Zprávy HCJB 5.10.2008 - 11.10.2008

 Chorvatský pedagog nabádá k přezkoumání role Američanů v misii
   Chorvat Dr. Petr Kuzmič nedávno řekl pastorům na konferenci v Dallasu (Texas), že američtí křesťané by měli „přestat jednat tak, jakoby spasení bylo v rukou Američanů.“ Učitel teologie a evangelista Kuzmič mluvil ke 125 pastorům – účastníkům „Severoamerických pastorských konzultací“ na téma „Měnící se role americké církve ve světové evangelizaci.“ Jeho proslov byl výzvou k zamyšlení nad tím, jak jsou americké církve vnímány věřícími na [evangelizačním] „jihu světa“ - v Africe, Asii, východní Evropě a Latinské Americe, kde je nyní růst křesťanství největší. Reverend Doug Birdsall z Lausanneského Výboru pro Světovou Evangelizaci řekl: „V posledních letech se mnoho světových křesťanských vůdců ptá ‘Je Americká církev ještě s námi? Má Americká církev ještě dost pokory, aby se od nás učila, aby s námi spolupracovala jako skutečný partner?’ Na tyto a další otázky jsme tento týden hledali odpověď.“ Zdroj: BosNewsLife
 Křesťanská menšina v severním Iráku se ujímá bezpečnosti
   Bezpečnostní situace v Iráku se poněkud stabilizovala, křesťanská menšina však po mnoha letech pronásledování stále pociťuje obavy. Aby jim čelila, hlídkují ve spolupráci s policií na klíčových místech křesťanských měst a vesnic jejich vlastní bezpečnostní síly organizované místními sbory. Někteří toto úsilí o zajištění vlastní bezpečnosti křesťanů vítají, jiní vyjadřují obavy z politických důsledků existence této nejnovější ozbrojené složky jedné skupiny iráckých obyvatel. Jsou také obavy o způsob financování těchto bezpečnostních sil. Křesťanské sbory a tisíce křesťanských rodin v Bagdádu i jinde byly v minulosti terorizovány, takže uprchly a opustily své domovy. Mnoho z nich se uchýlilo na sever Iráku a zdá se, že se jim tam nyní daří. Zdroj: Morning Edition (NPR)
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: BosNewsLife
Dr. Peter Kuzmic of Croatia told pastors at a conference in Dallas, TX recently that U.S. Christians need to “stop acting as if ‘salvation is in the hands of Americans.’” A theological educator and evangelist, Kuzmic spoke to 125 pastors at the North American Pastors’ Consultation on “The Changing Role of the American Church in World Evangelization.” His talk served as a wake-up call on how U.S. churches are perceived by believers in the “Global South” - Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America, where Christianity is experiencing the most growth. Rev erend Doug Birdsall of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization said, “In recent years, many international church leaders have been asking, ‘Is the American Church still with us? Does the American Church have the humility to learn from us, to work together in authentic partnership?’ We answered several of those questions during the week.”


Source: Covenant News
Leaders of the Evangelical Covenant Church say their approach to financial and investment management is helping their ministries weather the current world financial crisis. Covenant Trust Company manager Gary Johnson says his approach is maintaining an appropriate portfolio balance and using a disciplined process of blending asset types. “We do not shift our allocation targets based on short-term movements in markets. We do not attempt to time the markets,” Johnson said. The market downturn is having a negative effect on Covenant Retirement Communities’ budget, but President Rick Fisk says they are taking the long-term approach. He says some residents have seen their investments income drop as much as 25 percent.

Not everyone is experiencing loss, however. National Covenant Properties (NCP) is enjoying another solid year, says President Steve Dawson. NCP makes construction and real-estate loans to churches. The Covenant Pension Plan remains solid despite the market’s plunge, says Dean Lundgren, vice-president of finance. The Covenant Trust Company provides comprehensive estate planning and financial management resources to all members, friends and ministries of The Evangelical Covenant Church.


