Zprávy HCJB 3.6.2008

 Založen fond na pomoc zemím zápasícím s růstem cen
   Compassion International vytvořila Světový fond potravinové krize na pomoc proti tomu, co pracovníci OSN názývají „tsunami“ a co by mohlo dalších 100 milionů lidí uvrhnout do hladu. Již dnes je hladem ohroženo 800 milionů lidí po celém světě a riziko hladovění a ceny potravin vzrostly od roku 2006 o polovinu. „Je to naléhavá situace a Compassion je rozhodnuta ji nepustit ze zřetele,“ řekl Mark Hanlon, viceprezident Compassion v USA. Jako jedna z z největších křesťanských organizací pro rozvoj dítěte se Compassion zaměřuje na naléhavé potřeby dětí. Tato organizace také mobilizuje partnery a podporovatele církve po celé Americe k činům proti hladu v jejich vlastních společenstvích. Finanční prostředky shromážděné Světovým fondem potravinové krize budou určeny všem zemím, kde Compassion působí. Některé země, například Haiti nebo Bangladéš, tak již o pomoc požádaly. Zdroj: Evangelical News, Compassion International
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: Evangelical News, Compassion International Compassion International has created the Global Food Crisis Fund to help combat what U.N. officials have called a “tsunami” that could plunge an additional 100 million people into hunger. More than 800 million people around the world are at risk of starvation and food prices have risen as much as 50 percent since 2006. “This is an urgent situation that Compassion is committed to seeing through to the end,” said Mark Hanlon, senior vice president of Compassion in the U.S. As one of the world’s largest Christian child development organizations, Compassion’s focus is on the immediate needs of children. The organization is also mobilizing church partners and advocates across the U.S. to take action against hunger in their own communities. The money raised through the Global Food Crisis Fund will be available for all Compassion countries. Already, countries such as Haiti and Bangladesh have requested help.


Source: BosNewsLife
A Christian man was among those killed when a suicide bomber blew up a car outside the Danish Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, Monday, June 2, apparently to protest cartoons of the prophet Mohammed published in Danish newspapers in 2006, security officials said. The Christian man killed was identified as Aamir Masih. Another believer, Riaz Masih, was among those seriously injured. The blast, which occurred outside of the embassy’s parking lot in the early afternoon, killed up to eight people and injured about 30 others. Two policemen were among the dead. The blast tore through the outer security walls, wrecking nearby vehicles and demolishing security posts of the Danish mission. It also littered the suburban street with debris, leaving a three-foot-deep crater in the asphalt. Local Christian sources said they were concerned that the militants behind Monday’s blast would also target a nearby Christian slum. Militants have accused Pakistani Christians of following an “anti-Islamic” Western religion, and churches have been the target of attacks following an outcry regarding the Danish cartoons.

* HCJB Global Hands sent two medical teams from Ecuador to Pakistan following a powerful earthquake on Oct. 8, 2005, that left tens of thousands dead and thousands more injured and homeless. Staff members helped SIM International with relief efforts.


Source: Mission Network News
Five villages in the area of Kaffrine in the West African nation of Senegal have received food aid through the Southern Baptist Conference’s International Mission Board (IMB) and SIM International. The first sacks of rice were distributed to villagers on Thursday, May 15, and rice will be distributed to two more villages as soon as it is available. High prices and a limited supply of rice have made it difficult to obtain rice locally. The last rainy season in this area did not result in a good harvest as crops dried up before they had fully matured, causing a food shortage that is expected to last until this fall’s harvest. “Someone said that in their family they had not cooked a regular meal for 20 days. Others are eating one meal a day. Many farmers have been out of food and are looking for work and food wherever they can,” said IMB missionary Jim Vaughn. He and his wife, Bev, are partnering with SIM to distribute the food. SIM is also working with World Vision to distribute 110 pounds of rice and 55 pounds of beans to every household as well as seeds to plant in time for the next rainy season. The villages where SIM will distribute food have all hosted chronological Bible story meetings.

* HCJB Global Voice works in partnership with Brethren Assemblies and SIM in Dakar, Senegal, to make weekly Wolof Christian broadcasts available across the country on an FM network. More than 3 million people speak Wolof.


Source: Bible League
While Christian ministry conducted in Central Asian countries is already under scrutiny, in Kazakhstan the government has proposed legislation that could severely restrict -- possibly prohibit -- the work of Christian organizations. If approved, the legislation would establish a quota of missionaries allowed in the country; forbid unregistered missionary activity by foreign workers who are not representatives of religious organizations; place tougher restrictions on religious groups that have a small number of members; prohibit distribution of religious material and informational material with religious content to citizens in public places; prohibit the acceptance of financial and other donations by religious organizations from anonymous or foreign citizens and organizations; and forbid religious activities, meetings or gatherings with children under the age of 18 without written consent from both parents or legal guardians. “If this legislation goes through it will have a tremendous impact on our ministry,” said the Bible League’s director of Central Asia ministries. “It’s an extremely heavy handed move to push the gospel out of a nation that desperately needs to know the truth.”


Source: Religion Today
Young Southern Baptists kicked off a major outreach initiative Friday, May 30, that will offer $16.4 million in free labor to urban populations in the next few months, according to The Christian Post. More than 23,000 students -- ranging from teenagers to those in their early 20s -- will each donate a week to participating in the 2008 World Changers project. Participants will rehabilitate sub-standard homes in poor neighborhoods across the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico. Indianapolis will be the first of 96 cities to host the World Changers project. Students will work on 15 homes from May 30 to June 7, installing new roofs, repairing drywall, painting and landscaping. The program is in its 19th year.

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