Zprávy HCJB 15.2.2009 - 21.2.2009

 Misionářka a zdravotní sestra Isabela Hemingway zemřela ve věku 101 let
   Isabela Hemingway získala zdravotnické vzdělání v bývalé Všeobecné nemocnici ve Filadelfii a využila je ke zvěstování naděje a uzdravení po celém světě. Isabela, poslední žijící sestřenice spisovatele Ernesta Hemingwaye se narodila v Číně. Její rodiče byli misionáři. Isabela získala v roce 1930 titul bakaláře dějin na Oberlin College. Její rozhodnutí stát se zdravotní sestrou ji přivedlo do nemocnice ve Filadelfii, kde diplomovala v roce 1932. Hemingwayová se pak vrátila do Číny do města Taigu, kde si osvojila místní nářečí a v letech 1934 – 1941 pracovala jako sestra v nemocnici. Když na Dálném Východě vypukla válka, vrátila se do USA, školila se zde na porodní asistentku a pak se v roce 1946 vrátila do Číny s Organizací pro hospodářskou pomoc a obnovu (UNRRA). Byla přidělena do nemocnice ve městě Tai-juan, kde jako dítě vyrostla. Hemingwayová se zde stala hlavní sestrou tří porodních oddělení. V roce 1949 ji a její spolužačku Editu Galt požádala organizace UNICEF, aby společně s čínskou vládou koordinovaly výuku porodních asistentek v Pekingu. Spolu s Dr. Leo Eloesserem napsala pro své studentky příručku pro porodní asistentky v čínštině. Tu později vydal UNICEF i anglicky a byla pak přeložena do korejštiny, španělštiny a portugalštiny. I když Hemingwayová z Číny odešla v roce 1951, její program výuky porodních asistentek zde pokračoval dalších 20 let. Po roce 1951 sloužila v 10 let Turecku s United Church of Christ Mission Board. Do důchodu odešla v roce 1973 a odstěhovala se do Washintonu D.C., aby se starala o svou 98letou matku. Nějakou dobu také poskytovala přístřeší vietnamské rodině. V roce 1978 se odstěhovala do domova důchodců v Pleasant Hill v Tenesee a dětem z místní školy vyprávěla mnoho příběhů a dobrodružství, která prožila v Číně a v Turecku. Také pro ně upletla stovky svetrů. Zemřela v neděli 1. února. Zdroj: Philadelphia Daily News a philly.com.
 Čínská křesťanka z domácího sboru propuštěna z vězení před smrtí manžela
   Čínský křesťanský aktivista Hua Zaichen, který proslul svou pomocí pronásledovaným křesťanům, zemřel v pondělí 9. února v pekingské nemocnici krátce po propuštění jeho manželky z vězení. Bylo mu 91 let. Skupina ochránců lidských práv China Aid Association (CAA) píše, že zemřel krátce po propuštění 79leté manželky Shuang Shuying z vězení, kde byla dva roky za „vykonstruovaná provinění“ spojená s její křesťanskou činností. „Jsme vděční za svědectví těchto starých manželů, kteří položili své životy za Pravdu a za svobodu vyznání v Číně,“ praví se v prohlášení CAA. Dále se v něm píše, že „Shuang Shuying a její rodina dál trpí pronásledováním čínskými úřady.“ Přes tyto svízele Shuang říká, že se cítí být „velmi posílena tím, že bratři a sestry z celého světa se za ni modlí.“
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: ELCA News Service, rlg media
Rev. Stephen Biegner heard the crash on Thursday, Feb. 12, that claimed 50 lives when a commuter airplane plunged into a nearby home in suburban Buffalo, N.Y. “I got over there as fast as possible and started praying,” said Biegner, a pastor at Zion Lutheran Church near the fiery site. Some of the firefighters and rescue workers rushing to the crash scene attend Zion. “I saw a lot first responders being the hands of God. They put themselves in harm’s way,” he added. “They focused on how to help and how to get people out.” The plane’s passengers and crew were killed when the craft slammed into a home nose first and exploded into a fireball. Zion’s lead pastor, Randy Milleville, comforted the two survivors who had been inside the home at 10:15 p.m. when the plane burst through the roof. Douglas Wielinski, 61, died in his home, but his wife Karen, 57, and daughter, Jill, 22, escaped the house after the cra sh. Witnesses said they heard the twin turboprop aircraft sputtering before it went down in light snow and fog. The 74-seat Bombardier Q400 Dash 8 aircraft was carrying 5,000 pounds of fuel and apparently exploded on impact, Erie County Executive Chris Collins told reporters.


