Zprávy HCJB 1.1.2009 - 3.1.2009

 Organizátoři Zimních olympijských her ve Vancouveru 2010 požádali o radu baptistického kazatele
   Australský baptistický kazatel Mark Tronson byl pozván, aby proradil ohledně protokolu Mezináboženské bohoslužebné komise Zimních olympijských her ve Vancouveru 2010. Tronson byl pozván Timem Morrisonem, generálním ředitelem olympijské vesnice. “Moje olympijská misie začala již v Los Angeles v roce 1984. Tehdy mě Kevan Gosper AC, tehdejší president Australského olympijského výboru požádal, abych v olympijské vesnici duchovně působil,” řekl Tronson. Kazatel byl nato pozván do Mezinárodního olympijského výboru v roce 2000 v Lausanne ve Švýcarsku, aby zde místním pracovníkům pomohl formulovat ‘chartu’ bohoslužeb v olympijské vesnici hostitelského města. Tronson a jeho žena Delma od roku 1982 razí cestu Misii sportu a volného času, která spolupracuje s představiteli jednotlivých církví při obsazování míst kaplanů ve 150 profesionálních sportovních klubech. Za svoji 26letou službu pro sportovní misii budou Mark a Delma Tronson v únoru 2009 v Dallasu vyznamenáni mezinárodni cenou. Zdroj: rlg media Press Service International
 Nová turecká učebnice podporuje náboženskou diskriminaci
   Turecké Ministerstvo školství zavedlo do škol učebnici, která navádí k pronásledování místní malé křesťanské komunity, a to v době, kdy rostou mezinárodní obavy z rostoucí nevraživosti proti nemuslimům v Turecku. Učebnici pro základní školy loni vydalo státní nakladatelství Devlet, je určena pro 13leté žáky a jmenuje se Dějiny státních reforem a atatürkismu. Sporný text popisuje činnost misionářů jako hrozbu jednotě národa, protože prý ničí národní a kulturní hodnoty obracením obyvatel na jinou víru. Text obviňuje misionáře ze zneužívání přírodních katastrof, jako jsou zemětřesení, k vlastnímu prospěchu. Varuje děti před podvratnými úmysly misionářů a radí jim, jak tyto úmysly rozpoznat. „V Tureckém státním aparátu i mezi obyvateli Turecka výraz ‘misijní aktivita‘ zahrnuje nejen práci zahraničních misionářů, ale i činností místních křesťanů,“ řekl mluvčí Svazu protestantských církví Turecka. Zdroj: Christian Solidarity Worldwide
 Somálský křesťanský uprchlík uvězněn, protože se bránil muslimským fanatikům
   Somálský křesťan byl zavřen do policejní cely uprchlického tábora v Keni v místě Dadaab za to, že bránil sebe a svou rodinu před muslimskými fanatiky. Byl propuštěn po zaplacení pokuty ve výši $266 , kterou mu vyměřil táborový „soud“ za to, že se obrátil, čímž prý urázil islám a proroka Mohammeda. Na pokutu se složili ostatní křesťané. Pro Salat Sekondo Mberwa z Mogadishu to však nebylo to nejhorší, co musel za opuštění islámu vytrpět. Na začátku všeho byl 13. říjen, kdy muslimští mladíci tloukli na kovovou branku jeho obydlí v uprchlickém táboře, jednom ze tří, které se v severovýchodní Keni staly domovem pro 572000 uprchlíků ze Somálska, Etiopie a Súdánu. „Pokřikovali na mě, že prý jsem nepřítel islámského náboženství, a že zaplatím nejvyšší cenu za propagaci odlišného náboženství,“ řekl Mberwa. „Hrozili, že mě zabijí, jestli jim neotevřu.“ Spolu se synem se jim ubránili, za což ale byli uvězněni. Později byl Mbwerwa propuštěn jak výše popsáno, ale ve středu 26. listopadu, když doma odpočíval, islamisté se vrátili, střelili ho do ramene a nechali ho ležet v domnění, že je mrtev. Zdroj: Compass Direct News
 Všechny zprávy a angličtině

Source: Assist News Service
How many Christians live in China? Estimates range from 16 million to 200 million. “The fact is that no one really knows,” said Werner Bürklin of China Partner. “Every number given so far by Christian groups was a guesstimate.” An evangelical blogger cited a Xinhua official newspaper report quoting a high-ranking Chinese official as saying there are 130 million Christians in China. The official, whom Bürklin claimed he knows personally, is Ye Xiao Wen, director general of State Administration for Religious Affairs.

