Zprávy HCJB 12.5.2008

 Miliony se modlí ‘přijď království Tvé‘ na světovém dnu modliteb
   Miliony křesťanů po celém světě sepjaly své ruce při spojeném modlitebním a bohoslužebném dnu o svatodušní neděli 11. května, který tvořil součást čtvrtého výročního Světového Dne Modliteb. K účasti na těchto modlitebních slavnostech probíhajících v katedrálách po celé zemi pod společným tématem „Přijď království Tvé … jako v nebi tak i na zemi“ ze ve Velké Británii přihlásilo 201 různých národností. Podle christiantoday.com se v Londýně shromáždily tisíce lidí k modlitbě a vzývaly Ducha Svatého, aby sestoupil na město, „zčásti to byly skupiny lidí obtížených pohromou rozmáhajícího se zločinu.“ Zdroj: christiantoday.com, Assist News Service
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: christiantoday.com, Assist News Service
Millions of Christians around the world raised their hands in united prayer and worship on Pentecost Sunday, May 11, as part of the fourth annual Global Day of Prayer. The U.K. was among more than 201 nations registered to take part with major prayer and cathedral events taking place across the nation under the common theme, “Your Kingdom Come . . . On Earth as in Heaven.” According to the christiantoday.com account, thousands of Christians gathered in London to pray, asking the Holy Spirit to fall upon the city, “particularly communities blighted by gun and knife crime.”


Source: Compass Direct News
An Algerian Protestant Christian detained five days for carrying a Bible and personal Bible study books was handed a fine of 300 euros (US$460) and a one-year suspended prison sentence last week, an Algerian church leader said. On Tuesday, April 29, a court in Djilfa, 150 miles south of Algiers, charged the 33-year-old Muslim convert to Christianity with “printing, storing and distributing” illegal religious material. The Christian, who requested anonymity for security reasons, told fellow believers in his home city of Tiaret that police pressured him to return to Islam while in custody. The conviction is the latest in a wave of detentions and court cases against Algeria’s Christians. Since January police and provincial officials have ordered the closure of up to half of the country’s 50 estimated Protestant congregations. Officials have cited a February 2006 law governing the worship of non-Muslims. Clarified by subsequent decrees in 2007, the law restricts most religious meetings to approved places of worship and forbids any attempt to “shake the faith of a Muslim.”

* HCJB Global Voice reaches across North Africa, the Middle East and Europe with Christian Arabic programming aired via shortwave, satellite and local stations. The mission’s Arabic satellite network airs programs direct-to-home 24 hours a day. This region has the world’s highest concentration of personal satellite dishes.


Source: Christian Newswire
The audio Bible ministry Faith Comes by Hearing recently presented a Brazilian pastor with The Proclaimer, a self-powered, digital playback device that has an audio New Testament preloaded on an embedded microchip. U.S. church leader Jeff Scott and the team recently visited various Amazon villages they visited, observing the effectiveness of God’s Word in audio is among “oral peoples” -- members of people groups who pass on their beliefs, heritage and values through stories, parables, proverbs, music and dance. Oral peoples make up to two-thirds of the world’s population. “The majority of the people in the Amazon are oral learners, and the need for audio Bibles is great,” said Ray Warrior who manages the language recordings for the mission.


Source: OneNewsNow.com
The state of New York has been ordered to recognize homosexual “marriages” performed in U.S. states and foreign countries where the practice is legal. New York’s highest court -- the Court of Appeals -- refused to review a lower-court ruling that ordered recognition of such unions performed outside the state. Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality says the decision forces homosexual marriage on New Yorkers, noting however, that it could be overturned by lawmakers or appealed to the federal courts. New York is one of only seven states that does not have a state law or constitutional amendment restricting marriage to the union of one man and one woman.


Source: Baptist Press
WorldCrafts, a nonprofit ministry of Woman’s Missionary Union, celebrated on Saturday, May 10, the importance of fair trade and transforming impoverished lives every day. For 12 years WorldCrafts has sought out underserved artisans in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and the Far East to offer a North American market for their crafts while also providing an opportunity to hear the gospel. The crafts guilds and leaders associated with WorldCrafts abide by Fair Trade Federation guidelines that specify fair wages and humane voluntary working conditions for the artisans. WorldCrafts commits to pay artisans a “fair price” that covers not only their costs, but also ensures sustainable production, said director Andrea Mullins. Many times artisans have received a partial advance on payment, enabling them to hire more co-workers and purchase raw materials needed for their handicrafts.

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