Zprávy HCJB 8.3.2009 - 14.3.2009

 Peruánská misie HCJB Global přináší do rodin evangelium
   Chcete-li zjistit, jak úspěšně některá stanice šíří své myšlenky, ptejte se taxikářů.

Misionář HCJB Global Carlos Pinto nedávno ve peruánském městě Huancayo nastoupil do taxíku, aby navštívil místní misijní rozhlasovou stanici v blízkém Tambo. Když řidič zjistil, že Pinto je hlavním šéfem stanice Radio Armonía (Harmonie), ptal se vysílačkou svých kolegů po přesné adrese stanice. „Tři taxikáři mu sdělili přesnou adresu a také věděli, že je to křesťanská stanice,“ řekl Pinto.

Při uvítání na stanici pastor Antenor Rojas zdůraznil, jak je odkaz HCJB Global důležitý pro dnešní činnost Radio Armonía. Už před jedenácti lety tato misie pomáhala Rojasovi založit místní stanici v Huancayo.

Předtím již na Rojasovu duchovní výchovu působila Academia Cristiana del Aire (Křesťanská rozhlasová akademie), kterou poslouchal na vlnách rozhlasové stanice HCJB z Quito. To je korespondenční kurz využívající i rádio. Pořad před desítkami let začínal jako Biblický rozhlasový institut, nyní jej řídí World Radio Network se sídlem v Texasu, který kooperuje s HCJB Global.

Pinto v rámci Radio Armonía spolupůsobil v rozhlasovém týmu ALAS-HCJB na živém vysílání „Hola Familia“ (Nazdar rodinko). Program pomáhal latinskoamerickým rodinám čelit typickým situacím radami různých odborníků zapojených do vysílání.

Rojas řekl, že Pintova osobní účast byla „velkým přínosem“ k popularitě programu v Peru. Již mnoho posluchačů od doby zahájení pořadu telefonovalo, aby děkovali, že Radio Armonía i misijní rozhlasová síť ALAS-HCJB vysílá tato významná témata o rodině.

Jedním z nově děkujících byla i paní Roxana, která studio Radio Armonía navštívila. „Mám problémy v manželství,“ svěřovala se. „Ale popravdě jsem hlavně chtěla říci někomu ze stanice HCJB, že díky poslouchání rozhlasových pořadů vaší stanice jsem začala poznávat Pána. Od té doby se mi moje problémy zdají být malé v porovnání s úžasným darem smět znát Boha.“

„Pohled na její tvář se slzami radosti byl tou nejmilejší Boží odměnou nám všem, kdo ve stanici pracujeme,“ řekl Pinto. „Pohled na změněné životy a lidskou vděčnost Bohu za vysílání je zážitek nad zážitek.“

Jeho návštěva v Huancayo, městě v Andách se 350 000 obyvateli byla součástí jeho cesty po Peru. Pinto slouží v nové aktivitě HCJB Global s názvem Corrientes (proudy), misii mobilizující latinskoamerické misionáře. Byl v Limě na setkání se skupinou, která se zabývá upevňováním vztahů mezi misiemi a místními sbory. Zdroj: HCJB Global
 Na festivalu Luise Palau v Guatemala City se očekává milion diváků
   Festival Luise Palau v Guatemala City v pátek a soboru 13. a 14. dubna bude největší evangelizací v historii země. Očekává se přes milion účastníků. Festival je součástí desetidenní kampaně zahrnující 25 samostatných akcí včetně setkání s prezidentem Guatemaly a členy jeho kabinetem, senátory, představiteli nejvyššího soudu, armády, soudců, starostů a dalšími hodnostáři. Za podpory Sdružení Luise Palau bude 3200 místních sborů a 25 000 cvičených dobrovolníků společně pracovat na velkém cíli, kterým je Guatemala - první latinskoamerická země s evangelikální většinou. Nyní je v Guatemale odhadem již 48 procent evangelikálů. Dobrá zpráva evangelia bude ze slavnosti přenášena živě rozhlasem, televizí a online do celého španělsky hovořícího světa. Zdroj: Christian Newswire, Luis Palau Association

*Spolupracující stanice Radio Impacto v La Mesilla v Guatemale přebírá programy ALAS, španělského vysílání sítě HCJB Global. Vysílání je slyšitelné také po obou stranách mexicko-guatemalské hranice. Vysílání zajišťuje 125 místních vysílačů po celé Latinské Americe a jeden ve Španělsku.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: HCJB Global If you want to know how well a radio station is communicating its message, ask a taxi driver.