“Consequently we contacted his office and his secretary, Mr. Li, told us that Mr. Ye never made a statement that 130 million Christians now live in China. This was corroborated to me personally by Guo Wei, director of the Foreign Affairs Department in Beijing, whom I met on a recent trip in Beijing. We also checked with the official Chinese News Agency Xinhua, and nothing like this was ever reported.”

China Partner has since asked a group of individuals to travel into all 31 of China’s provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. Bürklin said so far this has been accomplished in every region except Xizang (Tibet). He said the team interviewed more than 7,000 people, mainly on streets and in parks but also on trains, planes, subways, taxis and buses, in hotels, open-air markets and stores. Based on this survey, Bürklin estimates the number of Christians in China at between 39 and 41 million with a 0.46 percent margin of error. Bürklin admitted that the survey failed to meet strict clinical scientific standards, but didn’t discount its value.

The Department of Education’s Liu Zhongyu published the results from a survey his team completed with 4,500 people in every province of China. The survey showed that up to 40 million Protestants live in China, far more than the 16 million so far officially recognized by the Chinese government and the China Christian Council.


Sources: The Institute on Religion and Democracy, Christian Newswire
In an emergency meeting, five Anglican archbishops talked about recent developments in North America centering on a proposed new Anglican province. The meeting involving Dr. Rowan Williams and the primates of Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and the Southern Cone of South America followed the unveiling by conservative Anglicans in the U.S. of a provisional constitution of the new Anglican Church in North America. In the past year, four U.S. dioceses have broken from the Episcopal Church, citing disagreement regarding issues such as the authority of Scripture and the exclusivity of Christ as the Savior of mankind. “While disaffected groups have split from the Episcopal Church in the past, the fact that many of these groups are now unifying is unprecedented,” said Faith J. H. McDonnell, Director of the Institute on Religion and Democracy’s Religious Liberty Program.


Sources: rlgmedia. Press Service International
Australian Baptist minister Mark Tronson was invited to consult on protocols being established by the Innerfaith Religious Services committee for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. Tronson received the invitation from Tim Morrison, who is Managing Director of the Olympic Village. “My Olympic ministry goes back to Los Angeles in 1984 when Kevan Gosper AC (the then Australian Olympic Committee president) invited me to minister in the Olympic village,” said Tronson. The minister was subsequently invited to the IOC in 2000 in Lausanne, Switzerland to assist staff in the development of a host city Olympic Village Religious Services 'protocol of ideas'. Tronson and his wife, Delma, pioneered the Sports and Leisure Ministry in association with Heads of Churches in 1982 and in the following 18 years negotiated the placement of chaplains with 150 professional sporting organizations. For their 26 years’ service to sports ministry, Mark and Delma Tronson are to be awarded an international award in Dallas in February 2009.


Source: Christian Newswire
The Russian government's efforts to reverse the ongoing birth decline in the former Soviet Union will not succeed until the trauma of abortion is addressed, according to Theresa Burke, founder of Rachel's Vineyard Ministries. “In Russia 70 percent of pregnancies end in abortion,” Burke said. She said her experience with women who’ve aborted shows her that the women who don't experience an effective healing program are more vulnerable to repeat abortions. “Until the woman's emotional pain is addressed and acknowledged, the cycle of abortion just repeats itself,” she said. “If Russia is to recover from the ravages of abortion, the government needs to do more than offer financial incentives to give birth,” added Burke.


