Zprávy HCJB 30.4.2008

 Aktivita povstalců v Čadu donutila rodinu misionáře k útěku
   Západoafrický Čad je pravidelně řazen na seznam 10 nejchudších zemí světa. Nyní má navíc na krku uprchlíky z Darfuru, islámské extrémisty a v poslední době i válku s teroristy podporovanými Súdánem a Lybií, kteří destabilizují zemi a terorizují její obyvatele. „Kolem 30. ledna se začalo mluvit o postupu rebelů v oblasti N’djamena,“ vypráví rodina misionáře sloužící v Čadu v humanitární a evangelizační misii. „Byly to místní problémy a mysleli jsme si, že nejsou vážné. Tak jsme pokračovali v normální činnosti podle plánu – v biblickém vyučování, v lékařské péči, návštěvách a v evangelizaci v okolí. O to větší bylo naše překvapení, když vesnice poblíž naší stanice padla do rukou povstalců. To nás probudilo, popadli jsme naše dva malé syny a přesunuli se blíže k městu, protože jsme viděli, že dům, který nám pomohla postavit Christian Aid Mission, už pro nás není bezpečný. V oblasti pak probíhaly silné boje za použití minometů a těžkého dělostřelectva. Byli jsme si jisti, že náš dům byl zasažen, a že kdybychom byli zůstali, jen bychom z povzdálí bezmocně přihlíželi jeho rabování. Zdroj: Christian Aid Mission
 Informace o pronásledované církvi
   Informace o pronásledované církvi jsou m.j. na www.opendoorsusa.org, www.persecution.org, www.persecution.com/news/index.cfm, www.compassdirect.org, www.forum18.org and www.barnabasfund.org. Tyto zdroje nemusí vždy vyjadřovat pohled HCJB Global.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Christian Newswire
Thursday, May 1, will mark the 57th annual National Day of Prayer with events taking place across the nation, uniting individuals in prayer for the U.S. This year’s theme is “Prayer! America’s Strength and Shield.”

Concerned Women for America (CWA) President Wendy Wright and CWA state leaders will participate in National Day of Prayer with events around the country to inspire every American to seek God’s favor.

The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation. It exists to mobilize the Christian community to intercede for America’s leaders and families. The governors of all 50 states have issued proclamations for the National Day of Prayer.


Source: Compass Direct News
The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in western India’s Gujarat state has implemented an “anti-conversion” law passed in 2003, increasing Christians’ fears that it will open the door to false accusations by Hindu extremists. India’s Freedom of Religion Acts, referred to as anti-conversion laws, are supposed to curb religious conversions made by “force,” “fraud” or “allurement.” But Christians and rights groups say that in reality Hindu nationalists invoke them to harass Christian workers with spurious arrests and incarcerations. Rules of implementation under the Gujarat Freedom of Religion Act of 2003 were framed on Tuesday, April 1, The Times of India reported, adding that those convicted of “forced” conversion could receive up to three years in jail. Christian leaders said such legislation also has a negative social impact. “Christian workers are prevented from reaching out to the needy, who too will continue to suffer,” said Rev. Dominic Emmanuel, spokesman of the Delhi Catholic Archdiocese.


Source: Christian Aid Mission
Consistently listed in the world’s 10 poorest nations, the West African nation of Chad must deal with refuges from Darfur in Sudan, Islamic extremists, unstable government and as of late, war, as Sudan and Libya-backed rebel attacks have terrorized and destabilized the nation. “Jan. 30 was when we started hearing about the rebel advance to N’djamena,” said a missionary family serving in Chad in relief and evangelistic ministries. “We are so used to problems here in Chad that we didn’t think it was serious. So we made no contingency arrangements but continued plans for our normal programs -- discipleship classes, open medical clinic, visitation and routine ministry outreach activities. But we were taken by surprise as we heard that villages close to us had fallen into the hands of rebels. With that alert, we snatched up our two small boys and moved closer toward the city, knowing that the home that Christian Aid Mission had enabled us to build for the work was no longer safe for us. There was intense fighting in our area, with mortar and heavy artilleries. We were certain that our house was [subject to] bombing and vandalism as our family watched helplessly from afar.”

* HCJB Global Voice worked with local partner Voice of Hope to establish an FM station in N’Djamena in 2004. The mission also assisted the Church of the Lutheran Brethren with a recording studio in Gauna Gaya.


Source: Mission Network News
Renewed fighting in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo reveals a shattered peace accord only three months old. Rebel and militia groups are clashing regularly and looting villages north of the capital city of Goma. Grace Ministries International’s Sam Vinton confirms that the trouble hampers both relief effort and evangelism. The organization’s partners say that church work has come to a standstill in some areas. “People do not feel secure to travel,” Vinton said. “In the city itself at night it’s very problematic because no one really knows who is the real thief, and who is not a thief but really a soldier and they have arms.” The violence has created a large wave of refugees. Vinton urges prayer that believers will not be intimidated into silence. “It does hamper the spread of the gospel. The way the gospel can get out now, of course, is one on one . . . people who are Christians in there, trying to reach out to their neighbors. That’s why we are praying that that would continue to happen, because most of our evangelists and missionaries would not be able to go into those war zones.”

* HCJB Global Voice works with local partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo to broadcast the gospel on Christian stations in Boma, Bukavu and Kinshasa. Programs go out in English, French, Kikongo Fioti, Lingala, Luba and Swahili. Weekly programs in the Songe and Kikongo San Salvador languages also air from local FM stations in the country.


Source: Assist News Service
Somalian believer David Abdulwahab Mohamed Ali was killed on Tuesday, April 22, in Baidawa, a town 150 miles from Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, according to a news release from the Washington, D.C.-based human rights group, International Christian Concern. When the attackers asked Ali if he were a Muslim or an infidel, Ali answered, “I am a follower of the Messiah.” His cousins and two other extremists immediately responded by pulling out a gun and shooting Ali. The three continued shooting Ali until their Muslim “honor” had been avenged. Ali was a gifted evangelist who led many to the Lord, actively sharing his faith through blogs. He was also a linguist and a philosopher whom some Somalis called the “Great Thinker.” Islamic extremists have recently intensified their attacks against Christians in Somalia. In the past six months, four Christians, including Ali, have been martyred for their faith. The attacks were carried out by Al-Shabab, an al-Qaida-linked militant group which is fighting to establish an Islamic state in Somalia ruled by sharia (Islamic law).

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