Recently in Huancayo, Peru, HCJB Global missionary Carlos Pinto hopped into a cab to visit the Tambo neighborhood. When the driver learned that Pinto was heading to Radio Armonía (Radio Harmony), he immediately called on his dispatch radio to ask for the address.

“Three fellow taxi drivers gave the exact address and said it was a Christian station,” Pinto said.

Welcoming him to the station, Pastor Antenor Rojas explained how the legacy of HCJB Global has played a key role in the present-day outreach of Radio Armonía. Eleven years ago the mission helped Rojas establish the Huancayo station.

Prior to that, Rojas credits much of his own spiritual training to the Academia Cristiana del Aire (Christian Academy of the Air), heard via shortwave radio on Radio Station HCJB from Quito. This is a discipleship correspondence program that uses on-air teaching. Begun decades ago as the Bible Institute of the Air, it’s now administered by the Texas-based World Radio Network, a cooperating ministry of HCJB Global.

Once in Radio Armonía’s studio, Pinto participated with the Ecuador-based ALAS-HCJB radio team in the live program, “Hola Familia” (Hello Family). The program helps Latin American families face typical issues, incorporating the advice of various experts.

Rojas said having Pinto in person was a “special treat,” especially since the program is so popular in Peru. Afterwards, various people called to thank both Radio Armonía and ALAS-HCJB, the mission’s Spanish satellite radio network, for presenting such important themes about the family.

A young lady named Roxana also visited Radio Armonía’s studios. “I have problems in my marriage,” she shared. “But the truth is, I’m so excited to speak with someone from [Radio Station] HCJB that I just want to say it was through listening to your station that I came to know the Lord. Since then all of my problems seem small in comparison to the greatness of knowing God.”

“Seeing her face express a mixture of tears and smiles was the best payment God could have given those of us who labor at the radio station,” Pinto said. “Seeing transformed lives and people’s thankfulness to God for the broadcasts are unequaled experiences.”

His visit to Huancayo, an Andean city of 350,000, was a side venture to his trip to Peru. Pinto serves in HCJB Global’s new endeavor called Corrientes (currents), a ministry to mobilize Latin American missionaries. He was in Lima to meet with a group that facilitates strategic alliances among mission agencies and local churches.


Sources: Christian Newswire, Luis Palau Association
Plans are set for one of the largest evangelistic campaigns in the history of Guatemala with more than 1 million people expected to attend the Luis Palau Festival in Guatemala City Friday-Saturday, March 13-14. The festival is part of a 10-day campaign that will feature 25 separate events, including meetings with the Guatemalan president and his cabinet, senate, Supreme Court, military personnel, judges, mayors and dignitaries. With the support of the Luis Palau Association, some 3,200 local churches and 25,000 trained volunteers are working together in an effort to push Guatemala to become the first Latin American nation with a majority of evangelicals. An estimated 48 percent of the population is evangelical. Live broadcasts of the festival, aired throughout the Spanish-speaking world via radio, television and online, will reach millions more with the gospel message.

* Partner station Radio Impacto in La Mesilla, Guatemala, receives programs from ALAS, HCJB Global’s Spanish satellite radio network. The programs reach both sides of the Guatemala-Mexico border. Programming from ALAS is aired by more than 125 outlets across Latin America and one in Spain.


