Zprávy HCJB 14.9.2008 - 20.9.2008

 Křesťanské rozhlasové vysílání pomáhalo Gracii Burnhamové přečkat únos
   Představte si, že budete přes rok drženi jako rukojmí bez jakékoli jistoty, že vyváznete. V případě Gracie Burnhamové a jejího manžela se tato noční můra stala skutečností. Tito manželé působili 17 let jako misionáři New Tribes Mission na Filiínách. V roce 2001 byli uneseni separatistickými teroristy na jižních Filipínách a dlouho drženi v zajetí Při osvobozovací akci filipínské armády 7. června 2002 byl Martin zabit a Gracia zraněna. Vrátila se do USA a opět se shledala se svými třemi dětmi. Podle svých zážitků napsala dvě knihy: „Mezi nepřáteli“ a „Opět se vznášet.“ Stále si v nich uvědomuje bolest a nesnesitelné utrpení z rukou únosců, ale současně si vzpomíná, jak křesťanské rozhlasové vysílání vnášelo paprsek naděje do jejich vězení v džungli. Video popisující její prožitky je stránce Trans World Radio http://www.twr.org/twr/engage/share_your_story. Zdroj: Trans World Radio
 Křesťané v severní Koreji se obávají dalšího pronásledování, i když Vůdce je nemocen
   Křesťané v Severní Koreji se obávají nového pronásledování, přestože se šíří zprávy o těžké nemoci korejského diktátora Kim Jong Ila. Podle některých amerických úředníků prodělal Kim Jong Il před několika týdny mozkovou mrtvici. Nezúčastnil se ani malé oslavy 60. výročí vzniku Severní Koreje. Organizace Hlas Mučedníků (VOM) sídlící v USA a podporující křesťany v Severní Koreji uvedla, že podle kontaktů v Severní Koreji, se kterými se spojila někdy koncem srpna, trpí Kim Jong Il nějakou akutní chorobou, dost možná mozkovou mrtvicí, která jej částečně zbavuje schopností.“ Nicméně podle VOM není jeho nemoc „ani smrtelná, ani dost těžká, aby mu bránila vnímat a komunikovat s lidmi kolem sebe.“ V posledních dnech v novinách proskakují články o tom, že Kim Jong Ilova mrtvice působí v Severní Koreji zmatený boj o moc. VOM uvádí, že s „pronásledovanými křesťany v Severní Koreji spolupracuje desítky let,“ což zahrnuje například i vypouštění tisíců balónů s Písmem přes státní hranice. Zdroj: BosNews Life, New York Times
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: HCJB Global
The 10th patient to receive medical care at HCJB Global Hand’s Hospital Vozandes-Shell in Ecuador was among those attending the facility’s 50th anniversary celebrations Sept. 12-14. Presented with a plaque, former patient María Dávilos mentioned some of the first missionary doctors: Ev Fuller (founder of the hospital), Art Johnston and Wally Swanson.

“María was delighted to learn that Dr. Swanson was actually present, and she was able to share a few words with him afterwards,” said nurse Florence Judd.

The weekend event included a video presentation showing original footage from 1958 when the hospital was dedicated as Epp Memorial Hospital. Nate Saint, a pilot with Mission Aviation Fellowship, donated land for the hospital as he saw the facility as a way to care for needy jungle dwellers and assist the many missionary efforts in the area.

Saint and four other missionaries—some of whom helped construct the building—were speared to death while making contact with the once-savage Waorani people (then known as the Aucas) in January 1956.

Fuller, now 90, shared Saint’s vision and made the hospital a reality, doing everything from planning and budgeting to fundraising and helping with the actual construction. A small clinic was built next to the construction site in 1955 so that Fuller, and later Johnston, could also attend to patients as well as treat emergencies.

The video also documented the present and future dreams for the facility, more commonly known as Hospital Vozandes del Oriente (HVO) or Voice of the Andes Hospital in Ecuador’s eastern Amazon basin.

“Untold hundreds of thousands of lives have been touched by the Savior here at HVO,” wrote Les Hirst, who serves in Ecuador with his wife, Priscilla, as special assistant to the president. “Priscilla and I have been humbled as we have read and heard the stories coming out of this hospital, and we thank the Lord for the legacy of those who have served here,” he said.

Among those whose lives touched were members of the Waorani tribe who suffered from a polio epidemic in the late 1960s. Swanson, who took care of many of the patients, showed anniversary attendees the film, “Polio Strikes the Aucas,” which he produced in the early 1970s. Today many members of the Waorani tribe, numbering about 1,500, are Christians.

