Zprávy HCJB 5.4.2009 - 11.4.2009

 U příležitosti 200 let Mezinárodní Biblické Společnosti kalifornský pastor projede na kole celou Amerikou
   V pondělí 20. dubna zahájí kalifornský pastor Randy Gardner svou cestu na kole napříč Amerikou. Svou lásku cyklistice a k překládání Bible spojí do propagace Mezinárodní Biblické Společnosti (IBS). Svou cestou chce vzpomenout 200. výročí založení Mezinárodní Biblické Společnosti, která je nyní součástí IBS-STL Global. Gardner věří, že se mu podaří zvýšit povědomí o této společnosti a také podpořit sbírky pro její misie, aby se více výtisků Písma s životně důležitými slovy Boží lásky a milosti dostávalo k potřebným lidem. Historie IBS sahá k prosincovému večeru roku 1809, kdy se skupina mužů sešla na dolním Manhattanu, aby založili Newyorskou Biblickou Společnost, později přejmenovanou na Mezinárodní Biblickou Společnost. Skoro přesně 200 let nato, 29. května roku 2009, Gardner dorazí do cíle své cesty do stejného místa na Manhattanu u nábřeží Battery Parku. Pokud počasí a zdraví dovolí, chce Gardner ujet denně 100 mil. Celá jeho trasa měří 3600 mil (5000 km). Zdroj: International Bible Society, Christian Newswire
 Maroko vykázalo 5 křesťanských misionářů za obracení muslimů
   Vykázání křesťanských misionářů podtrhlo obavy o osud marocké křesťanské komunity. V neděli 29. března Maroko vypovědělo ze země pět křesťanských misionářů. Ministerstvo vnitra prohlásilo, že se pokoušeli „nezákonně“ obracet muslimy ke křesťanství. Čtyři Španělé a jedna Němka byli zadrženi při setkání s marockými muslimy v hlavním městě Casablance. Podle zpráv misie zveřejněných v místních novinách byli tito křesťané do Maroka posláni lodí. Zadrženo bylo množství „evangelizačního propagačního materiálu“ včetně videokazet v arabštině, které obhajovaly obrácení se ke křesťanství. The Associated Press citovala nejmenovaného úředníka, který prohlásil, že „Maroko není proti křesťanské víře,“ ale že úřady měly pocit, že misionáři „zašli příliš daleko.“ Křesťané byli vykázáni, aniž by byli vzati do vazby či úředně obviněni. Úřady také nebyly schopny sdělit, k jaké denominaci misionáři patří. Jejich vykázání přichází v době, kdy v sousedním Alžírsku byla řada evangelikálních křesťanů zadržena nebo obviněna. Zdroj: BosNewsLife

*HCJB Global Voice vysílá pro celou severní Afriku, Střední Východ a Evropu křesťanské arabské vysílání na krátkých vlnách, ze satelitu a z místních stanic. Odhaduje se, že asi 1 milion posluchačů si toto vysílání naladí alespoň jednou týdně. Služba The North Africa Sattelite Service vysílá pořady ‘přímo do bytu’ 24 hodin denně. V oblasti je nejvyšší koncentrace bytových satelitních antén na světě.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: HCJB Global
Many of HCJB Global Voice’s 350 media partners will carry special programming this Easter. But in the U.K. and India, HCJB Global’s efforts go beyond Christian radio to provide compelling programming for secular stations.

In India, HCJB Global Voice will air two 30-minute dramatized gospel programs on two major government FM channels, potentially reaching up to 50 million people. The programs tell the story of the life of Jesus, ending with His crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. The first half of the story will air on Good Friday, and the second half will air on Easter Sunday. The programs end with a question that listeners can answer via text message or mail for the chance to receive a surprise gift. Listeners who supply an address will also receive a pre-evangelistic, comic-style book in Hindi along with a program guide for programs aired from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave radio facility in Kununurra.

According to a study conducted by the National Readership Studies Council (NRSC) between 2005 and 2006, the reach of radio broadcasts has increased by 27 percent in India to 119 million people listening in an average week. Much of this growth is in the area of FM radio listenership.

HCJB Global-UK will air two short programs on major stations in the Yorkshire area. Combined, these stations can be heard by almost 180,000 people. One program called “Final Answer” is a spoof of a game show. The contestant has four possible answers to the question, “What’s going to be the number one goal in your life?” The last of the four options is “Friendship with God.” The second program is called “Pearly Gates Duty.” This program features the thief who died on the cross next to Jesus talking about the latest new arrivals in heaven.

