Zprávy HCJB 2.11.2008 - 8.11.2008

 Open Doors zvou k nedělním modlitbám za pronásledovanou církev
   Společenství Open Doors volá křesťany celého světa k modlitbám za více než 100 milionů trpících věřících. Mezinárodní den modliteb za pronásledovanou církev proběhne v neděli 9. listopadu. Je to jedna z největších modlitebních událostí na světě a od svého založení v roce 1996 znovu a znovu upozorňuje na pronásledované křesťany. „Pronásledovaní křesťané nás, kdo žijeme ve svobodě, vyzývají k modlitbám za ně – vždycky žádají především toto,“ řekl prezident Open Doors USA Carl Moeller. „A 9. listopadu máme příležitost společně prosit Pána jejich jménem.“ Zdroj: Evangelical News
 Křesťanský film ‘Fireproof’ vydělal již 20 milionů dolarů
   Film o křesťanském manželství Fireproof („Ohnivzdorné“) se promítá čtyři týdny a vydělal již 40krát víc, než kolik stálo natáčení. „Jsme nadšeni jeho neočekávaně vřelým přijetím a vděční, že publikum v celé Americe je tolik zaujato tímto zábavným a inspirujícím filmem,“ vyjádřil se Meyer Gottlieb, prezident filmové distribuční společnosti Samuel Goldwyn Films. Ředitel Alex Kendrick řekl, že do Sherwood Pictures, misie pro výrobu filmů při Sherwood Baptist Church, přicházejí stále nové kladné ohlasy na film. Když v roce 2002 Barnův průzkum odhalil, že film se stává jedním z nejmocnějších prostředků ovlivňujících americkou společnost zatímco církev svůj vliv ztrácí, založili Sherwood Pictures. „Uznáváme, že skutečné filmové tvůrce máme co dohánět, ale vždycky hledáme Boží myšlenku, která by diváky inspirovala a motivovala,“ řekl Kendrick. Zdroj: Christian Post, Religion Today
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: Mission Network News, HCJB Global
For 12 years HCJB Global’s daily, one-minute radio program, “Beyond the Call” (BTC), has featured ordinary people doing extraordinary things with God’s help. With Thanksgiving Day approaching in the U.S., the ministry is looking at ways to encourage Christians.

“We’d really like to encourage people to look for ways they can help others,” said Heide Jones, HCJB Global’s director of station relations. “We tend to focus a lot on ourselves or our families during these holidays, and we’d really like for people to look for ways to make a difference in someone else’s life.”

Jones said that’s why stories submitted to, “What’s Your Story?” will air on BTC through Dec. 31. “What we’re encouraging listeners to do is to go ‘beyond the call,’ make a difference in someone else’s life, and then go on their computers to BTCblog.com and share their stories with us.” From the submitted stories, one writer will be selected to win a Flip Video camcorder.

BTC airs on more than 1,000 radio outlets across North America and worldwide via the Internet and shortwave.


HCJB Global and other missions assisted a Costa Rica-based agency, Cooperación Misionera Iberoamericana (COMIBAM) Internacional, to sponsor a forum of more than 100 mission and church leaders seeking to integrate Latin Americans into global missions. SIM International, OC-Sepal and Wycliffe Bible Translators also participate in COMIBAM’s “support and send” structure. With a theme of “Connecting Latin America with the Global Missionary Movement,” the mid-September conference in Costa Rica drew representatives from 88 missions. The group’s corporate purpose statement was “to create dialogue opportunity aimed at sharing experiences and resources that promotes strategic cooperation in the Latin American missionary movement with the global movement.” It was sponsored by COMIBAM, based in San José. Attendees also heard from Rubén Ezemadu, a pastor from the African organization, Movement for Afr ican National Initiatives (MANI). Twenty-two countries were represented at the conference.


Source: BosNewsLife
Christian aid workers are sending additional supplies to survivors of a devastating earthquake Wednesday, Oct. 29, that killed more than 300 people in Pakistan’s troubled province of Balochistan (near Afghanistan). Father Maqsood Nazir collected essential goods at St. Pius Church in Quetta, some 900 miles southwest of Islamabad. He and seven parishioners then traveled overnight to reach Wam, one of the worst-hit villages. “It was a dangerous journey on narrow and winding roads in the mountains,” he recalled. “Village children started following our vehicle as we came close to the rubble of mud houses.” The epicenter of the 6.4-magnitude quake is an area northeast of Quetta, experts said. Among the dead were women and children, buried beneath the rubble of collapsed buildings. There have been concerns in previous disasters that minority Christians were in several cases cut off from aid. All Pakistan Minority Alliance, a Christia n political party, has set up two centers in Quetta to endure distribution of aid to Christian and other families.

* HCJB Global Hands sent two medical teams from Ecuador to Pakistan following a powerful earthquake on Oct. 8, 2005, that left tens of thousands dead and thousands more injured and homeless. Staff members helped SIM International with relief efforts.


Sources: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, HCJB Global
“On Nov. 7, my father will celebrate his 90th birthday, and we’d like to give him a special gift.” That was the opening remark by evangelist Franklin Graham on a Facebook page soliciting a million birthday greetings for his famous evangelist father, Billy Graham. Nearly 1,500 people joined the Facebook group, with several leaving comments to congratulate the elder Graham. The page also directs readers to the website www.billygraham90.com to leave “your story or a simple greeting,” adding that messages would be collated as present to Graham. His son’s invitation to the Facebook world concludes with, “Thank you for helping us encourage him on this special day.”