In a written statement, Jim Allen, acting president of HCJB Global, recognized Jesus Christ as the strength, provider and model to follow in ministry each day through the decades. He thanked Ecuadorian and missionary staff for their work as well as authorities from Pastaza province authorities and the area military hospital for assistance and collaboration in providing integral healthcare.

Guests were invited to tour all departments of the hospital, “except the operating theater,” according to Judd, originally from the U.K. But “theater” seems appropriate in another way for Saint’s son, Steve, who recalls years earlier standing on a ladder on the outside of the hospital, peering into the operating room to observe Dr. Fuller performing a surgery!

“Dr. Fuller would always try to give us a good view of the really interesting part,” he wrote. To finalize the 50th anniversary celebrations, HVO chaplain Jesús Montero led in prayer, giving praise to God for the hospital’s past ministry and praying for His blessing on the years to come.


Sources: Voice of America, BosNewsLife
After Hurricane Ike struck late last week, the island city of Galveston and other areas along the Gulf of Mexico coast in Texas and Louisiana are struggling to begin their recovery. Christian aid workers, including the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (RRT), rushed to Texas where Ike’s destructive path tore all the way up to Houston, the fourth-largest U.S. city.

More than 1 million people are still without power, officials said. Galveston officials say they will allow people who evacuated before the storm to return during daylight hours to check their property, but they must leave before sunset or face a $2,000 fine.

In other parts of the Houston metropolitan area, people are struggling with lack of electrical power and disruption of normal communications. Local power companies have brought in thousands of line crews from other states to help restore electricity, and they are making progress in some areas.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has established about 60 distribution centers around the Houston area where thousands of people are now lining up for drinking water, bags of ice and other items.

Meanwhile, RRT said in a statement that “evangelism is part of everything we do and certainly, this is a vehicle for evangelism. By counseling people, we’ll hopefully lead them to the Lord Jesus Christ. While the RRT Team will attend to the spiritual and emotional needs of victims, Samaritan’s Purse will meet the physical needs brought about by Hurricane Ike.”

Samaritan’s Purse is helping to dig people out, take trees down, put plastic on roofs, deliver water purification systems and generators and provide help and relief as needed “We’ll get as dirty as we have to get to earn the right to share the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ just one time,” said Franklin Graham who heads both Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.


Sources: El Comercio, BBC
Bolivian President Evo Morales has recognized the right of opposition provinces to collect the Direct Tax on Hydrocarbons and maintain their autonomy. The opposition, in turn, has suspended protests that paralyzed southeastern Bolivia, and slowly the country is returning to normal.

Government and opposition authorities are preparing to negotiate constitutional changes, defining parameters of what Bolivia would look like after the dispute ends. Both sides confirmed that negotiations will begin today (Thursday, Sept. 18) for a peace pact and national reconciliation after three weeks of violent protests that left 19 people dead in a nation on the brink of civil war.

Facilitating discussion will be witnesses of the Union of South American Nations, the Catholic Church, the European Union and the U.N. The Morales administration, whose relations with Catholic hierarchy are strained, also confirmed participation of Methodist and evangelical churches because “here in Bolivia we do not only have one church,” Morales said.

The split between the Morales government in Bolivia’s western mountainous region and the oil-rich east has been growing wider since Morales took office in early 2006, according to a BBC feature. While the two sides have reached some agreement, Morales also said he would continue to push plans to radically change the Bolivian constitution, giving a greater voice to the nation’s indigenous and implementing land reforms. A national referendum on that constitution is set for Dec. 7.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local radio partners to plant local AM and FM stations in the Bolivian cities of Santa Cruz and San Borja. Six stations with 10 transmitters in seven cities are also affiliated with ALAS, the ministry’s Latin American satellite radio network that makes Spanish programs available to local stations 24 hours a day.


Source: Evangelical News International
Christian leaders and organizations worldwide have welcomed the announcement of an agreement to form a unity government in Zimbabwe, while also saying that many challenges lie ahead for the southern African nation. “We have an opportunity,” said the Rev. Ishmael Noko, a Zimbabwean theologian who is general secretary of the Geneva-based Lutheran World Federation. “The churches should position themselves to be guarantors if this agreement is truly signed,” said Noko. “They should ensure that it is implemented, and they need to stay as custodians, on behalf of the society, to see that the agreement is honored.”

* HCJB Global Voice signed a partnership agreement with the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe in 2001.


