Zprávy HCJB 17.6.2008

 Azerbajdžanskému pastorovi hrozí nové vězení
   Známý baptistický azerbajdžanský kazatel, který již byl ve vězení za „nezákonné bohoslužby“ dostal policejní obsílku a bylo mu vyhrožováno novým vězením za totéž. Zaur Balajev, který si odpykával dvouletý trest, byl propuštěn koncem března na základě amnestie prezidenta Ilhama Alieva. Ale podle zprávy zveřejněné agenturou Forum 18 News Service Balajev řekl, že policejní úředník se ho již ptal, zda „mu jedno vězení nestačilo.“ Policie údajně zastavila shromáždění v Balajevově baptistickém sboru ve vesnici Aliabad v zapadlé azerbajdžanské severozápadní oblasti Zakatala, ale členové sboru pokračují v organizování bohoslužebných shromáždění. Jiný policejní úředník rozzlobený neposlušností jeho sboru údajně hrozil Balajevově rodině. „Ty se možná nebojíš, ale nezapomeň, že máš manželku, dceru a syna,“ citoval Balajev blíže neurčeného policistu. Z Azerbajdžanu přicházejí zprávy vyvolávající obavy ze zvýšeného porušování lidských práv ze strany autokratického režimu Alieva. Ten převzal moc od svého otce Heydara v roce 2003. Zdroj: BosNewsLife
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Bible Society
Bibles and Scripture booklets will be available to athletes in the Olympic village in Beijing this summer despite rumors that Bibles would be banned at the games which begin on Aug. 8.

In a major breakthrough, Chinese authorities have given the go-ahead for the printing and distribution of 50,000 Chinese-English booklets containing the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and 10,000 Chinese-English Bibles.

For the first time, the Beijing Olympic organizing committee will allow its logo to be used free of charge on the publications.

The announcement follows controversy earlier this year over whether the Chinese authorities would allow Bibles to be made available at the Olympics. “This is a major and exciting opportunity,” said Bible Society Chief Executive James Catford. “We are privileged to be able to support the church in China in the publishing of these Bibles and Scriptures during the Beijing Olympics.”

The booklets will be available to some 16,000 athletes and officials in the Olympic villages in Beijing and five other cities that are hosting events during the summer.

In other developments, places of worship have been set up within the Olympic village to provide religious services to athletes. The Church in Beijing has been asked to provide people to staff the chapel and conduct worship services and prayers.

* HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra broadcasts 25.5 hours of Mandarin programming each week. An additional five hours of weekly programming in Min Nan Chinese (Fujian) and 10.5 hours in English also air to China.


Source: BosNewsLife
A well-known Baptist pastor in Azerbaijan who was jailed for holding “illegal religious services” has been summoned and threatened with a new prison term on similar charges. Zaur Balaev, who had been serving a two-year prison term, was released early in March under President Ilham Aliev’s amnesty to mark the spring festival of Novruz. However, in a statement released by Forum 18 News Service, Balaev said he had been asked by police officers “Wasn’t one prison term enough for you?” Police reportedly banned services of Balaev’s Baptist church in the village of Aliabad, in Azerbaijan’s remote north-west Zakatala region, but church members continued organizing worship meetings. One officer angry about his church’s defiance allegedly threatened Balaev’s family. “You may not be afraid, but you’ve forgotten you’ve got a wife, daughter and a son,” Balaev quoted the unidentified officer as saying. There are fresh concerns about an increase in human rights violations under autocratic Aliev who took over as president from his father, Heydar, in 2003.


Source: Mission Network News
Buckner International and Iglesia Bautista Horeb, a local church in Mexico City, Mexico, launched a new children’s home called La Familia on Sunday, May 18. “This is just a drop in the bucket,” said Dexton Shores, director of ministry development in Mexico for Buckner International. “More than 1 million kids are living on the streets in Mexico City.” The home will help the children of prison inmates and provide a transitional program for mothers of inmates. The team is still reviewing the case files of possible children, focusing on those age 6 and under. When the children move in, the home will provide a family environment. “The idea is that there would be one married couple that would serve as parents to no more than 12 kids,” he explained. “They have Bible study together, they have family worship together, they go to church together, they function just like a family would.” The local church will provide volunteers and financial resources for the group home. Jaime and Astrid Díaz Pereria and their three daughters have agreed to serve as house parents of the home and expand their borders to become a family of 12.


Sources: Christian Post, Crosswalk.com
Indonesia is becoming less tolerant of religious minority, declared both a Catholic priest and a moderate Muslim leader on Wednesday, June 4. In general, the overwhelmingly Muslim country of Indonesia is considered as tolerant of Christians and other religious minorities. But reports show an increase in church closures throughout Indonesia. More than 100 churches have been closed in Indonesia by attacks from radical Muslim groups or by local governments, reported Compass Direct News. Also in recent months there have been attacks on mosques and buildings belonging to the Muslim sect Ahmadiyya. “This [religious tolerance] is a situation you don’t have in many other countries with Muslim majorities, but tolerance is now under attack,” said Catholic priest Franz Magnis, a German-born Jesuit priest and long-term resident, according to Reuters. The country has experienced much sectarian violence in recent years with at least 1,000 people dying due to Muslim-Christian violence from 1998 to 2001 in Central Sulawesi province where there are roughly equal numbers of both communities.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to establish 29 local Christian radio stations across Indonesia since 2004. Broadcasts in Indonesian from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra air to Southeast Asia 6.5 hours weekly. In addition, HCJB Global Hands has helped with relief efforts since the Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake/tsunami and subsequent quakes that devastated parts of Indonesia.


Source: Christian Newswire
Evangelist Andrew Palau brought “BeachFest,” a two-day festival of music, action sports, family fun and preaching to South Carolina’s Myrtle Beach last weekend with more than 19,000 people in attendance. Top performers on the main stage included TobyMac, MercyMe, Mandisa and Hawk Nelson. The 55-acre site also offered an action sports venue with Livin It action sports, Riders for Christ, Protown BMX, Untitled skateboarding ministry and Walking on Water surf ministry. Bob and Larry from VeggieTales hosted the family fun zone. This was the first Andrew Palau festival to be held in the U.S. “We’re grateful for the support of our financial and prayer partners, the media, and the tireless volunteers who did everything from counseling to picking up trash,” said Palau, the son of evangelist Luis Palau. The event was made possible with the support of area churches, local businesses and some 1,000 volunteers. By the end of the event more than 500 people had recorded decisions to follow Christ. The Palau ministry will assist in local follow-up to assure that the new decision-makers get a solid start in their walk of faith.

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