Sources: The Christian Post, Compassion International
Nearly 1,000 Christian radio stations across the U.S. joined Compassion International to raise awareness about worldwide hunger as part of Global Food Crisis Awareness Day Wednesday, March 11. The child sponsorship ministry is emphasizing that the economic crisis has not only devastated the stock and job market, but also the ability for the world’s poor to obtain food. “Average food prices around the world between 2006 and 2008 have risen at staggering levels,” Mark Hanlon, senior vice president of Compassion International-USA, said in a statement. “Rice during this time rose by 217 percent, wheat by 136 percent, maize by 125 percent and soybeans by 107 percent.” The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization reported that more than 30 counties are facing a food crisis, according to Reuters. “I’ve been fighting poverty for more than 30 years,” said Compassion President Wess Stafford. “Throughout that time I’ve never seen the potential for devastation that I see in the current global food crisis.” Compassion’s website calls the crisis a “silent tsunami,” victimizing the most vulnerable children. Ban Ki-moon, secretary general of the U.N., said the problem is a “moral outrage,” estimating that it will cost $40 billion a year to battle hunger in the next three to five years. Compassion provides nutrition and long-term strategies such as agricultural education, training and tools so those consumed by the food crisis have the opportunity to grow and prepare their own food.


Sources: Associated Press, Assist News Service, The Intelligencer
A man has been charged with gunning down a pastor in his pulpit at a Baptist church in Marysville, Ill., then stabbing himself and two worshipers who tried to tackle him on Sunday, March 8. Terry Sedlacek, 27, was charged with two counts each of first-degree murder and aggravated battery, according to Stephanee Smith, spokeswoman for prosecutor William Mudge. He entered a not guilty plea Wednesday, March 11, at the Criminal Justice Center. The plea was filed on Sedlacek’s behalf by Glen Carbon attorney Ron Slemer. Sedlacek is being treated at St. Louis University Hospital (SLUH). Rev. Fred Winters deflected the first shot from the gunman’s 45-caliber pistol after the two exchanged words at the front of the church on Sunday, March 8, but one of three additional rounds fired penetrated the minister’s heart.


Source: Bible League
Some are heralding a new day in Zimbabwe as Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai took his place with President Robert Mugabe in a power-sharing government earlier this month. Even with this change, the country continues to deal with record-setting inflation and unemployment as well as a widespread cholera outbreak. When he contracted cholera, Garai--a Bible League-trained Christian in Zimbabwe’s rural area of Murehwa--kept witnessing about God’s goodness to all those who were caring for him and visiting him. He shared his testimony while he was battled for is life and after God healed him. Using the Bible League’s study materials, he led 15 people (including five of his family members) to Christ. Today he leads Bible studies as God gives him the strength for this ministry. In Mabvuku, near the capital city of Harare, the Bible League recently held a training class for church planters. There were 28 people enrolled in the training. “Participation was high, and we are encouraged to see God expanding Bible League’s ministry into this area,” says Bible League’s national director in Zimbabwe. “The youngest participant was 17, and the oldest was 67. They are already reaching out into the surrounding communities with the gospel.”


Source: BosNewsLife
Hundreds of prisoners in Mexico responded to evangelistic appeals after programs that included spectacular sports stunts and some preaching, according to evangelists. Members of the Tom Flaskerud Evangelistic Association and the Freedom Team recently returned from conducting “Prison Power Explosion” programs in eight Mexico prisons across Sonora State with support of the government. More than 900 prisoners responded to invitations to receive, or renew, their relationship with Christ, with 489 of them indicating “a first-time acceptance of Jesus Christ.” Flaskerud is a former motorcycle gang outlaw who surrendered to Christ at age 30 after kidnapping his wife’s little sister. In the programs, the couple’s daughter, Joy, often joins him as a singer. They also display feats of strength by ripping up thick telephone directories. In Mexico they gave out 1,193 Spanish New Testaments as well as 345 copies of the Gospel of John and Romans, and Christian study books. Systematically working their way through Mexico’s prisons, the evangelists plan to return to Sonora State in late April for more ministry in seven additional prisons.

* HCJB Global Hands sent an emergency medical response team from Ecuador to Mexico in November 2007, joining with Samaritan’s Purse to provide relief to flood victims. HCJB Global Voice has also helped with training and Spanish programming for a pair of partner stations in Chihuahua, Mexico, and provides five hours of weekly programs for a station in Cuauhtemoc.


