Zprávy HCJB 13.6.2008

 SIM pomáhá obětem záplav v Ghaně při stavbě nových domů i životů
   Skoro před rokem zasáhly západoafrickou Ghanu záplavy a jejich oběti nyní dostávají tolik potřebnou pomoc od křesťanů. SIM International ve spolupráci s Bible Church of Africa poskytuje přístřeší těm, kdo o ně v důsledku záplav přišli a potřebným dává i jídlo.

Jarní úroda byla zničena suchem, po kterém následovaly povodně a ty sebraly zbytek zrní. Tisíce lidí se tak octly bez jídla a také bez peněz na zaplacení zedníkům při stavbu nových obydlí.

SIM zahájila uskutečňování Programu potravinové pomoci Ghaně, aby obětem záplav umožnila znovu si vystavět domy. Od jejího zahájení je pod střechou již asi 80 – 100 místností. Další pomoc a rozdělování osiva se plánuje na červenec. Do konce roku – až do příští žně - také budou potřebné rodiny dostávat obilí.

Jelikož většina domů v Ghaně je stavěna z bláta a trávy a bez základů, povodeň je lehce strhne. Aby domy napříště víc vydržely, SIM plánuje poskytnout cement a pozinkovaný materiál na základy, který vydrží velkou vodu. Domy však musejí být pod střechou do příštích dešťů. Zdroj: Mission Network News

*HCJB Global působící z ústředí Akry v Ghaně zastupuje Hlas i Ruce Ježíšovy rostoucím počtem partnerských stanic a lékařských misií po celé subsaharské Africe
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Source: Mission Network News
It’s been nearly a year since flooding hit the West African country of Ghana, and flood victims are receiving much-needed help from Christians. Partnering with Bible Church of Africa, SIM International is providing homes for those left homeless by the flooding and food for the needy.

Early harvests were destroyed by drought followed by flooding that finished off any remaining grain, leaving thousands without food or money to pay workers to rebuild their homes.

SIM started the Ghana Flood Relief Project in an effort to help flood victims rebuild their lives. So far, food aid has been provided, and 80 out of 100 complete rooms have been roofed. More food aid and distribution of seed for planting is planned for July. SIM will also provide grain for needy families until the next year’s harvest.

As most homes in Ghana are built out of mud and grass with no foundation, it didn’t take much for the floods to destroy them. To make stronger homes, SIM plans to provide cement and zinc for flood-resistant foundations. It is essential that the roofing of these houses is finished before the next rainy season arrives.

* HCJB Global represents the Voice and Hands of Jesus in a growing number of partner stations and medical ministries across Sub-Saharan Africa from its regional headquarters in Accra, Ghana.


Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide
Egypt has begun the forcible repatriation of more than 1,000 Eritrean refugees held in several prisons across the East African nation. The deportations, which are in violation of Egypt’s obligations under international law, have begun despite a U.N. High Commission for Human Rights non-return advisory for Eritrean refugees. The deportations began on Wednesday, June 11, when a plane carrying 200 refugees left for Eritrea. Four more flights were scheduled for the next two days, but it’s unclear whether these took place or how many people were forcibly removed

“These deportations constitute a major violation of Egypt’s undertakings under international law,” said Stuart Windsor, national director of Christian Solidarity Worldwide. “We are deeply disappointed by this appalling mistreatment of vulnerable people who were merely seeking refuge from repression, and our prayers are with those who have been returned. We urge key members of the international community to make strong representations with the Egyptian authorities in order to ensure that such violations do not become standard practice, and that refugees will henceforth receive the protections that should be afforded to them under international law.”


Sources: Religion Today, Baptist Press
On Tuesday, June 10, the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S., elected Rev. Johnny M. Hunt as its new president. Rev. Benjamin Cole, an associate pastor in Enid, Okla., who championed former president Rev. Frank Page’s election, called Hunt a “passionate catalyst. . . . I don’t think there’s any question he genuinely loves Southern Baptists and the world around him.” Rev. Ted Traylor, pastor of Olive Baptist Church in Pensacola, Fla., nominated Hunt because he believed that because of his “heart for the nations” and his “heart for the next generation.” He added that Hunt will unite the convention and “forge a hopeful future” based on the gospel. Among his priorities of evangelism, missions and church planting, Hunt hopes to be a “conciliator for a common cause” of making the name of Jesus famous. “There’s room under the umbrella of Southern Baptists for all that still have those type passions to see Christ and the gospel really proclaimed.” Five candidates in addition to Hunt were nominated for the position of president but Hunt won the position with nearly 53 percent of the vote.


Sources: Religion Today, Assist News Service
International Christian Concern (ICC), a human rights group, reported that the Turkish government has forced a church in the capital of Ankara to close its doors. Batikent Protestant Church has been legally recognized in Turkey after winning a series of precedent-setting court cases, but has now received notice that it is meeting in a building unapproved as a place of worship. The founding pastor, Daniel Wickwire, has served as a missionary in Turkey for 23 years and has been involved in 15 court cases in the last six years in order to keep the church doors open. The most recent case was a legal battle regarding zoning code violations that Wickwire won last year. He describes this most recent incident as a “premeditated, continuous and jointly orchestrated direct attack against the church as a whole in Turkey.” But he isn’t giving up. ICC reported that Wickwire asked his attorneys to initiate a legal challenge against the police notice. “It’s high time for the international community to speak out against such overt, blatant and continual harassment and persecution of the church,” he said.


Source: Evangelical News
Seven siblings ranging in age from 4 to 17 have announced the launching of their new website, www.dearpapa.org, in honor of their father, national best-selling author Daniel Whyte III, and fathers worldwide. Danita Whyte, 13, designed the website in the hopes that it will be a voice for the thousands of children who love and honor their dads. The siblings believe that the best gift a child could give their father is a personal note or letter from the heart. Their mother, Meriqua, calls the project a “labor of love and outpouring of affection from the hearts of these children for their father.” The seven children, all homeschooled since birth, are budding authors themselves. Danita, Danač, 11, Daniqua, 9, and Danyelle, 4, wrote the book, The Virtuous Girl, which is an amazon.com best-seller. Daniella, 17, authored the new book, The Girl God Wants, while Daniel IV, 15, and Danyel, 6, wrote Letters to Young Boys.

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