Zprávy HCJB 28.4.2008

 Studie ukazují, že výuka sexuální zdrženlivosti přináší výsledky
   Dvě nové studie představené v Národním Tiskovém Klubu přinášejí povzbudivá zjištění týkající se výuky sexuální zdrženlivosti. První z těchto studií od Stan Weeda z Institutu pro Výzkum a Hodnocení sleduje dopad výuky zdrženlivosti na sexuální aktivitu mezi sedmnáctiletými maturanty ve Virginii.

Weedova zjištění ukazují, že výukové programy snížily počet sexuálně aktivních v této skupině asi na polovinu, bez rozdílu pohlaví a rasy. Tato svá zjištění Weed také přednesl ve středu 23. dubna během slyšení ve Sněmovně Reprezentantů.

Druhý výzkum byl publikován Nadací Christine Kim a Roberta Rectora. Tato publikace shrnuje 21 výukových programů zdrženlivosti a zjišťuje 16 statisticky významných korelací, jako je pozdější první sexuální zkušenost a řidší výskyt časného sexuálního života.

„Vyhýbání se časné pohlavní zkušenosti je pro mládež zdravé rozhodnutí,“ řekla Wendy Wright, prezidentka Pečujících Žen Ameriky. „Chrání před otěhotněním, pohlavně přenosnými nemocemi a jinými důsledky rizikového chování včetně emočních problémů, které útlému věku příliš nesvědčí. To jsou hlavní měřítka výzkumu výukových programů abstinence a podle nich výuka abstinence úspěšně oddaluje první sexuální zkušenost.“ Zdroj: Christian Newswire
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Christian Newswire
Two new studies presented at the National Press Club provide encouraging findings about abstinence education. The first study by Stan Weed of the Institute of Research and Evaluation, evaluated the impact of abstinence education in reducing the initiation of sexual activity by seventh graders in suburban Virginia.

Weed’s findings demonstrate that abstinence education programs cut the rate of sexual initiation among students almost in half and that gender and race did not affect the outcome. He presented his findings at a hearing in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday, April 23.

The second paper is a background paper published by Heritage Foundation’s Christine Kim and Robert Rector. This paper reviewed 21 abstinence education programs and found that 16 overall reported statistically positive results such as delayed sexual initiation and reduced levels of early sexual activity.

“Refraining from sexual initiation is the healthiest decision for youth,” said Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America. “It protects them from pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and other risk behaviors and emotional entanglements that are too intimate for immature youth to handle. This is the main criteria on which sex education programs should be evaluated, and these new studies show that abstinence education successfully reduces sexual initiation.”


Source: Council for World Mission News
The impact of commercial logging in the Solomon Islands has led to social and family breakdowns along with the environmental damage, says Rev. Milton Talasasa, human resource development program coordinator of the United Church in Solomon Islands. “Logging doesn’t help communities, it only helps the logging companies and the very few chiefs who are paid by the companies,” he said. “We encourage people not to allow their forest to be destroyed by logging. Instead they can seek other means of earning an income.” Talasasa says he would like to see logging in the Solomon Islands stopped altogether, but he also believes the logging companies have a social responsibility while they are operating. “I would like to see real benefits, tangible benefits such as good roads, good electricity and a good health system,” he said. “And those people who have sold their land should have better houses.”

* HCJB Global Voice worked with Pacific Partners and Rhema Family Church in 2004 to help put Gud Nius Redio on the air in Honiara in 2004. HCJB Global Hands sent an emergency medical response team from Ecuador to the Solomons following a tsunami that devastated parts of the country on April 2, 2007.


Sources: Religion Today, Assist News Service, Agence France-Presse
Christian Solidarity International (CSI) is calling on government leaders to address ever-increasing religious persecution in Iraq. During the recent Caucus on Religious Minorities in the Middle East, members examined ways the war in Iraq has affected religious minorities.

CSI’s Keith Roderick said that since the war in Iraq began, more than 40 percent of Christians have fled the country as they have been targeted by militants. “Just last week an Orthodox priest was murdered,” he said. “At least 40 churches have been bombed, and there have been dozens of clergy and nuns who have been either kidnapped or murdered.”

Meanwhile, nearly 4,000 people demonstrated in Brussels on Saturday, April 19, against the violence perpetrated against Iraqi Christians, reported Agence France-Presse (AFP). Protesters -- mainly Iraqi Christians -- came from Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland to participate in the march, urging government leaders to find a solution for Iraqi believers.

“Iraq’s Christians were said to total as many as 800,000 before the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, but the number is now thought to be half that figure,” reported AFP. “Widespread persecution, including the bombing of churches and the murder of priests, has forced hundreds of thousands to flee, mostly to neighboring countries or to Kurdish northern Iraq.”


Source: Assist News Service
Muhammad Abbad Abd al-Qader Abbad, a 40-year-old Jordanian who converted to Christianity 15 years ago, fled Jordan on Friday, March 28, after being charged with “apostasy” before the North Amman Sharia Court. Five days earlier Muhammad and his wife, Muna, were attacked and beaten by several brothers-in-law of another convert to Christianity who had sought sanctuary in Muhammad’s home. As a result, Muhammad’s father reported him to the police and requested custody of his two grandchildren. “When Muhammad told Judge Faysal Khreisat that he had never been a Muslim and was an atheist before becoming a Christian, he was sentenced to a week in prison for contempt of court,” reported Middle East Concern. Lawyers advised Muhammad that he would lose the court case, and therefore his children, because he does not deny leaving Islam and becoming a Christian. The couple decided that their only hope to prevent losing their children was to flee Jordan. The family has since traveled to a European country and applied for asylum.


Source: Religion Today
The Christian Post reported that non-Christian critics are accusing evangelicals of taking over the upcoming National Day of Prayer which they claim excludes other religions. “The National Day of Prayer has been hijacked!” declared Jews on First on its website. “What began as President Truman’s declaration of a National Prayer Day for all Americans is now excluding and dividing us on religious lines.” The 57th annual National Day of Prayer is set for Thursday, May 1, this year with the theme, “Prayer! America’s Strength and Shield,” based on Psalm 28:7. Jane Hunter, co-director of Jews on First, complained that the volunteers who organize the event are “required to pledge that they will only invite Christian clergy to officiate. The volunteers themselves have to . . . make a statement of faith that is very narrowly drawn so that only a conservative evangelical Christian would be comfortable doing it.”

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