Zprávy HCJB 26.6.2008

 Irák: Manželé se stali křesťany a byli vězněni, biti a zastrašováni tajnou policií
   Agenti tajné policie v Teheránu tento měsíc zadrželi a mučili nové obrácené manžele, zatímco jejich 4letou dcerku umístili do ústavu. Důvodem bylo organizováni biblických studií a jejich příslušnost k domácí církvi. Podle místních křesťanských zdrojů byla 28letá Tina Rad obviněna z „činnosti proti svatému islámu,“ které se měla dopustit tím, že doma s muslimy četla Bibli a pokoušela se „obrátit je.“ Tajná policie 3.června obsadila dům, Tinu uvěznila, jejího manžela, 31letého Makan Arya uvěznila také a obvinila jej z „činnosti proti bezpečnosti státu.“ Doma museli zanechat nemocnou nezaopatřenou 4letou dceru. Úřady je čtyři dny věznily na neznámém místě a propustila je celé potlučené od bití, a to ne zadarmo. Rad musel zaplatit kauci 30 000 dolarů a jeho manželka 20 000. „Příště bychom vás také mohli obvinit z odpadlictví, jestli s tím Ježíšem nepřestanete,“ řekla úřednice tajné policie Radovi během výslechu. Podle přísných islámských zákonů mohou být muslimové, kteří konvertují od islámu k jinému náboženství popraveni. Zdroj: Compass Direct News
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: OneNewsNow
Wycliffe Associates has launched Operation Clean Water in order to help millions of people who lack clean water and sanitation. Wycliffe Associates President Bruce Smith is investing mission funds and using volunteer help to assist people living in regions where sanitation and water supplies are extremely compromised.

“We’re finding that this is a global need,” he said. “It’s actually on the top-10 urgent needs of . . . the U.N. and [various] health organizations around the world.” Research shows that a child dies every 15 seconds in Third World countries due to unsafe water and a lack of sanitation.

“It’s an urgent need that our translation teams are facing in their communities,” Smith explained. “Firstly, because it impacts the health and welfare of the people that they’re serving, and secondly, it creates difficulty for the translators themselves to survive without good, clean water.” An estimated that 200 million people do not have clean water, but many will as Wycliffe’s translators work to provide them Bibles in their own language as well as healthy water.

* HCJB Global Hands helps provide clean drinking water and sanitation to rural Ecuadorian communities which do not have access to safe drinking water. Community wells with hand pumps and community potable water systems with a spigot or connection for each home are built to meet this need. Health/hygiene teaching, water system maintenance training and follow-up are improve the health benefits and assure sustainability. In each project, the benefiting community provides the manual labor and the majority of the resources needed. Pastoral and church lay leadership training is provided in conjunction with these projects. Water projects in 2007 benefited nearly 9,000 Ecuadorians.


Source: Mission Network News
Typhoon Fengshen hit the Philippines on the weekend, displacing thousands as flood waters engulfed entire villages. Food for the Hungry (FH) was among those affected by the Typhoon. Sarah Sywulka, director of relief programs explained that its offices were without electricity, homes have been washed away, others have lost their roofs or their flooring, and our child development programs were directly affected. Reports indicate many areas have been unreachable with emergency assistance, and approximately 800 people are still missing. The Philippines receive up to 20 typhoons a year, and Sywulka says FH will be helping with housing, rebuilding and immediate needs such as food, water and other aid. Sywulka says through it all, Christ is the focus. “Responding to a situation like this is a very tangible way of showing God’s love, and it’s not unusual for people to ask us, ‘Why are you doing this?’ And it opens up an opportunity for us to share why we’re doing it,” Sywulka said. FH has been working in the region for years with child development needs through child sponsorships and community development through micro-finance and vocational training.


Source: Compass Direct News
Security police officials in Tehran, Iran, this month tortured a newly converted couple and threatened to put their 4-year-old daughter in an institution after arresting them for holding Bible studies and attending a house church. A local Christian source said that 28-year-old Tina Rad was charged with “activities against the holy religion of Islam” for reading the Bible with Muslims in her home in Tehran and trying to “convert them.” Officials charged her husband, 31-year-old Makan Arya, with “activities against national security” after seizing the couple from their home on Tuesday, June 3, forcing them to leave their 4-year-old daughter ill and unattended. Authorities kept them in an unknown jail for four days, leaving them badly bruised from beatings. Rad was released on bail of US$30,000, and her husband was freed on payment of US$20,000. “The next time there may also be an apostasy charge, if you don’t stop with your Jesus,” a female security police officer told Rad during his interrogation. Under Iran’s strict Islamic laws, Muslims who convert from Islam to another religion can be executed.


Source: World Evangelical Alliance
Rev. Joel Edwards, general secretary of the Evangelical Alliance UK, has been appointed to lead Micah Challenge International as its international director starting Jan. 1, 2009. Micah Challenge International is the global advocacy campaign which is a joint venture between the Micah Network and the World Evangelical Alliance. The aims of Micah Challenge are to deepen Christian engagement with impoverished and marginalized communities through prayer and action, and to encourage leaders of rich and poor countries to fulfill their promise of cutting absolute poverty in half by 2015. “Having been involved in Micah Challenge since its inception, I am very much looking forward to the challenges of leading such an exciting global initiative, building on the excellent foundational work of Michael Smitheram and the team.” said Edwards. Steve Bradbury, chair of the Micah Network and acting chair of Micah Challenge International, said Edwards has “enormous passion, commitment to tackle issues of global inequality and a powerful, biblically shaped vision for the kind of world God wants us to live in.”


Source: Christian Newswire
Little League ended early this summer for 12-year-old homeschooler Jeremy Wood. He’ll also miss vacation Bible school. The day after his 12th birthday earlier this month, he and his father headed for the Appalachian Trail. During a 50-day period they will sleep outside and hike close to 500 miles to raise awareness and resources for the homeless. He has never attempted such an extended hike, but said he looks forward to “spending time with my dad” and “not having to practice piano everyday!” His biggest disappointment is missing the playoffs with his Little League baseball team. Jeremy first came into contact with the homeless through volunteering at the Wayside Center in Elgin, Ill. He has come to learn that while few children live on the streets, many families are broken apart because of homelessness. As the parents are getting their lives back together, the children are often sent to live with grandparents, aunts, or foster care. Jeremy wants to help these families get reunited. All proceeds from his hike will be used for programs to help parents get into the position to properly care for their children.

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