Zprávy HCJB 10.5.2009 - 16.5.2009

 Pro děti v jižním Iráku dovezeno 460 dětských Biblí
   Válka a nejistota posledních letech způsobily, že většina křesťanů z iráckého města Basra odešla. Jeden spolupracovník Open Doors nicméně potvrdil, že věřící, kteří zde zůstali, nedávno dostali vítaný dárek. „Křesťanům v Basře jsme mohli poslat 23 krabic, každou se 20 dětskými Biblemi. To je velká novina,“ řekl tento spolupracovník zvaný jen Fadi. „Mnoho let byli křesťané v jižním Iráku izolováni od zbytku země i světa. Ale věci se obrátily k lepšímu a spojení i dopravní cesty jsou opět otevřeny. Díky Bohu!“ Basra má skoro milion obyvatel a je čtvrtým největším městem Iráku a současně jeho nejvýznamnějším přístavem. Z desetitisíců křesťanů žijících v Basře před rokem 2003 jich nyní zbyla asi tisícovka. Kdysi sekularizované město s tolerantními lidmi všech náboženských vyznání je není konzervativní islámskou společností, kde u moci je mnoho muslimských extrémistů – vysvětluje Fahdi. Zdroj: Evangelical News, Open Doors
 Libye pustila po osmi letech z vězení ghanského křesťana
   Libye propustila ghanského věřícího, který byl v roce 2001 odsouzen ke 25 letům vězení za dovoz evangelizačních materiálů. Potvrdila to skupina zabývající se tímto případem, Middle Eeast Concern (MEC). Ta oznámila, že Daniel Baidoo byl propuštěn ve středu 29. dubna na základě žádosti o prominutí zbytku trestu zaslané ghanským viceprezidentem libyjskému vůdci Muamaru Kaddáfímu. MEC uvádí, že Baidoo následující den odcestoval do Ghany. Tento křesťan byl ve vězení osm let, protože libyjští úředníci objevili, že si objednává křesťanskou literaturu od – podle MEC – „rozhlasové misie. Když si náš bratr šel na poštu materiály vyzvednout, byl uvězněn za dovoz evangelizační literatury a umístěn v proslulé věznici Jediah.“ Podle všeho v evangelizaci pokračoval i zde a MEC vyzývá křesťany k modlitbám, aby ti, „kdo s ním ve vězení poznali lásku Pána Ježíše, byli posilováni Duchem Svatým a aby tak jejich víra byla upevněna.“ Zdroj: BosNewsLife
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: Evangelical News, Open Doors
Due to the war and instability of recent years, most Christians have left the Iraqi city of Basra, but an Open Doors co-worker says the believers who remain recently received some welcome gifts. “We have sent 23 boxes, each containing 20 children’s Bibles, to the Christians in Basra, and that is great news,” said the co-worker, identified only as Fadi. “For many years the Christians in southern Iraq have been isolated from the rest of the country, and even from the rest of the world. But fortunately, the communication and transportation lines are reopening again. Praise the Lord!” Basra, with a population of almost 1 million, is Iraq’s fourth-largest city and home to the country’s main port. Of the tens of thousands of Christians who lived in Basra before 2003, it is estimated that fewer than 1,000 remain. The once-secular city formerly dealt with people of all religious backgrounds with tolerance, but it has become a conservative Islamic society with many Muslim extremists in power, Fadi explained.


Source: Christian Newswire
Encouragement and support are just a phone call away as a result of a new telephone-based Christian service that communicates uplifting messages through a scheduled daily call. Theecalling.com recently launched the service, and plans are in the works to include other religions. “With the current uncertainties of our world, we all face difficult and stressful challenges every day,” said Paul Glen Erb, cofounder of the website. “This is a great way for people to connect with God and bring positive energy to our subscribers.” Subscribers can choose the time they would like to receive their call. The daily devotional can take many forms: it can be a wake-up call in the morning, an inspirational message in the middle of the day, or a calming devotional prior to bed. Subscribers can customize where and when they would like to receive the call each day of the week. Theecalling.com is a faith-based organization dedicated to helping people g row daily through God’s Word.


