Zprávy HCJB 22.2.2009 - 28.2.2009

 Z Dánska vyplouvá další loď Operation Mobilization
   Nejnovější loď flotily Operation Mobilization (OM) Logos Hope uvedená do služby v úterý 19. února vyplula z dánského přístavu Koge. „Vyplutí Logos Hope z Koge je velkým dnem historie flotily OM a věřím, že i OM samotné,“ řekl její mezinárodní ředitel Peter Maiden. „Je to radost i výzva myslet na to množství lidí, kteří v příštích letech poznají Boha buď přímo na této lodi nebo prostřednictvím skupin jejích pracovníků vycházejících na břeh.“ První zastávkou lodi bude švédský Gotheburg, následovat bude Holandsko, Velká Británie, Faerské ostrovy a Irsko. Loď Logos Hope je nástupkyní Logos II a má na palubě literaturu, prostředky pro poskytování pomoci, její tým je složen pouze z dobrovolníků a má asi 400 členů. Projekt za 33 milionů dolarů vznikl na základě osmiletého plánování, shánění peněz a opravování starší lodi zakoupené v roce 2004. Další renovace budou probíhat již za provozu. Od roku 1970 navštívilo lodi OM 38 milionů lidí, lodi kotvily v 1350 přístavech ve 158 zemích. Zdroj: Mission Network News
 Arab Vision připravuje 2 nové televizní programy
   Nová řada televizních programů připravovaná Arab Vision je zaměřena na povzbuzení arabských křesťanek v jejich snaze žít životem víry, svědčit v jejich domácnostech o křesťanských hodnotách a být příkladem lásky Kristovy i pro své sousedy a známé. Každý pořad bude mimo jiné obsahovat svědectví arabských žen z různých částí regionu, který zahrnuje Libanon, Irák, Súdán, Jordánsko, Alžír, Maroko a Egypt. Arabská mládež vyrůstá v matoucím a hlučném světě. Jejich rodiny i společnost bývají konzervativní a neponechávají mnoho prostoru k diskusi o otázkách, které jsou pro ně důležité. Mladí lidé tak nemají mnoho možnosti svobodně se vyjadřovat, ani motivaci něco vytvářet. Mnoho křesťanské mládeže tak o své budoucnosti jen přemýšlí a hledá v ní své místo. Každá televizní epizoda je o něčem novém, snaží se být optimistická, veselá, radit a povzbuzovat arabskou mládež, aby žila podle své víry. Nedávno jeden pracovník Arab Vision mluvil se postarším imámem (náboženským vůdcem) a jeho manželkou. Imám se právě vrátil z modlitební hodiny v mešitě, kterou vedl, ale oba chtěli mluvit o tom, co právě viděli v křesťanské televizi. Nakonec oba uznávali Krista a vděčně přijali Bibli. Zdroj: Arab Vision

*HCJB Global Voice vysílá na krátkých vlnách, přes satelit a přes místní stanice do severní Afriky, na Střední Východ a do Evropy křesťanské pořady v arabštině. Odhaduje se, že jim alespoň jednou týdně naslouchá asi 1 milion lidí. Misijní Severoafrická Satelitní Služba vysílá přímo do domovů posluchačů 24 hodin denně. V oblasti je nejvyšší koncentrace domácích satelitních antén na světě. Více informací na www.onehousehold.com.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: Associated Press, The Denver Post
Conservative evangelical leader James Dobson has resigned as chairman of Focus on the Family but will continue to play a prominent role at the organization he founded more than three decades ago. Dobson, 72, told the nonprofit’s 950 employees Friday morning at their monthly chapel service that he was stepping down to lighten his administrative burdens. He had notified the board of his decision two days earlier on Wednesday, Feb. 25. Jim Daly, the group’s president and chief executive officer, said Dobson will continue to host Focus on the Family’s flagship radio program, write a monthly newsletter and speak out on moral issues. Dobson’s resignation “lessens his administrative burden” and is the latest step in a succession plan, the group said. Dobson said in a statement that his resignation was simply the next step in his six-year plan to transfer leadership. He had handed over executive leadership to Don Hodel in 2003 f ollowed by transferring the presidency to Daly in 2005. Shirley Dobson, chairman of the National Day of Prayer, also stepped down as a director of the Focus on the Family board.


