Zprávy HCJB 22.4.2008

 Nejvyšší soud Izraele podporuje mesiánské Židy
   Podle Baptist Press rozhodl Nejvyšší soud Izraele, že mesiánští Židé mají - pokud jde o automatické občanství - stejná práva, jako ostatní Židé, kteří nevyznávají, že Ježíš je Mesiáš. Případ odstartovalo podání 12 židovských žadatelů, kterým bylo občanství Izraele odmítnuto primárně na základě jejich víry v Krista. Většina z nich dostala dopisy sdělující, že občanství nedostanou, neboť „vyvíjejí misijní činnost“ - píše se v mailu rozesíláním Calev Myersem, zakladatelem a hlavním poradcem Jeruzalémského Úřadu pro Spravedlnost. Úředník Ministerstva vnitra jedné žadatelce údajně řekl, že svou „misionářskou činností“ působí proti zájmům státu Izrael a židovského lidu. Nejvyšší soud Izraele ve středu 16. dubna skončil dvou a půlletou právní bitvu vynesením rozsudku, že při uplatňování zákona o navrátilcích mají být mesiánským Židům poskytnuta stejná práva, jako komukoli jinému, tedy že kdo se kdekoli na světě narodí jako Žid, může imigrovat do Izraele a automaticky zde získat státní občanství. „Zatím je to další vyhraná bitva našeho úsilí o narovnání postavení mesiánských Židů v Izraeli, i všech ostatních věroučných směrů židovského světa,“ napsal Myers.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Council for World Mission News
Three replica train stations have been erected at the Museum of the Bible in Barueri, Brazil, as part of an exhibition to trace the history of the Bible in the country.

In recent years the Bible Society of Brazil, which inaugurated the museum in 2003, has distributed 6 million Bibles, New Testaments and Scripture portions throughout the largest country in South America.

The three train stations that make up the “Paths of the Bible in Brazil” exhibition are intended to draw attention to the beginnings of Bible work in Brazil, the distribution of the Scriptures and their influence, organizers said. The platforms of the stations show the historical sequence of the presence of the Bible in Brazil from 1808 to the present.

The museum -- the first of its kind in Brazil and one of the largest of its type in the world -- features a collection of Bibles and Scripture portions in more than 1,000 languages.

* HCJB Global Voice broadcasts the gospel in Portuguese to Brazil via shortwave from Quito, Ecuador, and maintains a world office and radio studios in Curitiba. Portuguese programs, which have been on the air continuously since 1947, generate more listener letters than any language service at Radio Station HCJB in Ecuador. The ministry’s Portuguese programs also air on local radio stations across Brazil.


Source: Compass Direct News
An unprecedented prayer appeal by the Evangelical Church of Vietnam (South) indicates that the government has stonewalled quiet, persistent attempts to obtain redress on confiscated church properties, interference in church affairs and discrimination against Christians. Addressed to “The Church of God Everywhere,” the March 28 letter from the executive committee of the church followed ultimatums in which it threatened “collective action” and still did not obtain serious dialogue with authorities. It is uncommon for the denomination, which received full legal recognition in 2001 and is Vietnam’s largest Protestant church, to go public on such matters. The letter stated that some of the 265 properties confiscated have fallen into disrepair while others have been demolished. Officials demolished two church buildings, one in Ben Cat and the other in Ho Chi Minh City last year. They also destroyed two Bible schools in the central highlands after the church received legal recognition in 2001.


The Supreme Court of Israel has ruled that Messianic Jews have the same rights regarding automatic citizenship as Jews who do not believe in Jesus as the Messiah, reported the Baptist Press. The case was brought by 12 Jewish applicants who had been denied citizenship primarily because they put their faith in Christ. Most of them had received letters saying they would not receive citizenship because they “commit missionary activity,” stated an e-mail circulated by Calev Myers, founder and chief counsel of the Jerusalem Institute of Justice. A clerk at the Ministry of Interior reportedly had told one of the applicants that because she was committing “missionary activity” she was acting against the interests of the state of Israel and the Jewish people. Israel’s Supreme Court ended the two-and-a-half-year legal battle Wednesday, April 16, by ruling that Messianic Jews should receive equal treatment under the Israeli law of return, which says that anyone who is born Jewish can immigrate from anywhere in the world to Israel and be granted citizenship automatically. “This is yet another battle won in our war to establish equality in Israel for the Messianic Jewish community just like every other legitimate stream of faith within the Jewish world,” Myers wrote.


Source: Christian Newswire
As the world celebrates Earth Day today (Tuesday, April 22), the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD) released the first in the Mount Nebo Papers series, “What is the Most Important Environmental Task Facing American Christians Today?” by IRD adjunct fellow Calvin Beisner. His paper looks at not only what the Bible addresses as good stewardship, but also at what the church teaches historically, and finally makes recommendations. “Christians really need to face the challenge of triage -- comparing the benefits and costs of various environmental policies and selecting those that will be the best stewardship. That’s what this paper does,” commented Beisner.


Source: Mission Network News
Persecution against Christians continues at an unprecedented rate in India, and Hindu radicals are using so-called “reconversion rallies” to entice Dalit Christians to reconvert to Hinduism. Hindu leaders in southeastern India’s Tamil Nadu state claim that’s exactly what happened when 300 Dalits returned to Hinduism. Gospel for Asia (GFA) President K.P. Yohannan, however, said the report is false. “They sought out extremely poor fishermen, [called them] Christians and said, ‘We are going to convert them back to Hinduism.’ None of the people are known to be practicing Christians.” Hindu radicals may be staging these reconversion rallies because “very large numbers of untouchables or Dalits are leaving the caste system, and many of them are becoming Buddhists or embracing Islam [while a] large number are following Christ (whom) they see as the only hope,” Yohannan said. Meanwhile, GFA continues with its outreach across India. “Wherever there is opposition or these types of things are happening, always we see God working and more people are opening their hearts to the Lord,” he said.

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