Sources: Baptist Press, Evangelical Press
The ethical controversy regarding U.S. federal funding for embryonic stem cell research could be made moot by a scientific breakthrough announced recently by British and Canadian researchers. The journal Nature reported that researchers found a safer way to reprogram ordinary human skin cells into embryonic-like stem cells. It was done earlier in a 2007 study by Japanese and U.S. researchers, but the British and Canadian researchers did it without the use of a virus used in earlier studies to complete the process. Stem cells are the body’s master cells that can develop into other cells and tissues, and they have the potential for leading to cures for diseases and other ailments. “It is a step towards the practical use of reprogrammed cells in medicine, perhaps even eliminating the need for human embryos as a source of stem cells,” one of the researchers, Keisuke Kaji of the University of Edinburgh, told The Guardian newspaper. “This new method will advance the field of regenerative medicine and should help understand diseases and test new drugs.”


Sources: Media Mission, rlgmedia
On the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, someone is an avid viewer of the Australian Christian Channel. At the same time in Spain, a growing audience of viewers watched the Australian Christian Channel (ACC) more than 18,000 times last month. Is there anywhere the gospel can’t go? The Internet has revolutionized the delivery of God’s Word worldwide, and the ACC, along with its Internet streaming partner, Sydney-based StreamIT, has been delivering Christian programming live online since 2004. Now, with the explosion of mobile technologies, the gospel is being taken even further. “In November I received an e-mail from a Christian in Singapore commenting how well he was receiving the ACC stream on his mobile phone,” said StreamIT Managing Director Mark Thorn. “You can now watch the ACC on your iPhone, on your mobile, on your laptop, and on your desktop--and if you like a program, you can download it from the octillion.tv site--no matter where you are in the world,” said Thorn. The ACC’s channel saw an early-2009 increase of 22 percent compared with the same months last year. “Perhaps it’s the global financial uncertainty that’s causing people to search for something more in their lives,” said Thorn.


Source Compass Direct News
Gun and club attacks on a Presbyterian church and neighboring homes in a predominantly Christian area of Pakistan Monday, March 2, left one woman dead and 16 people wounded. Seeking revenge for a robbery complaint that a Christian filed against him, Waseem Butt led groups of Muslims in indiscriminate attacks aimed at the Christian community of Sangu-Wali (near Aroop in the Gujranwala district), reported advocacy group Sharing Life Ministries Pakistan (SLMP). Groups of between five and 15 Muslims arriving from different directions attacked the church and area homes, said Sohail Johnson, head of the SLMP. During the violence, 45-year-old Shakeela Bibi sustained bamboo rod blows to the head and died before reaching the hospital. SLMP and the Center for Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement reported that the attack followed an attempt by a Christian to file a report with police against two Muslims for robbery and attempted rape. “The death of my wife is an irreparable loss to me and my children,” Manzoor Masih, Bibi’s husband, told SLMP. “I’m concerned that Muslims are very strong here. We are poor, and we can not afford enmity with them. They will kill us too.”


Source: Assist News Service
Librarians in Great Britain are being told to move religious books including the Bible and the Koran to top shelves to avoid giving offence to followers of Islam. A story in The Daily Mail reported that Muslims complained of finding the Koran on lower shelves, saying it should be put above commonplace things. Officials have responded with guidance, backed by government ministers, that all holy books should be treated equally and go on the top shelf together, according to reporter Steve Doughty. “This means that Christian works, which also have immense historical and literary value, will be kept out of the reach and sight of many readers,” Doughty writes. The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council reported that Muslims in Leicester had moved copies of the Koran to the top shelves of libraries, in keeping with the belief that the Koran is the all-important word of God. Critics have said such a move implies religious works should be treated as objects of veneration rather than as books to be read. “Libraries and museums are not places of worship. They should not be run in accordance with particular religious beliefs,” said Robert Whelan of the Civitas think tank. “This is violating the principles of librarianship and it is part of an insidious trend. One of the central planks of the Protestant Reformation was that everybody should have access to the Bible.”

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