Zprávy HCJB 10.6.2008

 TWR chce zvýšit intenzitu rozhlasového signálu směrem na severní Afriku
   Trans World Radio (TWR) připravuje úpravu svého vysílače v jižní Francii, která by významně zlepšila příjem signálu v severní Africe. „Po úpravě vysílače budeme schopni podstatně zlepšit kvalitu signálu, který již nyní vysíláme do Maroka, Alžíru a Tunisu,“ vysvětluje John Summerville z TWR. „A nejen to. Vysílání bude slyšitelné do větší vzdálenosti a budeme tak moci oslovit lidi, kteří nikdy předtím evangelium neslyšeli.“ TWR vysílá v arabštině a ve čtyřech různých berberských nářečích. Aby vysílání mohlo slyšet víc lidí, TWR zvýší výkon do antény a její směrovost. Summerville říká, že příčinou těchto kroků jsou až „humorné nepřímé doklady šíření církve. Víme, že lidé různými způsoby přicházejí ke Kristu a snaží se pak spojit s námi .Když se jim to povede, říkávají ‘prosíme o víc pořadů, abychom slyšeli, co pro nás Bůh má. ‘“ TWR také v severní Africe rozdává pevně naladěná rádia nebo rádia s přehrávačem a s CD s nahranými programy. Projekt, jehož hodnota je 200 000 dolarů je určen pro asi 15 milionů potencionálních posluchačů evangelia. Zdroj: Mission Network News

*HCJB Global Voice vysílá pro celou severní Afriku, Střední Východ a Evropu křesťanské arabské vysílání na krátkých vlnách, ze satelitu a z místních stanic. Odhaduje se, že asi 1 milion posluchačů si toto vysílání naladí alespoň jednou týdně. Služba The North Africa Sattelite Service vysílá pořady ‘přímo do bytu’ 24 hodin denně. V oblasti je nejvyšší koncentrace bytových satelitních antén na světě.
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Source: Bible League
The Bible League provided more than 738,700 Bibles and New Testaments to people throughout Southeast Asia in 2007, nearly 55,000 more than in the previous year. As a result, opportunities for ministry throughout the region continue to increase as many churches in the region eagerly seek the training and Bibles offered through the ministry.

“Our training is so popular that there is now a long list of churches waiting to have our program in their churches,” said a Bible League contact who serves in a security-sensitive nation. “Our hope is that every member of these churches will be equipped to effectively teach God’s Word and bring more people into fellowship with Christ and His church.”

Staff members have also been able to share the Bible with various indigenous people groups -- in their native languages. In Cambodia, Bible League-trained Christians ministered to 27 different tribal groups, and this year in Thailand ministry workers plan to minister to nine unreached people groups.

In Malaysia an increasing population of migrant workers has also created more opportunities for Bible League-trained believers to spread the good news. By 2010 the Malaysian government estimates that there will be 5 million foreign workers with legal work permits living in Malaysia.

“The fields are ripe for harvest and thousands are hungry for God’s Word,” said the Bible League’s associate director of ministry for Southeast Asia.

* HCJB Global Hands sent an emergency medical response team from Ecuador to Mexico last November, joining with Samaritan’s Purse to provide relief to flood victims. HCJB Global Voice has also helped with training and Spanish programming for a pair of partner stations in Chihuahua, Mexico, and provides five hours of weekly programs for a station in Cuauhtemoc.


Source: Tearfund
The Harare offices of the Zimbabwe Christian Alliance (ZCA) were raided the afternoon of Monday, June 9, and five staff members were taken to the Harare Central Police station for questioning. The raid was carried out by Zimbabwe’s riot police, and it is reported that at least one staff member was assaulted in the raid. Useni Sibanda, national coordinator for the ZCA, said, “This is pure harassment of church organizations. We are just doing our usual work and we don’t understand why we should be attacked by riot police like this.” During the raid the police confiscated papers including the March 2008 edition of the ZCA newsletter. It is understood that no charges have yet been brought. A lawyer from Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights is in Harare to represent those detained. This raid follows the regime’s confrontation with diplomats last week and the increased intimidation of civil society groups. ZCA is a partner organization of the U.K. relief agency Tearfund.


Source: Christian Newswire
Nine Christian adoption agencies have joined together and created the National Christian Adoption Fellowship in an effort to withstand the growing pressure on small and mid-sized adoption agencies to cut services or close their doors. As a group, its goal is to promote Christ-centered adoption and child welfare services within the U.S. and around the world. “Not only will the fellowship revolutionize adoption in the U.S., it will serve as a wonderful example of cooperation to our partners around the world,” said Chairman Herbie Newell. Each partner agency will attribute different aspects of adoption and child welfare and, at the same time, give their clients the “personal touch” they have come to appreciate. The agencies have offices in 12 states and handle international adoptions in South America, Eastern Europe, Central and East Asia, and Africa. They can also provide domestic and embryo donation and adoption services.


Source: Mission Network News
Trans World Radio (TWR) is working on a transmitter modification project in southern France that will significantly improve its signal into North Africa. “Through the transmitter modification, we can clarify the signal that’s already going out into Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia,” explained TWR’s John Summerville. “But we can also send that signal much deeper to be able to reach people who have never heard the gospel before.” TWR broadcasts in Arabic and four different Berber dialects, but in order to reach more people, the organization is working to strengthen and focus its signal. Summerville says the reason for the expansion is because “we know through anecdotal evidence that churches are being planted; we know that people are coming to know Christ. They contact us in different ways, and when they do, they’re telling us, ‘Please give us more programs so that we can here what God has for us.’” TWR also distributes fixed-tuned radios and radio/CD players in North Africa along with CDs of radios programs. The $200,000 project has the potential of reaching 15 million listeners with the gospel.

* HCJB Global Voice reaches across North Africa, the Middle East and Europe with Christian Arabic programming aired via shortwave, satellite and local stations. An estimated 1 million listeners tune in to the broadcasts at least weekly. The mission’s North Africa Satellite Service airs programs direct-to-home 24 hours a day. This region has the world’s highest concentration of personal satellite dishes.


Source: Compass Direct News
Iran continued a wave of arrests against Christians in recent weeks, detaining a Tehran house church leader who was previously held and tortured for religious activity. Eight policemen arrested Mohsen Namvar, 44, from his Tehran home on Saturday, May 31, refusing to provide any reason for his arrest. His location remains unknown. An Iranian pastor residing outside the country said that Namvar had anticipated that police would come for him. “I know that if they decide to kill me as a martyr, you will care for my wife and my children,” the father of two told the Iranian pastor last month. Police had previously detained and tortured Namvar for baptizing Muslim converts to Christianity. He was unable to walk for several months after police repeatedly applied electrical shocks to his back in the spring of 2007. Last month Iranian police arrested 10 Muslim converts to Christianity from the southern city of Shiraz.

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