Source: Mission Network News
Logos Hope, the newest vessel from Operation Mobilization (OM), launched into service Thursday, Feb. 19, departing from Koge, Denmark. “As Logos Hope sailed from Koge, a great day arrived in the history of OM ships and, I believe, in the history of OM,” said International Director Peter Maiden said. “It’s both encouraging and challenging to think of the huge number of people who will meet with God on this vessel or through teams sent from this vessel in the years to come.” The ship’s first port of call is in Gothenburg, Sweden, followed by stops in Netherlands, U.K., Faroe Islands and Ireland. The Logos Hope, replacing the Logos II, carries literature resources, aid supplies and an all-volunteer crew and staff of up to 400. The $33-million project culminates eight years of planning, fundraising and making renovations to an older vessel, purchased in 2004. Additional renovations continue to be made while the ship is sailing. Since 1970 some 38 million people have visited OM ships during more than 1,350 port visits in 158 countries.


Source: Moody Communications
At the 1939 World’s Fair, young pastor and science aficionado Dr. Irwin Moon put on dramatic scientific demonstrations, then used these to support his belief in the Bible. At this popular attraction, for several months Moon illustrated that science could be used to illuminate the wonders of God’s creation. He later partnered with Moody Bible Institute and produced science films for 40 years. Now Moody is partnering with Phil Vischer, co-founder of the popular “VeggieTales” children’s animations, to revive interest in Moody’s science films. “Kids who know all about recycling and global warming but have had no exposure to science as a tool to actually support the Bible,” Vischer said. “So I am partnering with Moody to bring some of these classic films back to life.” The films will appear on JellyTelly.com. “This will serve as a sort of online mini-Nickelodeon for Christian kids,” he adde d. “We’re working with ministries like Focus on the Family and Moody to bring the best Christian kids programming together in one place.


Source: Arab Vision
A new television series being prepared by Arab Vision seeks to inspire and motivate Arab Christian women to continue living by faith, demonstrate Christian values in their homes and stand as examples of the love of Christ in their communities. Testimonies of Arab women from different parts of the region, including Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan, Jordan, Algeria, Morocco and Egypt will feature as part of each program. Arab teens are growing up in a confusing and often tumultuous world. Their families and societies are frequently conservative, leaving little room for open discussions on issues that are important to them. Lacking freedom of expression and without motivation to be creative, many Christian teens wonder about their future and search for meaning. Each episode of the new TV series provides informative, innovative, funny and challenging advice that encourages Arab teens to live out their faith. Recently an Arab Vision staff member talked with an older imam (religious leader) and his wife. The imam had just come from leading prayer at the mosque, but both wanted to talk about what they’d seen on Christian TV. Eventually, both accepted Christ and were delighted to receive a Bible.

* HCJB Global Voice reaches across North Africa, the Middle East and Europe with Christian Arabic programming aired via shortwave, satellite and local stations. An estimated 1 million households tune in to the broadcasts at least weekly. The mission’s North Africa Satellite Service airs programs direct-to-home 24 hours a day. This region has the world’s highest concentration of personal satellite dishes. For more information visit www.onehousehold.com.