Source: Christian Newswire
Gospel Rescue Missions (GRM) have embarked on a landmark study to identify how faith works in faith-based social services. To improve program effectiveness, 17 rescue missions from across the U.S. looked at factors such as the significance of faith in substance abuse recovery and how faith may help a person recover from addiction. The research may help guide the debate over federal faith-based initiatives, now in their seventh year of expansion under the Bush Administration. Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential candidate, and Republican candidate Sen. John McCain have both voiced strong support for faith-based initiatives. GRM provides food, clothing and shelter to millions of needy Americans. The Pilot Member Missions are among 300 rescue missions across North America.


ORDEAL Source: Trans World Radio
Imagine being held hostage for more than a year, never knowing if you would make it home again. For Gracia Burnham and her late husband, Martin, this nightmare became a reality. The Burnhams were missionaries with New Tribes Mission in the Philippines for 17 years. In 2001 they were kidnapped by separatist terrorists in the southern Philippines and held captive. During a rescue operation by the Philippine army on June 7, 2002, Martin was killed and Gracia was wounded. Gracia has since returned to the U.S. where she was reunited with her three children. She has written two books about her experiences, In the Presence of My Enemies and To Fly Again. Despite enduring pain and unbearable suffering at the hands of their captors, Gracia recalls how Christian radio broadcasts brought a beam of hope in the darkness of their jungle prison. To view a video about her experience, visit Trans World Radio’s website: http://www.twr.org/twr/engage/share_your_story.


Source: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
The Following Christ 2008 conference is set for Chicago in December, with a focus on helping Christians to be God’s redeeming influence in the world. The conference sponsored by InterVarsity’s Graduate & Faculty Ministries and InterVarsity Press will be held in Chicago December 27 to 31. It is open not only to graduate students and faculty members but also to career-focused undergrads and working professionals interested in learning more about what it means to follow Jesus as a working professional or academic. Among the plenary speakers at Following Christ 2008 are Francis Collins, the director of the Human Genome Project.


Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide
After a fact-finding visit to the border between Bangladesh and Myanmar (Burma) Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) is calling on the international community to intensify pressure on the nation’s military regime. CSW gained access to two camps for unregistered Rohingya refugees living in dire conditions where malnutrition and disease were evident. Interviewees told CSW that the Muslim Rohingya are denied full citizenship rights and suffer severe restrictions on freedom of movement, marriage and religion. They are subject to forced labor, rape, land confiscation, arbitrary arrests, torture, extrajudicial killings and extortion on a daily basis. CSW Chief Executive Mervyn Thomas said Myanmar’s regime has “persistently ignored the will of the Burmese people and the international community for too long. It is time that the U.N. set out specific benchmarks for progress, such as the release of political prisoners and an end to the crimes again st humanity perpetrated throughout the country. We also believe a case against Burma’s generals should be referred to the International Criminal Court.”

* Broadcasts in the Rawang language, spoken by more than 140,000 people in Myanmar, began airing from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra in 2007. Two half-hour programs in this language air daily -- one slot in the morning and one in the afternoon.


Source: Compass Direct News
A policeman was killed, the body of another victim of Hindu extremist violence was discovered and more houses and churches burned in Orissa state’s Kandhamal district even as anti-Christian violence spread to at least five more states across India last weekend. Christians and churches were targeted in Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand as fallout from violence in Orissa that began following the assassination of a Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council or VHP) leader Laxmanananda Saraswati and four of his disciples in Kandhamal district on Saturday, Aug. 23. In Orissa’s Kandhamal district, a mob of around 500 rioters today killed a policeman and burned down a police station/ It is the same area where Hindu extremists launched a spate of attacks three weeks ago blaming local Christians of killing Saraswati and his disciples. Maoists have claimed responsibility for the murders of the Hindu leaders. Also in Orissa, t he body of another person was found and at least 14 houses were burned on Sunday, Sept. 14, and a church and several houses were set ablaze on the previous day.

* Radio programs in 12 languages air to India from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. Most of the programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Sources: BosNews Life, New York Times
Christians in North Korea fear that government backed persecution will continue despite reports that the country’s ruler, Kim Jong Il, is very ill. U.S. officials said Kim Jong Il probably suffered a stroke weeks ago. He did not attend a small-scale celebration on North Korea’s 60th anniversary. The U.S.-based Voice Of the Martyrs (VOM) group, which is supporting Christians in North Korea, said its contacts report that sometime in late August, Kim Jong Il “suffered some kind of acute illness, quite possibly a stroke, that incapacitated him to some level.” However VOM said the illness was “neither fatal nor debilitating enough to prevent him from continuing to be aware and interactive with those around him.” In recent days, media outlets have suggested that Kim Jong Il’s stroke has created a chaotic power struggle for control of North Korea. VOM said it has been working with “persecuted believers in North Kore a for decades,” including launching thousands of Scripture balloons across into the country.

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