Zprávy HCJB 11.4.2008

 Baptisté z Texasu nastupují k pomoci obětem polygamní sekty
   Úřední zásah proti polygamní odštěpenecké mormonské skupině zvané Fundamentalistický sbor Ježíše Krista a Svatých Posledních dnů na texaském venkově vedl k akci baptistů na pomoc stovkám dětí zajištěných v sídle sekty pro podezření z jejich zneužívání. Ve středu 9. dubna státní úředníci odstěhovali z ranče Touha po Sionu u Eldorada v Texasu 416 dětí. Spolu s nimi bylo odvezeno 139 dospělých žen, které ranč opustily dobrovolně. Sbory Texaských Baptistů, agentury a misijní organizace odpověděly nabídkou pomoci přemístěným – a mnohdy traumatizovaným – bývalým obyvatelům ranče. První Baptistický Sbor v Eldoradu byl jedním z prvních baptistických sborů, které se zapojily. Otevřel své ubytovny 70 až 80 ženám a dětem vystěhovaným v první z několika vln úředních zásahů, které proběhly ve dnech 4. až 6. dubna. Sbor také umožnil státním institucím použít dva sborové autobusy k převozu více než 180 žen a dětí z šest a půl kilometru čtverečního velkého pozemku sekty. „Naší úlohou je zajistit jim bezpečné a čisté místo ke spaní, dostupnou lékařskou péči, zdravé jídlo a lidi, kteří o ně budou pečovat,“ řekl Kevin Dinnin, prezident Baptistických služeb pro děti a rodinu. Zdroj: Associated Baptist Press
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Avant Ministries
At a ceremony on Saturday, Feb. 9, Avant Ministries recognized the growth of the Union of Evangelical Churches of Belize by officially turning over all ministry work to the national church association. After 53 years of active missionary service, Avant will transition into a facilitative relationship with the church association and is officially closing the Belize field.

Missionaries Kent and Marion Fuller will remain in Belize as Avant liaisons to the evangelical church. Avant President Paul Nyquist and Scott Harris, vice president of field ministries, attended the ceremony to encourage and commend pastors and elders in Belize. “This is a very mature association,” said Harris. “Our involvement moves from proactive ministers to that of peers who have concern and care for one another.”

The first Avant missionaries went to Belize in 1955, working primarily in church planting. In 1967 a training center was started to develop local church leadership, a program that evolved into grade schools and King’s College High School. The church association was established in 1983 and now includes 13 churches, a high school, three grade schools and one preschool with new church plants in various parts of the country.

* HCJB Global Voice has helped partner My Refuge Mission put 24-hour-a-day Christian stations on the air in two cities of Belize, Belmopán and Ladyville. Programs air primarily in English and Spanish, but there are also broadcasts in Creole, German, Mayan and Japanese.


Source: Mission Network News
Meals these days in Haiti consist of dreams and dirt. With food prices out of control and staples scarce, people are taking desperate measures to trick hunger. A two-cup portion of rice costs 60 cents, up 10 cents from December and 50 percent from a year ago. That leaves many only able to afford edible clay which is shaped into a patty and baked in the sun. “There’s always been a medicinal ‘cookie’ that people would make out of clay or dirt, and now people are using these to fill their stomachs,” said Bright Hope International’s Craig Dyer. Yet a constant diet of these will cause severe malnutrition, intestinal distress and other harmful effects, particularly for nursing women. Few options remain. A dirt cookie only costs a buyer 5 cents and is more affordable than other staples. To bring home the reality of what poverty tastes like, Bright Hope is sending a bag of six of these cookies to every donor who gives toward relief efforts in Haiti.

* Staff members from the HCJB Global Technology Center in Elkhart, Ind., are working with OMS International to establish a satellite radio network based at 4VEH outside the city of Cap-Haitien that will deliver programs to FM stations nationwide. Downlinks have been installed in Tortue Island, Pignon and Beaumont, and at least two more are planned. HCJB Global Voice also helped partner World Gospel Mission with a small station in Port-au-Prince. Engineers also helped upgrade Radio Lumičre’s LaJeune outlet in March 2007.


Source: Associated Baptist Press
A raid on a polygamist Mormon splinter group called the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in rural Texas has resulted in Baptists helping hundreds of children seized from the sect’s compound on suspicion of abuse. As of Wednesday, April 9, state officials had removed 416 children from the Yearning for Zion Ranch near Eldorado, Texas. They were accompanied by 139 adult women who voluntarily left the compound. Texas Baptist churches, agencies and mission organizations have responded by offering ministry to the relocated -- and sometimes traumatized -- former residents of the compound. First Baptist Church in Eldorado was one of the first Baptist institutions involved, making its facilities available to house between 70 and 80 women and children removed in the first wave of the raid April 4-6. The church also allowed state agencies to use two church buses to transport more than 180 women and children from the 1,619-acre compound. “We’re here to make sure they have safe, clean places to sleep, access to medical care, healthy food and people who care about them,” said Kevin Dinnin, president of Baptist Child and Family Services.


Source: OneNewsNow, Religion Today
Physicians are getting help with “Balancing Faith, Family and Practice” at a three-day conference in Colorado Springs., Colo., that began Thursday, April 10. The event, sponsored by Focus on the Family, provides a spiritual retreat where “medical professionals can renew their hearts, minds and spirits.” Renewal may be necessary because of the inability of doctors who live a lifestyle filled with pressure to have an outlet with many of their peers, neighbors or fellow churchgoers. Dr. Gene Rudd, senior vice president of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA), says this kind of gathering makes a tremendous difference for physicians. “It’s a valuable conference because it gives doctors a chance to come together with colleagues who have like interests, like stresses,” he said. “It creates an environment where they can communicate a little better and be better understood.” Because of their situation in the community and the need to keep certain things confidential, doctors tend not to open up as much -- except when they come to a conference such as this one where they give consideration to the spiritual elements of physicians’ lives, Rudd added.


Source: Religion Today
According to the results of a new survey reported by Reuters, when it comes to literary pursuits in the U.S., most people agree on at least one thing -- the most popular book is the Bible. A Harris Poll of nearly 2,513 adults ranked the Bible at No. 1, but the second choice was not as clear. “The Bible is No. 1 among each of the different demographic groups,” Harris said in a statement. The following demographics ranked these different books as their No. 2 favorite: men -- J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings; women -- Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind; 18-31-year-olds -- J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series; 32-43-year-olds -- Stephen King’s The Stand and Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons.

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