Source: Christian Newswire
Founded by two former “missionary kids,” the International Faith Telegraph: World Christian News & Missions News (www.faithtelegraph.com) aims to keep readers in touch with daily Christian world news as well as missions news and international evangelism worldwide. The recently launched site has already begun making contact with Christians and missionaries worldwide. “In just the first few weeks since we started this project, we have been so blessed to make contact with people all over the world,” said co-founder Laura Larson. “God has really opened up our eyes to see that there is so much happening in the world today. God is doing so many exciting things, and much of it is found in the stories of individual Christians and missionaries you have probably never heard of.” The founders hope to place less focus on political news whil e emphasizing worldwide news and missions.” We believe it’s important to stay current with politics; however, it is easy to invest so much emotional energy in U.S. politics, and become so frustrated, that you forget about other subjects near to God’s heart, like reaching the lost. And you forget that there is a lot to be excited about today,” Larson said.


Sources: internetevangelismday.com, Christian Newswire
Social networking groups such as Twitter recently enabled eyewitnesses to pass on to thousands of other people their firsthand accounts of the jet that crash landed in the Hudson River well before media outlets could tell the story. How can Christians use the bewildering mix of new technologies to share the good news? World Gospel Mission is opening a conversation about taking missions online. Todd Eckhardt of World Gospel Mission said the organization is investigating experiences with online missions and inviting comments online. Some sites offer worship services. Others provide opportunities for believers to share their faith online. Internet Evangelism Day’s website, internetevangelismday.com, provides resources, ideas and strategies to help Christians use what many leaders have called a “God-given medium.” These include a self-assessment tool for church websites, enabling them to better reach out into their communities. Internet Evang elism Day--as the name suggests--is also an annual focus day set for Sunday, April 26.


Source: Christian Newswire
Tightening budgets and drops in charitable giving are leaving senior citizens in the U.S. particularly vulnerable in this economic crisis. Caregivers have seen a greater demand for services and hospitals are experiencing longer wait times in emergency rooms and more medical visits by people age 65 and older. Amid these challenges, tending to the spiritual needs of the elderly can bring them hope, encouragement and help in rediscovering God’s purpose in their lives. The program, “Mature Hearts, Scriptural Promises for our Beloved Seniors,” available on DVD, can be utilized for seniors who may be living alone, in the hospital, in assisted living or in a nursing home. The program is adaptable to group study sessions within these settings or it can be used individually with personal DVD players. Throughout the production, Sandy Dunbar, educator and Christian retreat leader from Hickory, N.C., speaks from her heart and shares her passion for God’s Word.

* Radio programs in 12 languages air to India from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. Most of the programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Source: Compass Direct News
Family members of a Christian found murdered last week in the Pandagadu area of the Kandhamal district of eastern India’s Orissa state said they believe the killers were Hindu nationalists such as those responsible for more than two months of violent anti-Christian rioting last year. Hrudayananda Nayak, a 42-year-old father of two, was found dead on Thursday, Feb. 19, with several injuries to his head sustained as he took a shortcut through a forest to his home village. His mother, Prasanna Kumari Nayak, has submitted a written complaint to police alleging the killers were associated with Hindu hardliners involved in last year’s rioting. His nephew, Sujan Nayak, said that on the day of the murder, his uncle told him before leaving home that he had received threats from three drunken men who were standing outside shouting threats at Christians in general that morning. “He quoted them as saying, ‘We will not burn houses this time but will kill all Christians one by one,’” Sujan Nayak said. “The three men threatening violence in the morning were seen on the same road passing through the forest where Hrudayananda was murdered at 11 p.m. on the date of the murder. It is one week since the murder, and the suspects have not returned back home.”

* Radio programs in 12 languages air to India from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. Most of the programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Source: BosNewsLife
A U.S.-based mission group has launched an “Underground University” to help exiled North Koreans to return and evangelize in North Korea or to spread Christianity among North Koreans in other countries, including in China. The Underground University is a 12-month intense program based in Seoul, South Korea, according to the group, Seoul USA. North Korea has been ranked for the sixth year in a row as No. 1 on Open Doors’ Christian persecution World Watch List. Open Doors reported that more than 1 million people are being held in concentration camps in North Korea, many of whom are Christians. Despite the dangers, a “return to North Korea movement” is surfacing among North Korean defectors living in South Korea, according to Seoul USA’s H.S. Foley.

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