The opportunity to build relationships with mainstream stations and provide thought-provoking programming for secular radio is a key part of HCJB Global Voice’s ministry in the U.K. “This is the sort of impact we’ve always wanted to achieve--not just isolated programs here and there, but a lasting relationship that changes the whole output of a radio station,” said HCJB Global-UK Director Colin Lowther.

Evangelistic outreaches such as these are as critical as ever to the media ministries of HCJB Global. “The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is one of the most creative acts of God in all human history,” said HCJB Global President Wayne Pederson. “We are committed to using the most creative radio programming to communicate this message. Our teams in India and the U.K. are great examples of this effort to connect the resurrection message with a new generation.”


Sources: Baptist Press, Crosswalk, Associated Press
Students in Fargo, N.D., have returned to school after more than two weeks off during which thousands helped in sandbagging efforts to shore up their city from potential flooding. The Red River crested on Saturday, March 28, then receded without causing the extensive damage many had feared in Fargo and neighboring Moorhead, Minn. Water damaged two buildings at Oak Grove Lutheran School in Fargo after a flood wall buckled. Elementary students returned to classes on Monday, April 6, while older students resumed their studies two days later at temporary classrooms in Fargo South. They will finish out the semester there. Across the Red River in Moorhead, public school classes were delayed because of bus route changes due to inundated rural roads. During the flooding a feeding unit from Baptist Conventions of Minnesota-Wisconsin and Iowa operated at West Fargo High School. Recent melting of snow in the area is threatening to cause additional flooding.


Source: Mission Network News
At the G-20 Summit in London Thursday, April 2, leaders acknowledge that the world’s economy cannot recover without social stability and protection for the most poverty-vulnerable. Women and children, many of whom wind up being trafficked, suffer the most. Globally, human trafficking is the third-largest source of profit for organized crime (after arms dealing and drug trafficking).

A February 2009 U.N. report says human traffickers make an estimated $31.6 billion annually on their cargo, and for every 800 persons trafficked, only one criminal is convicted. An estimated 900,000 prostitutes work in India, one-third of whom are believed to be children. Every year about 73,000 girls and women in India enter prostitution.

“The more we can address these issues, the more we can put money into helping these people and start making that shift,” said Kaytie Fielder, a regional representative for India Partners. “When we can protect the vulnerable and empower them, that is going to bring such a shift in our economy.”

Police studies show that for children rescued from prostitution, no alternative work awaits them. Fielder says in India, the major problem is a shortage of resources. “If they were to rescue these women and children, the challenge is to provide a place for them to go to be safe and to earn a legal income without being exploited.”

India Partners offers practical solutions by training rescued sex workers to use their skills to legally earn a living and care for their families. “And then, as relationships are built and trust is gained,” Fielder said, “they can share with them about Jesus.”

* Radio programs in 12 languages air to India from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. Most of the programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Source: Christian Newswire
Kevin Jenkins, managing director of a Canadian investment firm and vice chair of the board of World Vision Canada, has been appointed the new president and chief executive officer of World Vision International (WVI), the world’s largest Christian humanitarian aid organization. The appointment is effective on Oct. 1. At the organization’s semi-annual meeting in Kenya last week, the WVI board unanimously voted for Jenkins to succeed Dean Hirsch who announced last year that he was stepping down as president. Jenkins becomes WVI’s seventh president since its founding in 1950. Denis St-Amour, the WVI board chair, described Jenkins as a “committed Christian, a creative thinker and a visionary leader with a strong heart for children and the poor.” Jenkins, who lives with his wife, Helen, in Calgary, Alberta, said he was honored to be chosen to lead the organization. “I have a great sense of calling to bring sustainable change a nd dignity to the world’s poorest children, and this is possible because of World Vision’s strong reputation and the effectiveness of its people.” WVI operates in 98 countries with 40,000 staff members and an annual budget of $2.6 billion, serving more than 100 million people each year. Its community-based development work focuses on children while its relief arm responds to major natural and manmade disasters.


Source: Barna Group
People’s interest in--and reactions to--the social and political decisions of U.S. President Barack Obama and the Congress have heightened awareness of the different perspectives held by liberals and conservatives. The Barna Group research indicates that those differences are related to substantially different spiritual beliefs, behaviors and alignments. Overall, the nearly one-third of all adults surveyed (32 percent) considered themselves “mostly conservative” on social and political matters. Seventeen percent claimed to be “mostly liberal” on such matters with the other 51 percent of the adult population generally somewhere in between those opposing viewpoints. Based upon an evaluation of more than a dozen religious beliefs of liberals and conservatives, consistent and significant differences are evident. Liberals are less than half as likely as conservatives to firmly believe that the Bible is totally accurate in all of th e principles it teaches; to strongly believe that Satan is real; and to firmly contend that they have a personal responsibility to share their religious beliefs with others. Liberals are also much less likely than conservatives to believe that “God is the all-knowing, all-powerful Creator of the world who still rules the universe today.” Only about half of liberals adopt that view of God compared to more than four out of five conservatives.


