Zprávy HCJB 29.4.2008

 World Vision musí snížit humanitární pomoc o 23%
   Ceny potravin rostou, dětská podvýživa trvá, neklid v některých oblastech a perspektiva zhoršující se potravinové situace jsou trvalými jevy, jedna z největších humanitárních organizací přesto oznamuje možnost poklesu počtu lidí, kterým bude potravinová pomoc poskytována, o půldruhého milionu. World Vision, která (ročně) dodává asi 450 000 tun potravin do 30 zemí s odvoláním na rostoucí ceny potravin a neuspokojivý objem příspěvků oznamuje očekávaná 23% pokles počtu lidí, kterým bude moci být pomoc letos poskytována. „Přestože se opravdu snažíme, přes milion lidí od nás letos žádné jídlo nedostane,“ řekl Dean Hirsch, prezident World Vision International. „Nejméně třetina z nich jsou děti, které, mají-li prospívat, nutně potřebují kvalitní potraviny v dostatečném množství.“ Zdroj: Evangelical News, Christian Newswire
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: Evangelical News, Christian Newswire
Amid surging food prices, child malnutrition, violent unrest and the prospect of prolonged food shortages, one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations has announced a potential 1.5 million drop in the number of people receiving its food assistance. World Vision, which provides nearly 450,000 metric tons of food in some 30 countries, cites the soaring cost of food and unmet aid commitments for a potential 23-percent decrease in the number of people it is able to supply with food aid this year. “Despite our best efforts, more than a million of our beneficiaries are no longer receiving food aid,” said Dean Hirsch, president of World Vision International. “At least a third of these are children who urgently need enough healthy food to thrive.”


Source: Christian Newswire
About $5 million worth of medical equipment and supplies are being delivered free of charge to the people of Jamaica this week by 80 medical volunteers from the San Diego-based Miles Ahead organization. Volunteers arrived in Montego Bay on Saturday, April 26. Team members, including specialists, pediatricians, surgeons and dentists, are donating their services to local communities, serving at four mobile clinics in collaboration with Jamaica’s Ministry of Health. An additional 200 volunteers are working with local churches and community organizations to conduct sports clinics, deaf education workshops and school assemblies and rebuilding local elementary schools. An unusual feature of the outreach is the team’s mobile pathology laboratory that can test a tissue sample for cancer and return the results in 24 hours.

* Staff members from the HCJB Global Technology Center in Elkhart, Ind., worked with Tarrant Baptist Church in Kingston to install a 500-watt FM transmitter, antenna and studio.


Source: Assist News Service
More than 45,000 people attended the Franklin Graham festival in Knoxville, Tenn., April 25-27. “We live in the South where it’s culturally accepted to go to church, and many people go to church believing that they’re saved, they’re forgiven, and they’re going to go to heaven,” said Graham. “But for many there’s something missing because they don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” Graham, president and chief executive officer of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and international Christian relief organization Samaritan’s Purse, added, “The choice you make tonight is going to decide where you spend eternity.” Some 1,207 people responded to Graham’s invitation to make a commitment to Jesus Christ. On Saturday morning 6,196 children and their parents attended the KidzFest program where more than 183 children came to Christ. Thousands of volunteers from 478 churches joined to help with the nondenominational effort.


Source: Compass Direct News
Thakur Sing Bhil was killed on Thursday, April 3, due to an arrow shot into his chest by his brother, Mangar Singh. According to relatives, the brother believed the Christian faith Bhil practiced was black magic that caused his daughter’s death. Bhil, also known as Thakur Baba, was a Christian leader from Gatiya Dev village in central India’s Madhya Pradesh state who had faced opposition from relatives after converting to Christianity. Relatives said his brother entered his house in a drunken rage at noon and shot an arrow into this chest from close range. “My husband’s younger brother, Mangar Singh, had a 17-year-old daughter who died about three months ago because of ill health, and he blamed us for he thought that the conversion of my husband and his praying were responsible for his daughter’s death,” Bhil’s wife, Inda Pasaha Bhil, related. Relatives said police had arrested Singh, but no police accounts have been made available.


Sources: Strang Communications, christianpost.org
A new poll shows that Americans are more prayerful and biblically literate than citizens of other Christian-populated European nations. Two-thirds of American respondents said they had read from the Bible in the last 12 months while only 20 percent to 38 percent of participants from the other eight countries -- U.K., Germany, France, Netherlands, Russia, Italy, Spain and Poland -- reported reading the Bible in the last year. According to the study, conducted by GFK Eurisko research group for the Catholic Biblical Federation, nearly all Americans (93 percent) said they had a Bible at home compared to the French who were the least likely to have a Bible at home (48 percent). Americans also pray more than residents in other countries. Most Americans prayed (87 percent) while the French prayed the least (49 percent).

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