Sources: Baptist Press
A Baptist family hosted two unruly British teens for a week as part of a BBC reality show “World's Strictest Parents,” and the family gave a positive portrayal of a Christian approach to child rearing. In Alabama, the Birmingham News reports that due to their wholesomeness and Christian values, area residents Mark and Lynn Garnett were chosen for what the show’s producer says is meant to be a serious documentary. Naomi Fisher and Ross Torry lived with the Garnett family for eight days last summer, initially objecting to the new way of life. They later came to respect the family, and a description of the show concludes with, “The Garnetts’ strict but loving regime touches Ross and Naomi and they return home determined to mend their ways.”


Source: Church World Service
Khalid, a fifth-grade student in Dhana Serbiland village in Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province, said, “This is my first experience with learning through models and pictures. Everything was new to me. Now I know how to save myself from a landslide.” This young child from Mansehra district was part of Church World Service’s educational approach that includes using puppet shows, models and pictures to involve the students. “Children will share their experiences with their families,” said Riaz Kahn, head teacher at Dhana Serbiland Primary School. Disaster preparedness is offered through the

CWS-Pakistan/Afghanistan School Safety Project, and students and teachers learn to prepare to cope with a disaster and its aftermath.

* HCJB Global Hands sent two medical teams from Ecuador to Pakistan following a powerful earthquake on Oct. 8, 2005, that left tens of thousands dead and thousands more injured and homeless. Staff members helped SIM International with relief efforts.


Source: Mission Network News
Paper chains symbolized the real bondage of young Native American participants at the Warrior Leadership Summit conference: sins, addictions, pain. Throughout the week, young people tore off the chains and left them at the cross, symbolizing the bondages that used to bind them. The summit was sponsored by a branch of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries called On Eagles’ Wings. Since the event, young people have returned to their communities, helping others find freedom in Christ. Psalm 107:14 was personified at the conference: “He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom and broke away their chains.”


Sources: The Daily Telegraph, Ministry Today Update
A comedy clip denouncing the establishment of Sharia courts within the United Kingdom was censured on the popular video-sharing website, YouTube. “Welcome to Saudi Britain” was uploaded by Pat Condell, a comic whose views are unabashedly atheistic. YouTube removed the video from its site because of “terms of use violation”. Within 24 hours of its upload by Condell, “Welcome to Saudi Britain” had 40,000 viewings. His fans are putting the clip elsewhere on YouTube. The government of Pakistan blocked the nation’s access to YouTube earlier this year due to the site’s anti-Islamic content.

* Staff members at the HCJB-UK office in Bradford, England, are involved in program production, training and representation. They reach listeners outside the church by placing creative radio programs on local commercial stations. They also provide resources to religious broadcasters already working in the radio industry, and offer training to aspiring Christian broadcasters wanting to enter the profession. In addition, HCJB-UK operates Audiopot, an online library of creative Christian audio clips (www.audiopot.org).


Source: ASSIST News Service
Faced with continuing violence by Hindu extremists Christians in India are considering appropriate ways of self-defense. However, retaliation is out of the question, as Rev. Pran R. Parichha, President of the Orissa Chapter of the All India Christian Council explained to the German evangelical news agency “idea”. In the federal state of Orissa, where anti-Christian attacks continue, police and paramilitary security forces are not providing sufficient protection for the Christian minority, said Parichha.

In defiance of curfews, Parichha stated that militant Hindus are carrying out further attacks. Any form of self-defense had to be considered very carefully, emphasized Parichha. On the other hand, Christians were wondering how long they could run away from the Hindu attacks and give up their homes and their belongings. Approximately 50,000 Christians have been displaced; 24,000 are living in emergency camps. But even there they are not safe. Three bomb attacks have been carried out against camps.

* Radio programs in 12 languages air to India from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. Most of the programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Source: Morning Edition (NPR)
While the security situation in Iraq has stabilized somewhat, the Christian minority is still concerned after several years of persecution. In response to these ongoing concerns, security forces, organized through local churches and working with the Iraqi police, are manning checkpoints at Christian towns and villages. While some welcome these efforts, others worry about the political implications of this latest sectarian armed force in Iraq. There is also concern over how these security forces are funded. Several years ago, Christian churches were targeted and thousands of Christian families in Baghdad and elsewhere were terrorized into fleeing their homes. Many of them fled to the north of the country, where they seem to be th riving.

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