Sources: Ecumenical News International, rlg media, REC News Exchange
The Nkhoma synod of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian has issued a statement describing the eight qualities of a good leader before national presidential elections later this month. The denomination is urging politicians to avoid the “provocative language that castigates opponents while campaigning.” Among the eight qualities listed are providing basic needs to people at grassroots level and not taking as personal the matters of government but include all stakeholders in setting national goals and objectives. The synod’s statement also said a good leader must be “God fearing” and “must lead by example, must have national interests at heart, uphold the rule of law and not focus on enriching himself or herself through the misuse of office.” The list of qualities were read in every pulpit in the Nkhoma synod in late April after questions were raised as to whether candidates were addressing issues that affected the ordinary people in Malawi and as the candidates used negative language against each other in rallies.

* In partnership with African Bible College, HCJB Global Voice helped plant a Christian radio station in Lilongwe, Malawi, in 1995. The station airs programs in Chichewa and English. Staff members from the HCJB Global Technology Center in Elkhart, Ind., also installed FM transmitters at stations in two Malawian cities, Blantyre and Mzuzu, in 2000. Recently HCJB Global Hands has joined with the Partners in Hope Medical Clinic, assigning three medical missionaries to the outreach.


Source: Mission Network News
Low literacy levels among the children of India’s slums pose a challenge that Worldwide Christian Schools (WWCS) is willing to meet. WWCS has launched several schools that now offer Christ-centered education, but the needs are much greater than the schools can handle. Meeting those needs requires funding and prayer support--a task requiring people to catch the vision. As a result, WWCS launched The Slumschool Project, a campaign using Facebook. The mission agency is seeking to raise funds to build and support three schools that would provide a Christian education to children in the slums of India. The goal is to find 1 million supporters and raise $1 million by December.


Sources: The Evangelical Alliance, rlg media
The Evangelical Alliance is calling on churches to prepare to set up networks of “flu friends” to care for the sick in case of a swine flu pandemic, following government guidance for faith communities. Such friends could visit the sick, collect medication and food, help with childcare and generally provide care, said Justin Thacker, the Evangelical Alliance’s head of theology and a former medical doctor. “The church is uniquely placed to provide such a service for the whole community, whether Christian or not,” he said. Thacker encouraged church representatives to contact their local health practice to ask how they can best partner with them to provide help for those hit by a pandemic. “Our primary role as evangelical churches is not to protect ourselves but to serve our communities and demonstrate the love of Christ to them,” he added.

* HCJB Global Hands’ Hospital Vozandes-Quito in Ecuador is tracking new cases of the H1N1 virus and leading the country in monitoring the threat of pandemic influenza. The hospital helped start an influenza surveillance program in Ecuador’s largest hospital, Hospital del Beneficiencia in Guayaquil. Flu cultures are sent from both Quito and Guayaquil to Lima, Peru, for registry with the U.S. Navy laboratory.


Source: Bible League
Danger doesn’t stop Bible League’s staff and volunteers. In six of the world’s 15 most dangerous countries, as recently ranked by Forbes.com, the ministry continues distributing God’s Word, holding Bible studies and establishing new churches amid political uprisings, desperate economic situations and unpredictable travel conditions.

Since 1977 Bible League has been working in Nigeria, No. 14 on the list, despite conflicts between Muslims and Christians that often erupt in violence. Christian youth and adults are enthusiastically receiving Bible League’s new youth version of the New Living Translation and the accompanying youth-specific Bible study that was developed in Nigeria.

In Haiti, No. 12 on the list, where being on the streets after 6 p.m. is so dangerous that even the police hide, staff members and volunteers have seen great receptivity to the gospel. “I have shared the gospel with more than 700 people, and 300 are now actively involved in churches,” said one volunteer. “I eat, I sleep, I share the gospel. My calling is to be a filler. I fill churches!”

In Sri Lanka, No. 7 on the list, where recent violence has forced more than 200,000 people into refugee camps, Bible League is placing Bibles into camps in the northern part of the country. “Many non-governmental organizations are being asked to leave the affected areas,” said the ministry’s national director. “We’re staying. The need for Bibles has never been more urgent.”


