Zprávy HCJB 23.6.2008

 V Jihoafrické republice požár zničil misijní sál pro 10 tisíc návštěvníků
   Sál Misie KwaSizabantu v KwaZulu (Natal) v Jihoafrické Republice byl v sobotu 14. června zničen požárem. Peter Hammond z Frontline Fellowship řekl, že sál se stavěl 10 let, pojal 10 tisíc lidí a sloužil 18 let.

Hammond řekl, že požár způsobila závada na elektroinstalaci. Hořet začalo v 9 hodin ráno a během 20 minut byla celá budova v plamenech. Hlavní střecha se propadla a všechny lavice shořely. Hasiči nebyli schopni plameny zdolat a celá budova nakonec lehla popelem.

Druhý den ráno se bohoslužby konaly v posluchárně misijní školy, kde rev. Erlo Stegen připomněl, že „budova shořela, ne však evangelium ani Bůh.“ Hammond řekl, že „našimi upřímnými modlitbami prosíme Pána, aby ve své milosti ponoukal modlitebníky a přímluvce po celém světě k podpoře misie KwaSizabantu ve chvíli nynější krize a ztrát.“

Misie KwaSizabantu byla založena před 40 roky a nyní provozuje misijní stanice, školy a sbory po celém Natalu, v Jihoafrické Republice, také ve Francii, v Holandsku, v Německu, ve Švýcarsku a v Rumunsku.

* HCJB Global Voice s místními partnery zakládá místní rozhlasové misie v šesti jihoafrických městech: Kapském Městě, Johannesburgu, Durbanu, Pinetownu, Roodepoortu a Badplaasu. HCJB Global Hands také pomáhají s projekty jako je středisko Living Hope Community Center s klinikou AIDS, které provozuje King Baptist Church v Kapském Městě.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Assist News Service
The auditorium at the KwaSizabantu Mission in KwaZulu, South Africa, was gutted by fire the morning of Saturday, June 14. Peter Hammond of Frontline Fellowship said the auditorium, which took 10 years to build, could seat 10,000 people and had been in use for more than 18 years.

Hammond said the fire, sparked by an electrical fault, broke out at about 9 a.m. “Within 20 minutes the whole building had been gutted by fire,” he explained. “The central roof collapsed and almost all of the benches were consumed in the blaze. Fire fighters were unable to reach the blaze before the entire building had been consumed.”

The next morning the church service was held in the mission school hall where Rev. Erlo Stegen commented that “a building got burned -- not the gospel and not God.” Hammond concluded, saying, “It is our sincere prayer that the Lord may graciously mobilize intercessors worldwide to rally behind KwaSizabantu Mission at this time of crisis and loss.”

KwaSizabantu Mission was founded 40 years ago and now has mission stations, schools and congregations throughout Zululand, South Africa, and as far away as France, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Romania.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to plant local radio ministries in six South African cities: Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Pinetown, Roodepoort and Badplaas. HCJB Global Hands also helps with projects such as the Living Hope Community Center, including an AIDS clinic, operated by partner King of Kings Baptist Church in Cape Town.


Source: BosNewsLife
At least 16 Christians abducted by suspected Muslim militants in Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province Saturday, June 21, were freed just hours later after the government said it had secured their release. Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani confirmed that negotiators managed to convince the captors to release the believers whom they had kidnapped late Saturday while praying in the northwestern city of Peshawar. A Christian legislator, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the believers were taken from a house church in near Peshawar University. News reports said an unknown “religious organization” operating in the Bara area of the semi-autonomous Khyber tribal district handed over the hostages to government representatives early Sunday, June 22, following successful negotiations. One of the freed Christians described the hostage takers only as “bearded men carrying assault rifles,” news reports stated. No more details were immediately available. “We condemn this act and, despite the recovery of the abductees, an enquiry will be held to uncover the faces behind the incident,” Gillani said in reported remarks.


Source: Assist News Service
An Egyptian police official said security forces have clashed with hundreds of angry Muslims who attacked houses and shops owned by Christians in a tiny farming village south of Cairo. The Associated Press (AP) reported that the clashes took place late Friday, June 20, after the disappearance of a young woman who had converted to Islam in the village of al-Nazalah. Egypt has seen several incidents of violence between Muslims and Christians in recent weeks. The police official said officers fired tear gas at, and scuffled with, about 1,000 Muslims who had accused Christians of kidnapping the female Muslim convert to force her to return to Christianity. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. A village priest told AP that Muslim residents also threw Molotov cocktails at Christians.


Sources: Assist News Service, Forum 18 News Service, BosNewsLife
Hamid Shabonov, a Baptist pastor in the remote village of Aliabad in northwestern Azerbaijan’s Zakatala region, was arrested on Friday, June 20, after police claimed they found an illegal weapon in his home. Pastor Ilya Zenchenko, head of Azerbaijan’s Baptist Union, condemned the arrest saying, “We’re in shock. This was a provocation by the police -- a deliberately target action.” His arrest comes three months after Pastor Zaur Balaev was released from prison. Shabonov’s family insisted he has no weapon and that police planted the gun they claim to have found. Shabonov remains in detention at the Zakatala police station, the local police chief confirmed. His home was among those searched when Balaev was arrested in May 2007, and Christian literature confiscated during the raid has still not been returned. Several Baptist congregations in Aliabad have faced repeated raids, threats and confiscation of religious literature where Christians comprise less than 7 percent of the mainly Muslim nation of more than 8 million.


HCJB Global reached another milestone in its ongoing leadership transition started in the fall of 2007. Outgoing HCJB Global President David Johnson announced that he will take a position with another Colorado Springs-based mission agency, Development Associates International (DAI), as of Sept. 1, 2008.

As senior consultant for Latin America, Johnson will initiate, design and develop the ministry of DAI throughout the region.

“David brings an understanding of Latin cultures that will enable DAI to respond to the special interests of Christian leaders there,” said DAI President Jane Overstreet. “His expertise will help DAI discern ways to offer training, mentoring and consulting that will enhance their integrity and effectiveness for the sake of the global church.”

At the same time, HCJB Global has named Senior Vice President Jim Allen as acting president to manage the organization through the ongoing presidential transition. The change took effect on Monday, June 16. More details on Allen’s appointment will follow on Tuesday.

“I am extremely grateful for David’s leadership these past seven years,” said Allen. “He has challenged and stretched us and helped us to be very intentional in all of our ministries. He will be greatly missed.”

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