Sources: World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission, Assist News Service
Bishop Sebastian Bakare of Zimbabwe is appealing to Christians worldwide to pray for his country, saying, “We have exhausted all channels. We will only fight through God as He knows what is best for His church and He is the one who can correctly distinguish between good and evil.” Bakare claimed that Rev. Nolbert Kunonga, a supporter of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugave, and others are “conniving with some rogue members of the police force and working in unison to violate the High Court judgment. We are not going to fight them. Prayer is the only solution.” A Zimbabwe High Court had ruled a year ago that the nation’s Anglican Church could rule its own affairs after Kunonga appealed the church’s removal of him as bishop. Kunonga was appointed in 2001. This month the primates of the Anglican Communion released a statement on Zimbabwe denouncing Mugabe’s rule as illegitimate and decried the appalling conditions in th e country. They denounced Kunonga and called for the full restoration of Anglican property within Zimbabwe. The primates also urged the Churches of the Anglican Communion to join with the Anglican Church of Southern Africa in observing Ash Wednesday, Feb. 25, as a day of prayer and solidarity with the Zimbabwean people.

* HCJB Global Voice signed a partnership agreement with the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe in 2001.


Source: Philadelphia Daily News
Isabel Hemingway used a degree in nursing from the former Philadelphia General Hospital to take her message of hope and healing around the world. The last remaining first cousin of author Ernest Hemingway, Isabel was born in China to missionary parents. Isabel graduated from Oberlin College with a bachelor’s degree in history in 1930. Her choice of a nursing career took her to Philadelphia to the hospital where she graduated in 1932. Hemingway returned to Taigu, China, where she spoke the local dialect and worked as a nurse in the hospital there from 1934 until 1941. She returned to the U.S. as war raged in the Far East, training as a nurse midwife, then went back to China in 1946 with the U.N. Relief and Rehabilitation Association. Assigned to the hospital in Taiyuan near where she grew up, Hemingway was the head nurse of three obstetrical wards. In 1949 she and classmate Edith Galt were asked by UNICEF to coordinate a training program for nurse mid wives in Beijing in conjunction with the Chinese government. Together with Dr. Leo Eloesser, they compiled a technical manual for midwifery in Chinese for their students. It was later published in English by UNICEF and was eventually translated into Korean, Spanish and Portuguese. Although Hemingway left China in 1951, the midwifery program continued for another 20 years. Beginning in the early 1950s she served with the United Church of Christ Mission Board in Turkey for 10 years. She died on Sunday, Feb. 1, and lived in Pleasant Hill, Tenn.


Source: Tearfund
Thousands of Christians will join in prayer this month (Feb. 23-March 1) to see real change around the world. Tearfund’s Global Poverty Prayer Week is a call to the U.K. church to join with churches around the world in calling on God to hear the cry of our hearts for some of the world’s most difficult situations. Disaster relief, water and sanitation, climate change, people living with HIV/AIDS and the impact of the local church in the most needy places are all topics for prayer during Tearfund’s Global Poverty Prayer Week. Tearfund Chief Executive Matthew Frost said thousands recently prayed for people of the Democratic Republic of Congo after rebel leader General Nkunda defeated the country’s army in vast areas around the eastern city of Goma. “Soon afterwards the rebel group unexpectedly split, lessening Nkunda’s power, and then last week Nkunda himself was arrested by Rwandan troops,” Frost said. “We know that praying about global poverty issues and world events does have an impact, both on our own lives as well as to others. God is at work in this world, and it’s exciting to be part of it!” Resources for prayer, including a DVD featuring Lynne Hybels, Tim Hughes and Roger Forster, are available at http://www.tearfund.org/prayerweek.