Source: Baptist Press
Jonathan Krohn’s speech at the 36th annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) earlier this year thrust him into the limelight. The teenaged member of the Atlanta-area Peachtree Corners Baptist Church, may be the most prominent 14-year-old in the nation. His guest television appearances include “Fox and Friends,” “Huckabee” and “The Today Show.” He’s also become a frequent guest on Bill Bennett’s syndicated “Morning in America” radio program. Krohn’s first interest in politics started at age 8 when Democrats in Congress were consistently filibustering President George W. Bush’s judicial nominees. He was fascinated by the filibusters and inspired to learn as much as he could about the political process. He began reading voraciously and started listening to talk radio and political commentary. Krohn’s meteoric rise to national fame started with his book, “De fine Conservatism,” followed by his two-minute talk before the annual CPAC gathering of conservative activists. “In the book I have defined conservatism which is based on four principles: respect for the constitution, respect for life, less government and personal responsibility,” Krohn said.


Source: BosNewsLife
Libya has released a Ghanaian believer who was sentenced in 2001 to 25 years in prison for importing evangelistic materials, a major rights group involved in the case confirmed. Middle East Concern (MEC) reported that Daniel Baidoo was freed Wednesday, April 29, following a plea for clemency by the vice president of Ghana to the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi. Baidoo left for Ghana the following day, reported MEC. The Christian man was detained eight years ago after authorities discovered he had been requesting Christian literature from what MEC described as a “media ministry. When our brother went to the post office to collect the materials he was arrested for importing evangelistic materials and imprisoned in the notorious Jedidah Prison.” He apparently continued to evangelize while in prison, and MEC urged Christians to pray that “those with whom he shared the love of Christ while in prison would be equipped by the Holy Spirit to grow strong in their faith.”


Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide
A Cuban pastor will face trial next week in the city of Camaguey after spending the last year in prison. Government prosecutors are asking that Pastor Omar Gude Pérez, who was initially detained on May 22, 2008, be given a seven-year sentence. Although he is facing criminal charges, there are indications that he is being targeted due to his leadership role in a fast-growing Christian organization. Charges of human trafficking lodged against Gude were dropped due to a lack of evidence earlier this year. He was not released from prison, however, and in April new charges of falsification of documents and illicit economic activities were filed. The prosecution’s new petition goes on to accuse the pastor of “counter-revolutionary conduct and attitudes.” Christian Solidarity Worldwide’s Alexa Papadouris said the fact that it has taken a year for the Cuban authorities to come up with criminal charges against Gude “demonstrates the absurdity of his imprisonment and gives credibility to the widespread belief that he is being targeted because of his leadership of an ‘unofficial’ religious community.”

* HCJB Global Voice continues to air Spanish programs to Cuba via shortwave from South America. Hundreds of listeners have enrolled in the ministry’s Bible Institute of the Air, a Spanish correspondence program incorporating radio broadcasts. In addition, numerous pastoral training workshops, held in conjunction with Leadership Resources International, have been held in Cuba since the mid-1990s.


Source: Compass Direct News
Members of a church in Depok, West Java, Indonesia, are unable to use their building after the mayor, citing protests from area Muslims, revoked a permit issued in 1998. Under a Joint Ministerial Decree issued in 1969 and revised in 2006, all religious groups in Indonesia must apply for permits to establish and operate places of worship. In 2007 members of a Muslim solidarity group from Cinere and neighboring villages damaged the boundary hedge and posted banners on the walls of the nearly finished Huria Kristen Batak Protestan church building in Cinere village, said Betty Sitompul, manager of the building project. Mayor Nur Mahmudi Ismail asked the church to cease construction temporarily to appease the protesters. After church leaders and the Muslim group vied for a favorable ruling from the mayor for more than a year, on March 27 he revoked the permit on grounds of preserving “interfaith harmony.” Rev. Simon Todingallo, head of the Christian Synod in Depok, said the decision breached the Joint Ministerial Decree regulations and appeased a small minority opposed to a church in the area.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with four local partners to establish 31 local Christian radio stations across Indonesia since 2004. Broadcasts in Indonesian from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra also air to Southeast Asia 14 hours weekly. In addition, HCJB Global Hands helped with relief efforts after the Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake/tsunami and subsequent quakes that devastated parts of Indonesia.

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