Source. The Telegraph
“Aisle,” “bishop,” “chapel,” “empire” and “monarch” are gone. But the updated Junior Dictionary includes newer words such as “blog” and “broadband.” Its publisher, Oxford University Press, claims the changes were made to reflect Britain’s modern multicultural, multi-faith society. Academics and head teachers, however, expressed concerns that changes to the Junior Dictionary could mean that children will lose touch with Britain’s heritage. Alan Smithers, director of the Centre for Education and Employment at Buckingham University, said people in Britain have “a certain Christian narrative” that has given society meaning in the last 2,000 years. He deems it “questionable” to determine that it is all relative and replaceable. Lisa Saunders, a worried mother, has painstakingly compared entries dating from 1978, 1995, 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2007. She found herself “horrified” by how many words have disappeared from the Junior Dictionary since 2003, predicting that eradication of so many words would have a big effect on primary schools.


Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide
Turkey’s Ministry of Education has introduced a school textbook that encourages discrimination of the country’s small Christian community despite growing international concern about increasing violence against non-Muslims in Turkey. Published by Devlet [State] Books this year, the textbook, Primary Education: History of Republic Reforms and Atatürkizm, is aimed at 13-year olds. The controversial text describes missionary activity as a threat to national unity by destroying national and cultural values through converting people to another religion. The text accuses missionaries of using natural disasters, such as earthquakes, to serve their own interests and warns children of the subversive aims of missionaries as well as tips on how to recognize their activities. “To the Turkish State and society, the words ‘missionary activity’ encapsulates not only the work of foreign missionaries, but all Christian activity in the country,” said a spokesperson for the Alliance of Protestant Churches of Turkey.


Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide
Commemorating the 24th anniversary of the Putis massacre, the Peru Europe Platform (PEP) issued a declaration that calls for fully implementing recommendations made by Peru’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) on behalf of tens of thousands of victims of violence from the 1980s until 2000.

The declaration highlights the fact that victims are still waiting for official recognition that their most basic human rights were violated. While recognizing some progress, particularly in the area of reparations, the declaration criticizes moves within the Peruvian government to pass legislation which would create an amnesty or pardoning process for government security forces convicted of human rights violations.

On Dec. 13, 1984 in Putis, Ayacucho, 123 men, women and children were gunned down by members of the Peruvian military and buried in mass graves, according to the TRC. “We repeat our call to the international community to impress upon the Peruvian government the vital importance of national reconciliation and the key role that justice must play in that process,” said Alexa Papadouris, Advocacy Director for Christian Solidarity Worldwide.

* HCJB Global Voice, together with local partners, has helped plant Christian radio stations in seven Peruvian cities. Affiliate stations with in eight transmitters in six cities also carry Spanish programming distributed by ALAS, the ministry’s Latin American satellite radio network. Radio programs in both Spanish and Quechua also air across Peru via shortwave from Quito, Ecuador. A disaster response team from HCJB Global Hands in Ecuador also spent a week in Peru, providing medical assistance, distributing supplies and counseling those affected by an earthquake that hit on Aug. 15, 2007.


Source: Compass Direct News
A Somali Christian put in a refugee camp police cell in Dadaab, Kenya, for defending his family against Islamic zealots has been released after Christians helped raise the 20,000-shilling (US$266) fine that a camp “court” demanded for his conversion dishonoring Islam and the prophet Mohammed. But for Salat Sekondo Mberwa of Mogadishu, the war-torn capital of Somalia, this was not the highest price he has had to pay for leaving Islam. On Oct. 13, five Muslim youths knocked on Mberwa’s sheet-iron gate in the refugee camp, one of three that is home to 572,000 refugees from Somalia, Ethiopia and Sudan in this northeastern Kenya town. “They were shouting and calling me names, saying I was the enemy of the Islamic religion and that I would pay the ultimate price for propagating a different religion,” Mberwa said. “They threatened to kill me if I did not open the door for them.” He and his son managed to fight them off, for which he was jailed. After his release, as he was resting at home on Wednesday, Nov. 26, Islamists in the camp returned, shot him in the shoulder and left him for dead.

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