.-based nonprofit organization that advocates for religious minorities in the Middle East. Egyptian Christian Youth Union President David Joseph, whose organization runs the shop, was quoted as saying that two senior officers and eight undercover policemen “stormed” the shop at noon local time. “Mr. Shenouda was interrogated for more than five hours” by a prosecutor and court president, Joseph said. Shenouda’s whereabouts remain unknown, and Egyptian officials could not immediately be reached for comment. Jan Fletcher, executive director of Advocates for the Persecuted, said the arrest came one day after notable Christian Mohammed Hegazy came into the bookstore, apparently to buy books. Hegazy is the first Egyptian Muslim convert to petition Egypt’s Administrative Court to change his religious affiliation on his national identity card.

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