Source: Christian Post
U.S. President Barak Obama’s new and expanded faith-based office will continue to allow federally funded religious groups to consider an applicant’s religion when hiring--at least for now. The hiring policy created under former President George W. Bush remains intact for the newly named White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. But the faith-based office will be stricter when it comes to overseeing how federal funds are being used by faith-based groups. Obama has emphasized that the office would strictly adhere to a separation of church and state. Earlier campaign statements by Obama had made faith-based groups nervous, predicting an end to government funding under an Obama faith-based office if he required them to hire ministry staffs that held beliefs and values contrary to their organization. But Obama’s decision to leave the Bush hiring policy in place for now pleased religious groups. Frank Page, past president of the Southern Baptist Convention and one of the religious leaders who will advise Obama on faith-based issues, told The Los Angeles Times, “I know he was struggling with this particular issue. But this will allow religious groups to be true to themselves.” The hiring policy will undergo a legal review before Obama makes a decision on hiring guidelines.


Chinese Christian activist Hua Zaichen, who became known for reportedly helping persecuted Christians, died Monday, Feb. 9, in a Beijing hospital, shortly after his wife was released from prison. He was 91 years old. The advocacy group China Aid Association (CAA) has been in close contact with Hua’s family. CAA reported that he died shortly after his 79-year-old wife, Shuang Shuying, was released from prison where she had been held for two years on what CAA described as “fabricated charges” because of her Christian work. “We are grateful for the witness of this elderly couple who have laid down their lives for the Truth and for religious freedom in China,” stated the CAA report, adding that “Shuang Shuying and her family continue to suffer persecution from Chinese officials.” Despite the setbacks, Shuang said she felt “greatly strengthened” that “brothers and sisters from all over the world have b een praying for me.”


Source: Compass Direct News
A Turkish court has charged two more men for instigating the murder of three Christians in Malatya in 2007 when a former employee of the Christian publishing house where they were killed, and an ex-journalist suspected of ties to a group that tried to engineer a political coup. A judge ordered the arrest of former journalist Varol Bulent Aral on Wednesday, Feb. 4, on suspicion of instigating the murder. Aral has been connected to Ergenekon, an ultranationalist cabal of retired generals, politicians, journalists and mafia members under investigation for conspiracy in various murders. Huseyin Yelki, a Turk who has worked for Christian organizations, was arrested after suspected ringleader Emre Gunaydin implicated him for instigation of murder. Yelki is a former employee of Zirve Publishing Co. in Malatya, site of the brutal torture and murder of two Turkish Christians, Necati Aydin and Ugur Yuksel, and a German, Tilmann Geske, in April 2007. Gunaydin claimed in his testimony that Aral and Yelki worked together to instigate the attack.


Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide
Christian Solidarity Worldwide and the All India Christian Council welcomed a recent report from Asma Jahangir, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, on her mission to India in 2008. The report notes the “religious diversity of India and the positive impact of secularism” but warns that a “system of impunity emboldens forces of intolerance” and that extremist groups advocating religious hatred “have unleashed an all-pervasive fear of mob violence.” Her report further articulates concern about state-level, anti-conversion laws “used to vilify Christians and Muslims” and recommends that they be “reconsidered since they raise serious human rights concerns.” It also calls for an end to religious discrimination in the eligibility of Dalits for the affirmative action system of reservations in public sector education and employment. Other areas of concern include the socio-economi c status of Muslims, shortcomings in the recognition of the Sikh, Jain and Buddhist religions, religious freedom in Jammu and Kashmir, and religion-based personal laws.

* Radio programs in 12 languages air to India from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. Most of the programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Source: BBC
The editor and publisher of a top English-language Indian daily have been arrested on charges of “hurting the religious feelings” of Muslims. Editor Ravindra Kumar and Publisher Anand Sinha were detained in Calcutta after complaints. Muslims said they were upset with the newspaper for reproducing an article from Britain’s Independent Daily in its Feb. 5 edition. The article, “Why Should I Respect These Oppressive Religions?” concerns the erosion of the right to criticize all religions. In it, author Johann Hari, writes: “I don’t respect the idea that we should follow a ‘prophet’ who at the age of 53 had sex with a 9-year-old girl and ordered the murder of whole villages of Jews because they wouldn’t follow him.” Kumar and Sinha have appeared in court and were granted bail. Some Muslims close to the Jamiat-e-Ulema e Hind (Organization of Indian Scholars), a leading Islamic group in India, lat er filed a complaint with police alleging that the publication had “outraged their religious feelings” which is an offence under the Indian Penal Code. Kumar has said he has already issued a public apology for reproducing the article.

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