Source: Ecumenical News International
Christian leaders in Syria say the victor of the 2008 U.S. presidential election will have to focus on renewing peace efforts in the Middle East with the top priority being the settlement of the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian standoff. “That is the heart of the problem,” Antoine Audo, the Chaldean Catholic bishop of Aleppo, Syria, said in an interview conducted before the victory of Sen. Barack Obama in the U.S. presidential election on Nov. 4. He said that settling the Palestinian-Israeli conflict was an even higher regional priority than the Iraqi war because of the way it has polarized and distorted Middle East politics and geo-relations. On the African continent, a Kenyan church leader, Anglican Bishop Joseph Wasonga, hailed the election of Obama as the 44th U.S. president as a positive turn for Africa that can help steer good governance on the continent.


Source: Christian Newswire
Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) was given a 2008 Passion Award by the Servant Christian Community Foundation for outstanding commitment to furthering the gospel. The prestigious award was presented to MAF during the Thurman Mitchell Servant Leadership Celebration in Overland Park, Kan. The event is named for Mitchell, a well-known Kansas City leader and public figure who worked as a television news reporter at KCTV for two decades. In 1998 he became a full-time pastor and founder of Urban Youth Leadership. He also played an instrumental role in forming the Kansas City Alliance of Urban Ministries.


Source: Evangelical News
Open Doors is calling on Christians worldwide to pray for more than 100 million suffering believers during the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church on Sunday, Nov. 9. Open Doors is an international Christian ministry which supports and strengthens persecuted believers. This is one of the largest prayer events in the world and has heightened awareness of persecuted Christians since its inception in 1996. “Persecuted believers have asked us who live in freedom to pray for them—always their No. 1 request,” said Open Doors USA President Carl Moeller. “And on Nov. 9 we have the opportunity to collectively lift our petitions to the Lord on their behalf.”


Sources: Christian Post, Religion Today
The Christian marriage film “Fireproof” has hit $20 million in its four weeks in theaters, grossing 40 times as much as the movie cost to make. “We are thrilled with its astonishing reception and grateful that audiences all over America are raving about this entertaining and inspirational film,” said Meyer Gottlieb, president of the distributor, Samuel Goldwyn Films, in a released statement. Director Alex Kendrick said positive feedback keeps coming to Sherwood Pictures, the movie-making ministry of Sherwood Baptist Church. After a 2002 Barna Group survey revealed how movies have become one of the leading influencers in American society while churches have lost much of their influence, the church launched Sherwood Pictures. “We know we have a lot of growing to do as filmmakers, but we will always look for the ‘God’ idea that inspires and motivates people,” Kendrick said.


Sources: World Evangelical, Alliance, Christiantoday.com
After intensive discussion on a way forward in world evangelization, the World Evangelical Alliance General Assembly closed with major resolutions on an evangelical response to religious liberty, HIV/AIDS, poverty, peacemaking, care of the environment, and the global financial crisis. More than 500 senior evangelical leaders gathered for the assembly in Pattaya, Thailand, Oct. 25-30. A highlight was an address from Rev. Joel Edwards who will direct the Christian anti-poverty movement Micah Challenge. On Monday, Oct. 27, delegates agreed to resolution on the global financial crisis: “The worldwide financial turmoil is, at its root, evidence of what happens when too many are captivated by greed and put their faith in, and entrust their security and future aspirations to, a system animated by the maximization of wealth. Many legitimately feel betrayed,” the statement read. “We recognize that this economic crisis will have the most painful im pact on the poor who are the most vulnerable.”


Source: Compass Direct News
Christians in Colombia are anxious to learn the fate of Pastor William Reyes, missing since Sept. 25, even as three other pastors have gone missing. Reyes never arrived at his home in Maicao after leaving a meeting in Valledupar. Family members and fellow ministers fear that illegal armed groups may have murdered him as an area pastors’ group has received repeated threats from both the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and right-wing paramilitary units. Abduction is another possibility. In the past month, three Christian pastors were reportedly killed in separate incidents in Colombia. According to Pedro Acosta of the Peace Commission of the Evangelical Council of Colombia, two ministers died in northern Colombia’s Caribbean region and a third in Buenaventura on the Pacific coast. These killings may have been carried out by members of the Colombian armed forces, according to evidence emerging in recent weeks. Some recent mil itary scandals have prompted President Alvaro Uribe to announce that he had dismissed more than two dozen soldiers and officers, among them three generals.

* Together with local partners, HCJB Global Voice broadcasts the gospel on FM stations in four Colombian cities. The ministry also continues to air Spanish programs across the country and all of Latin America via shortwave from Quito.


Source: Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists
On Wednesday, Oct. 15, a declaration unexpectedly appeared on the webpage of the Russian Ministry of Justice listing 56 religious organizations scheduled for liquidation. These stem from a number of major world faiths and include Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Protestants, Catholics, dissident Orthodox groups and one organization belonging to the Kiev Orthodox Patriarchate. At least 35 of the 56 listed qualify as Protestant organizations. These include the humanitarian organization World Vision and Youth with a Mission (YWAM). At least six Baptist organizations are slated for elimination as well as the Russian branch of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, three regional districts of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists (RUECB), the Union of Churches of Presbyterian Christians, Assemblies of God and the Union of Churches of Evangelical Christians. Pastor Vitaly Vlasenko, RUECB’s director for external church relations, warns against u ndue alarm for the declaration states only that the Justice Department “plans to file liquidation claims” against the 56. “This is a wake-up call,” the pastor said. “This is certainly not the last word on the matter.” The RUECB, Russia’s largest, unified Protestant church, represents approximately 80,000 adult members in 1,750 congregations and groups.

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