Zprávy HCJB 29.5.2008

 Různé pohledy na podstatu vládního útlaku křesťanů v Alžírsku
   Během posledních šesti měsíců začal být v Alžírsku zvýšenou měrou uplatňován restriktivní zákon z roku 2006, což vede k věznění křesťanů a uzavírání kostelů. Místní znalci říkají, že by to mohl být důsledek vládní snahy omezit činnost křesťanů, nebo naopak populistického nadbíhání tlaku zdola, který vyvolává arabský tisk. Jiní odborníci myslí, že prezident Abdelaziz Bouteflika pomýšlí na změnu ústavy, která by mu umožnila ucházet se v roce 2009 potřetí o prezidentský úřad, na což ale potřebuje podporu islámských politických stran. A další znalci zastávají názor, že otázka růstu protestantských sborů by mohla sloužit k odvrácení pozornosti Alžířanů od naléhavých vnitřních problémů jako je bytová otázka a růst cen základních potravin. Křesťanští představitelé vidí jako jednu z příčin i rostoucí počet křesťanských konvertitů v důsledku činnosti alžírských zakladatelů sborů a křesťanského televizního vysílání. Zdroj: Compass Direct News
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Samaritan’s Purse
With staff from Samaritan’s Purse focusing heavily on the need for emergency shelter and clean water in China, the ministry has airlifted more than 90 tons of relief supplies to earthquake survivors. Chinese officials told the organization that the Boeing 747 cargo jet full of supplies went to Chengdu in Sichuan province was the first privately chartered relief flight from the U.S. to arrive in China. Medical supplies, blankets, and more than 1,000 rolls of reinforced plastic were flown in as well as six large water filtration systems.

* HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra broadcasts 18 hours of Mandarin programming each week. An additional five hours of weekly programming in Min Nan Chinese (Fujian) and 10.5 hours in English also air to China.


Source: Assist News Service
Fifteen Bible college students were beaten up by Hindu radicals at Sathyanarayanapettai in Bellary district of southern India’s Karnataka state, according to www.persecution.in, the website of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC).

The site reported that on Saturday, May 24, members of the Hindu radical groups, Hindu Enlightenment Group and World Hindu Council barged into the rented facilities, attacked students and lecturers, tore up Bibles, smashed windows and destroyed the furniture. They alleged that the lecturer, Rev. Jayaprakash, was conducting “forced conversions.” A complaint was filed, and 11 radicals were arrested and detained at the Gandhinagar police station. An inquiry regarding the case is ongoing.

In another attack on Christians in the southeastern Andhra Pradesh state a day earlier, some 30 preachers were beaten by Hindu activists of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) at Bainsa in the Adilabad district, reported the GCIC. When preachers from the Brethren Church went to Bainsa, RSS activists first attacked their vehicles and then beat them up, resulting in serious injuries to many of them.

In a surprising move, the preachers were later taken by the attackers to the police station at Bainsa so they could file a complaint against them and have the police look into their allegations. About 200 Hindus then surrounded the police station, wanting to attack the preachers again, but the Christians remained safe inside.


Source: Compass Direct News
In the past six months Algeria has begun enforcing a restrictive 2006 law resulting in jailed Christians and closed churches. Local experts say the pressure could stem from top-down efforts by government officials to restrain Christian activity, or from bottom-up populism against Christians inflamed by Arabic press accounts. Some point out that President Abdelaziz Bouteflika’s gambit to change the constitution to allow him a third term in 2009 will require the support of Islamist political parties. Still others hold that the issue of Protestant church growth may be intended to distract Algerians from pressing domestic concerns such as a national housing shortage and inflation of staple goods prices. Christian leaders see as a factor the increasing number of Christian converts, thanks to Algerian church planters and Christian satellite television.


Source: Moody Broadcasting Network
Dr. Michael Easley has announced his resignation as president of Moody Bible Institute, effective Monday, June 30, pointing to health concerns. In the past year Easley has suffered from severe back pain that has already required him to take an extended leave of absence for surgery, and he now appears to need further medical attention. Moody’s board of trustees reluctantly accepted his resignation as Easley felt his medical condition is impacting his effectiveness. The board asked Easley to serve as president emeritus through the end of the 2009-2010 school year. A prepared statement from Easley adds that the new position will relieve him of administrative responsibilities and allow him to continue to “represent the institute, as I am able, preaching at churches and conferences and on the radio as well as maintaining relationships with donors.” Earlier this month Moody Radio launched a new daily teaching program, “inContext,” with Easley. Tim Svoboda, executive producer for the Moody Radio-produced program, said plans call for “inContext” to continue in production and air at least through May 2009.


Source: Children at Risk Prayer News
Increasingly, children in the Democratic Republic of Congo are being accused of being “child sorcerers,” causing hundreds of them to be thrown out of their homes onto the streets where they may even face torture. Cult “churches” encourage these beliefs and atrocities. In response to this social ill, Bethany Children’s Trust has joined an effort by Equipe Pastorale Auprčs des Enfants en Detrčsse (EPED) to reach out to these children as well as orphans, street children and those affected by HIV/AIDS. EPED has been conducting an advocacy campaign on behalf of these children, trying to influence churches and community groups to protect them and to speak out against these false beliefs.

* HCJB Global Voice works with local partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo to broadcast the gospel on Christian stations in Boma, Bukavu and Kinshasa. Programs go out in English, French, Kikongo Fioti, Lingala, Luba and Swahili. Weekly programs in the Songe and Kikongo San Salvador languages also air from local FM stations in the country.

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