Zprávy HCJB 28.3.2008

 Syn pastora ze západního břehu přežil bombu podstrčenou jako dárek
   Imi Ortiz, 15letý syn pastora mesiánského sboru ze Západního břehu Jordánu zůstává v lékařské péči ve stavu uměle navozeného spánku poté, co mu v rukou vybuchla balíčková bomba zamaskovaná jako dárek. Pastor David Ortiz a jeho rodina žije ve městě Ariel na izraelském západním břehu Jordánu, vede zde malý mesiánský sbor a káže arabským muslimům v palestinském pásmu. Na Velký Pátek 21. března rodina dostala dárek Purím, běžný při tomto židovském svátku. Vypadal lákavě, ale když jej Ami rozbalil, vybuchla profesionálně vyrobená šrapnelová nálož. Ami výbuch přežil, ale byl těžce popálen a poraněn. Kuličky mu prolétly krkem, zlomily obě paže, utrhly dva prsty, těžce poranily oko, které možná zůstane slepé a na deseti místech vnikly do plic. Jedna plíce stále nedýchá. Výbuch také těžce poškodil dům rodiny. Probíhá úřední vyšetřování, atentátníci zatím nebyli zjištěni. Zdroj: Assist News Service, World Evangelical Alliance
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Assist News Service
Many Zimbabweans are fearful of voting in this weekend’s elections amid frequent reports of violent intimidation, reported the U.K. relief agency Tearfund. Some 900 churches, however, are standing together to rebuild voter confidence through a national support network, working to ensure that voters turn out for the election. The Zimbabwe Christian Alliance (ZCA), a partner organization of Tearfund, has launched a multilingual voter campaign aimed at informing, motivating and mobilizing the Christian community -- 75 percent of the Zimbabwean population -- to vote. Useni Sibanda, national coordinator of the ZCA, said the organization has an unusual approach to voter awareness that is being taken forward by a plethora of civil society organizations. “The uniqueness of this program is not that it is from a religious background but that it cuts across the language divide and is available to all Zimbabweans in their mother tongue,” said Sibanda. For the first time in Zimbabwe the electorate in minority areas is able to receive voter election awareness materials in their native languages.

* HCJB Global Voice signed a partnership agreement with the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe in 2001.


Source: Assist News Service, World Evangelical Alliance
Ami Ortiz, the 15-year-old son of a pastor who leads a Messianic Jewish congregation in Israel’s West Bank, remains in a medically induced coma following a bomb blast that emerged from a package disguised as a present. Pastor David Ortiz and his family live in the town of Ariel in the Israel’s West Bank where he leads a small Messianic congregation and witnesses to Arab Muslims in the Palestinian territory. On Good Friday, March 21, a Purim package (given during the festive Hebrew holiday) was delivered to the Ortiz home. It looked inviting, but as Ami opened the package a powerful, professionally made, shrapnel-filled bomb was detonated. He survived the blast, but his body was badly burned and heavily lacerated. Shrapnel tore through his neck, breaking both arms, destroying two toes, severely damaging one eye that may go blind and penetrating his lungs in 10 places. One lung remains collapsed. The blast also caused extensive damage to the family’s home. Authorities are investigating. The attackers have not yet been identified.


Source: Mission Network News
Ten college students in one of the northern provinces of North Korea have been arrested by the National Security Agency, apparently after being caught reading the Bible and watching a Christian DVD, reported Todd Nettleton with Voice of the Martyrs (VOM). “Because of that, they were all taken into custody. Their situation is very grim.” The man who reported the case to VOM has since escaped to China to avoid arrest. In March 2006 200 Life Bibles and several hundred DVDs were purchased in China, secretly placed inside flour bags and smuggled into North Korea. The ringleaders have since been arrested and are being tortured by authorities. However, believers are encouraged that before their arrest, a group of college students shared these Bibles and DVDs with their friends and distributed them to nearby college towns. “What we can do now is pray,” Nettleton said. “That is really all we can do.”


Source: Voice of the Martyrs
The National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL) reported that the wife of martyred Pastor Edirisinghe is recovering from severe injuries sustained during an attack that killed her husband. “The NCEASL chairman [recently] visited Shiromi. She is experiencing a great recovery, she speaks and breathes well and has been transferred to Kandy General for surgery to remove [the] bullet,” the organization reported. The pastor was critically injured on Sunday, Feb. 17, when two assailants shot him outside their home in Ampara. His wife sustained critical injuries to her stomach, and their 2-year-old son was also injured in the attack.


Source: Christian Newswire
World Vision will be the recipient of half of the proceeds raised in a fundraising swim across the English Channel set for September. The other half of the proceeds will be shared by Great Britain’s Rainbows Children’s Hospice in Loughborough, Leicestershire, and Brian House Children’s Hospice in Blackpool. Jim Clark, chief executive officer of the retirement planning firm Jim Clark and Associates and founder of Project Love the Children, said the swim will culminate this year’s fundraising efforts for disadvantaged children worldwide. “Every 15 seconds a child dies from malnutrition,” Clark said. “With the good Lord’s help, we hope to make a difference. There are no finer children’s organizations on earth than those whom we’ve named for support. We’re thankful for a chance to be a small part of the work that they do.”

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