Source: Crosswalk
The Christian Post reported that U.S. President Barack Obama has appointed retired Air Force Gen. Scott Gration as special envoy to Sudan. “I believe President Obama is taking the right action by appointing … Scott Gration as special envoy to Sudan,” said Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. “This is a critical time in Sudan and it is important for the U.S. to do as much as possible to help the millions of people whose lives hang in the balance because of the ongoing crises there.” Geoff Tunnicliffe, international director of the World Evangelical Alliance, also praised the appointment, saying that “millions of lives are at risk” in Sudan’s Darfur region after 13 aid agencies were recently expelled from the country.


Sources: International Bible Society, Christian Newswire
Dipping his bicycle tires in the Pacific Ocean in San Pedro, Calif., California pastor Randy Gardner will begin his Biking for Bibles cross-country bicycle trip on Monday, April 20. The ride combines two of Gardner’s passions: cycling and supporting the Bible translation and outreach ministries of International Bible Society (IBS). The trip commemorates the 200th anniversary of IBS, an affiliate of IBS-STL Global. Gardner hopes to raise awareness of and funds for the organization’s mission to provide Scripture resources to people worldwide who need the life-changing message of God’s love and mercy. IBS traces its history to an evening in December 1809 when a group of men met in a home located in lower Manhattan to launch the New York Bible Society, later renamed International Bible Society. Nearly 200 years later, on Friday, May 29, Gardner will end his trip in this same area of Manhattan along the historic waterfront of Battery Park. Wea ther and health permitting, Gardner will average more than 100 miles daily on his 3,600-mile journey.


Source: BosNewsLife
Expulsion of Christian missionaries has underscored concerns over the plight of Morocco’s Christian community. On Sunday, March 29, Morocco expelled five Christian missionaries. The Interior Ministry stated that the five were “illegally” trying to convert Muslims to Christianity. The four Spaniards and one German woman were detained while meeting Moroccan Muslims in the capital city of Casablanca. In a statement carried by local media, the ministry said the Christians were sent to Spain by boat. Numerous pieces of “evangelical propaganda material” were also seized, including video cassettes in Arabic that advocated conversion to Christianity, the ministry added. The Associated Press quoted an unidentified official as saying that Morocco “has nothing against the Christian faith” but that authorities felt the missionaries “had gone too far.” The Christians were reportedly expelled without being officially arrested or charged. Officials were not able to specify the Christian denomination to which the missionaries belonged. It comes at a time when several evangelical Christians have been charged or detained in recent months in neighboring Algeria.

* HCJB Global Voice reaches across North Africa, the Middle East and Europe with Christian Arabic programming aired via shortwave, satellite and local stations. An estimated 1 million households tune in to the broadcasts at least weekly. The mission’s North Africa Satellite Service airs programs direct-to-home 24 hours a day. This region has the world’s highest concentration of personal satellite dishes.


Source: Christian Post
While international attention is focused on North Korea’s rocket threat, a citizen living inside the country raised another concern that often is overlooked. According to a letter from a Christian in North Korea to Open Doors USA, the current living conditions in the reclusive country are “very bad.” Anonymously, the person wrote, “The price of rice continues to increase. Recently five women from our neighborhood were publicly executed; the youngest only age 28. Their crime? Trying to survive by looking for food. After their execution, we were no longer allowed to trade at the market.” North Korea is one of the poorest countries in the world with about 9 million citizens needing urgent food assistance, according to the World Food Program. The country has depended on food aid since the 1990s when a devastating famine resulted in the deaths of as many as 2 million people. Despite widespread hunger, the North Korean government re cently refused to accept future U.S. food aid and expelled all five relief groups that distribute American aid in the country. The estimated 400,000 Christians in North Korea face the constant threat of imprisonment, torture or public execution if authorities discover their Christian faith. North Korean church leaders have started a prayer campaign for the country’s evangelization, reported Open Doors. Amid worsening conditions, North Korean believers are becoming more united. They’re asking churches in the West to keep them in special prayer due to their dangerous situation.

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