Zprávy HCJB 28.5.2008

 Vády i misijní organizace posílají do Barmy pomoc, ale s potížemi
   Zdroj: BosNewsLife, CWS Hotline. Přestože s Barmou nejsou v nejlepších stycích, mohli američtí úředníci prohlásit, že do Rangúnu byly letecky přepraveny základní potřeby pro pomoc alespoň některým lidem postiženým cyklónem Nargis, který zabil přes 130 000 lidí a asi 2 miliony připravil o střechu nad hlavou.

Podle misionářů je pomoc pro křesťany komplikována i tím, že jedinou pořádnou budovou ve skoro každé vesnici je buddhistický klášter. „Neutěšená situace křesťanů v Barmě je ukázkou diskriminace,“ řekl Stephen Van Valkenburg, ředitel jihovýchodní sekce Američany provozované Christian Aid Mission. Podporovatelé buddhistů to popírají a poukazují na spolupráci různých skupin při loňských protivládních protestech. Nicméně Van Valkenburg trvá na tom, že „křesťanům jsou nabízeny velké peníze, pokud přestoupí k buddhismu.“

Až dosud vládnoucí barmská vojenská junta nedovolila většině nebarmských členů záchranných týmů jet mimo Rangún do nejhůř postižených oblastí. „Přijde další vlna úmrtí, tentokrát na choleru z kontaminované pitné vody. Již to začíná,“ řekl partner Church World Service.

Druhá vlna neštěstí se začíná valit na ty, kdo přežili s hromádkou svého zachráněného a majetku. Na úplavici začínají umírat děti a steří lidé.

*Vysílání v jazyce Ravang, kterým mluví 140 000 obyvatel Barmy, bylo zahájeno v roce 2007 pomocí krátkovlnného zařízení HCJB Global Australia v Kununurra. Denně se vysílá dvakrát po půlhodině, ráno a odpoledne.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: BosNewsLife, CWS Hotline
Despite political tensions with Myanmar (Burma), U.S. officials said basic supplies have been airlifted to Yangon (also known as Rangoon) as relief to at least some of people displaced by Cyclone Nargis which killed more than 130,000 people and left some 2 million homeless.

Aid reaching Christians have also been complicated as almost every town has its Buddhist monastery -- often the only substantial building in the village, according to Christian missionaries.

“The plight of Christians in Burma has been one of discrimination,” said Stephen Van Valkenburg, southeast area director for U.S.-based Christian Aid Mission. Buddhist supporters deny the claim, citing cooperation between different groups during last year’s anti-government protests. Yet Van Valkenburg maintained that “large sums of money are offered to Christians if they become Buddhists.”

So far Myanmar’s ruling military junta has not allowed most non-Burmese relief personnel to leave Yangon to reach the worst-affected areas. “There will be another wave of deaths from cholera from drinking dirty water. . . . It is already starting to strike,” said a partner of Church World Service.

The second wave of disaster is beginning to wash over survivors with few resources to cope. As a result, the elderly and children are beginning to die of dysentery because of a lack of clean drinking water.

* Broadcasts in the Rawang language, spoken by more than 140,000 people in Myanmar, began airing from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra in 2007. Two half-hour programs in this language air daily -- one slot in the morning and one in the afternoon.


Source: Compass Direct News
Unconfirmed reports emerged this month in Asmara, capital of the East African nation of Eritrea, indicating that the repressive regime plans to press formal charges of treason against several Protestant pastors jailed for the past four years. Official conviction for treason carries the death penalty in the tiny nation, ruled by what many regard as one of the world’s most brutal and paranoid governments in matters of religious liberty and freedom of speech. Relatives and church members of the long-jailed pastors are experiencing “great anxiety” over these unconfirmed reports, sources inside Eritrea said this week. Three of the most prominent Protestant pastors -- Full Gospel Church leaders Haile Naizghi and Kifle Gebremeskel together with Tesfatsion Hagos of the Rema Evangelical Church -- have been imprisoned without means of communication for the past four years. An investigative report released last week by Reporters Without Borders claimed the three pastors “have been missing within the Eritrean prison system since their arrests in May 2004.”


Source: christiantoday.com
Christian leaders from 39 countries gathered in California to create the P.E.A.C.E. Coalition, an international alliance of churches and other Christian institutions. Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in California engineered the coalition to help reach the dire social needs of the world. P.E.A.C.E. is an acronym for Promote reconciliation, Equip servant leaders, Assist the poor, Care for the sick and Educate the next generation. “For followers of Jesus, one of the most important words in our vocabulary is the word ‘Go!,’” Warren said. “Jesus repeatedly commanded every believer to go; you can’t spell ‘gospel’ or ‘good news’ without ‘go’ -- ours is an active, not passive, faith.”


Source: Assist News Service
Reviewing the top 250 to 300 movies per year in the last 20 years, Ted Baehr mentions a noteworthy difference in this year’s reviews. “Usually more than 43 percent -- and sometimes 50 percent -- of those reviewed have been R-rated,” said Baehr of MOVIEGUIDE. “So far in 2008, however, only 35 percent have been rated R, and these have generated just a 16-percent share of the total box office. This 16-percent share is likely to drop sharply as the studios release their big summer movies aimed at family audiences.” Just 4 percent of 2008 movie reviews have been G-rated, but they have gathered a 16-percent share of the total box office receipts. The average box office so far for a G-rated movie is $68 million compared to $9.8 million for an R-rated movie.


Source: Christian Newswire
With a new “You’ve Been Left Behind” online service, a company is offering people the opportunity to send “post-rapture” e-mail messages to unsaved loved ones. For $40 per year, clients can upload and edit all e-mail addresses and documents at any time and send messages to 62 e-mail addresses. The site operates on a “dead man’s switch” which automatically sends out the e-mails in the event of the rapture. No word on whether or not the rate is prorated for the rapture year.

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